Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
Pope Honors Mrs. McMahon With all the pageantry of which a Cathol c diocese i• capable the Order of the August Cros•. be- stowed by Pope Piu XII, was pre- sented to Mr•. Marie Barrett Mc- Mahon ·esterday tor her 22 year~ of ser\'ice as Credit Manager for Mercy Hospital. The solemn pre entation of the Papal decoration. "Pro Eccles1a et Pontifice," was made by the Mo t Re\'. Charlt>s F. Buddy, Bishop of the Catholic Dioce e of San Diego, but the medal itself was pinned on Mr,. McMahon by her . on. the Rev. Fr. Robert Emmett McMahon. a Jesuit prie~t and profes.•or at the University of Santa Clara. Heralded by trumpet~. the pro- ce ~ion of priests. the Bi~hop. a ;nurses' guard ot honor and Mrs. McMahon filed into St. .To•eph's Cathedral ye•terday a 12;45 p. m. CONGREGATION WELCOMED The Very Rev. Francis Dillon. Rector of the Cathedral, welcomed the congregation and friends of Mrs. McMahon, and the Papal de- cree was read by the Right Rev. Msgr. Thomas McNamera. The decree read: "The Supreme Pontiff, Pope Pius XII, as an ac- the Pontiff, deigns to bestow upon Mrs. Mary Barrett McMahon the Order of the August Cross, and grant her the right to wear said decoration.'' The presentation was made be- fore the Bishop's throne. and Mrs. McMahon was given the mt'!dal and decree. CALLED 'LEADER' In his sermon, which followed the presentation. Bishop Buddy i termed Mrs. McMahon "a c~.tholic leader known for her learning and piety.'' "One great. absorbing motive guided her life--'Let us do good.' She exemplifies the truth of the saying, 'To those who love God. all things work together,' " the Bishop remarked. Mrs. McMahon took over the credit department of the hospital in 1925. after the death of her husband, Patrick Desmond McMa- hon. Mr. and Mrs. McMahon were instrumental in formation of St. Vincent's parish here. In addition to her son, Mrs. McMahon also has a granddaughter In th~ Church. The daughter of Mrs. McMahon's other son, J. Barnett McMahon, Marie Louise Barnett is a junior in the Convent o! the Sacred Heart at Menlo Park. REORGANIZED SYSTEM Mrs. McMahon was responsible I tor reorganization of the credit system at the Hospital and institu- tion of a new system extending the Hospital's charity work. In 1939, she helped establish a maternity clinic for persons of limited means, and in 1945 assisted in opening a general clinic for the poor. Several hundred friends of Mrs. McMahon attended a reception in her honor last evening at the Bish- op's residence. In the receiving line were Bishop Buddy. Mrs. McMahon, the Rev. Fr. McMahon and Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Martin, who previously had been decorated ,.. \ the Pope. labors in behalf of the Church and
Son Pins Decoration on Mot~er at Ceremonies
rie Barrett McMahon, at ceremon~s in St. Joseph's Cathedral. At right ls Bishop Charles F. Buddy.
The Rev. Fr. Rebert Emmett McMahon pins the ltnowledgement of the distinguished Order of the August Cross on his mother, Mrs. Ma•
The Religious and Alumnae of the Sacred Heart cordially invite you to be present at a reception Sunday afternoon, Moy Twenty-fifth to honor Mrs. Marie Barrett McMahon President of the Alumnae Association of San Diego. A!I are requested to assist at Solemn Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at three o'clock given by His Excellency The Most Reverend Charles F. Buddy, D.D.
t, :,.c Bis hop's privc..t e chapel nnd his gardens which overlook the bay . One of the young ladies hnd chnr~o of tho guest book which wns sign - ed by cnch of the visitors. The episcopal residence was docorntcd t'J::."'ou::.;hout vfith spring flovrors. During tho receiving hours n stringed ensemble plnycd nn nll - 1 c:::1,ucst progrnm o.rrongod by Mrs . HcM2hon so tho.t hor relatives n~1a ::icnds nt c.. distcnco might shnro in the happy occnsion. Prcsidinc Gt tho tee. tflblo nt the reception vvero Mrs. A.F. Ro1J1rnra, j'R:2SIDENT wife of General A.F,Hm·vcrd, USA; .::ind Mrs. Fo':f,: Bem::orts CJi' i\LUIVINAE the wife of,.in F.W. Bens on , USN. The Mos de.mes Hov.rr:rd and Benson nrc members of tho Alumnc..o of the fl:- crcd Hcort, of ·which Mrs . McM,hon is the loco.l ch~pter president. ~~1:ic Sund['..y follovling the prosontntion of the pC'..pc.l honors, the .Alum· of tho Scored Hoo.rt honored their loco.I president with c roc eptio~ ·1..t tho Convent of St,, M:i.dcleino Sophie, Sc.n Diego, v1hich is the ro~ndntion of tho Religious of the Snored Hoc.rt.
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