Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
this world today is chiefly caused from lack of relig- 1 ious training and living. Our only salvation is to return to God, and the best way is to instill in the minds of the young His teachings, so as the'y grow older they will be GAN OF THE DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1947 rdained June 5th
Protests gainst School oard Deri(inn Continue
10n o u ter m philosophy behind o
ing decent Cnn:n.n•u puu~•.,.~~ ·
• • • Will Be Largest Group in History of S.D. Diocese Ordinations to Take Place in St. Joseph's Cathedral Thursday Morning at 9 o'clock Seven seminarians will be ordained for the Diocese of San Diego by His Excellency the Most Reverend Bishop at 9 o'clock Thursday morning, June 5, in St. Joseph's cathedral. The members of the group, the largest ever to be or-
the Released
"Thank you for taking a stand we have enough of the present
Time legislation," Mr. Scott writes that "The Los Angeles City Board of Education adopted the measure
for all of us who believe in Christ-
theory of "It's all right just sb I I In a paid advertisem~nt whi_ch appeared in the San Diego daily newspapers, the San Diego Council of Churches explained its stand on the released time decision. Noting that the Board's decision to kill the release time program had been received by the Council with "Sur- prise and sincere regret, the ad don't get caught." squarely in opposition to the very large proportion of the parents who desired to have this instruc- tion continued for their children. The Board thus contravened the \ spirit and real intent of the law stated that the Board - "Acted
1an education.''
Robert E. Fleming of San Diego
1 unanimously, and it has worked wrote that "Your indictment of I quite satisfactorily. It is not in- ) the four members of the Boa rd of tended to belittle the people of San Education comes at a moS t oppor-
Diego as be.neath the intelligence ~r j morality of the citizens of Los AnF,eles, but rather to emphasize tltt amazing density of the views of your Board of Education, and if the newspapers are correctly quoting the fact, some of the lead- ing teachers of your city. "It has been my experience,"
tune time. Too long has Commun- ism been unchallenged in th e halls of State College, High Schools, au d in the school rooms of the grades. These atheistic teachi~s should not be tolerated. They If£ contaminating the mi nd s of cur youth. Politeness and courtes:I:' '.'e forgotten graces with _th e r:si~g generation. This is quite evidel t in street cars, busses, a nd in th e
(Continued on Page 3) (Continued from Page 1)
dained in San Diego, are the fol• lowing: the Rev. Jacob C. Benke, the Rev. James Ludwig, the Rev. Lucian J. Lauerman, and the Rev. Talmage F. Glazier, all students at the Catholic University of Amer• ica, the Rev. William A. O'Dwyer• · of St. John's seminary, Camarillo, : Calif., the Rev. Edward L. Kokosz- , ka, of St. Francis seminary, El Ca- jon, Calif., and the Rev. Jean B. Vincent, who is completing his studies at St. John's Home semi- nary, Little Rock, Ark. The Rev, Franklin F, Hurd, rec- tor of St. Francis seminary, and the Rev. HaiTy Mitchell, former rector of the seminary, will serve as chaplains to the Most Reverend Bishop. Another former rector of the seminary, the Rev. Leo L. Davis, will be assistant to the Or• dinandi. The Rev. Jacob C. Benke will celebrate his First Solemn Masa Sunday morning, June 8, in St. Patrick's church, La Junta, Colo- rado. In the afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock he will be honored at a re- ception to be held in St. Patrick's parish hall. Father Benke was ·born in Colo- rado Springs, Colorado, September 7, 1918. In 1921 with his family he ' moved to La Junta, Colorado, where he attended grammar school, secondary school and grad• (Continued on Page 3)
fr. Scott continued, "after ten streets and other public places."
r nd a half years of work as a
"Our children need more, much which definitely provides that the
member of the Los Angeles City more religious training, especiall
wishes of parents and children be
School Board, serving as its Presi- taken into consideration by local dent for five years, that the public Diego has a man of your eminence Boards of Education. The San Di- school teachers as a profession are who is willing to fight for th e ego Council of Churches regards animated by fine professional right. It is time for sectarianism permissive week day religious edu- ideals and concern for the welfare to step aside. All th e servants of cation as just as necessary in the of their children, notwithstanding God should join to see th at th e future, just as workable in its op- the disgraceful remuneration they feet of Young America are st arted eration, and just as beneficial and are receiving for such professional in the right direction. Following constructive to the community as work." this initial broadside, I hope you a whole as we did before pennis- Noting that "It has been my will continue your attack until our sion was denied by the Board of leasure to act as the spokesman School Board does its duty." Education." . of the group of lawyers who sup- Howard K. Merritt, Church Explaining that the Council I ported the Constitutional fight in School Superinte nd ent of _ Asbury members "take this position be- the courts," Mr. Scott stated that Methodist church wrBotle HiysExcfeolr- cause of our study of the opera- t "God ess ou "The argument of this case before lency o say tion of the program in this city the District Court of Appeals, and: your sta nd in th is matter: and "'in other cities and states the opinion of the District Court, "Harvey L. Lewis, Jr.b, is af P;:· throughout the country," the ad 1 f · d d a mem er o .,..,. recently sustained by the Supreme sona rien an 1 dm' h' states that "the proven results of Court, shows a depth of under- bury church and a ire tis interdenominational and inter- ! th . . 1 f d trength as a Christian Layma.1 o 1 th t standing o e prmcip es o e u- s . th d , faith cooperation, revea a cation and in the philosophy of stand alone aga'.n st the :o~ I Weekday Religious Education, as the American system of govern- Letter_s fa~or~~!nd ;:bli::~ carried out in San Diego this year, ment, which would well repay the ~rend B,ish~p: th People Thik'I is completely in accordance with perusal of every member of the m the :'1 a Sean Diego Dil~ our historic principle of freed~m Board of Education of San Diego, column i_n th e win . I for all religions and for no rehg- and any teacher or member of the Journal, include th e foLallo bugrY .... 1 1\ ions and is in strict accordance • " F Mrs Norman s · ' Superintendent's office. rom · t d hy anyo:i.e with the important principle of the in the schools. Thank Heaven, San
, h presented to 'T e argumen we the Court was that this amend- ment was in line with the Consti- tution of the United States, which guaranteed freedom of religion, and was not intended to deprave us by freedom fro"II religion," Mr. t
cannot unders an regardless o w a
d st t " a e.
f ·h t church he be· separation of Church an
longs to, could object to th e rehg- ious training program. The only objection that I can make is th at it is only given one hour per week instead of our hour per day,
Scott wrote.
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