Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
heart of Father Brady. There may be some here today who recall the lean years at the Cathedral when our honored jubilarian mounted a ladder to clean the old massive altar. He spared not himself to make attractive the House of God. Whether as Apostolic Administrator, or as Vicar General, or as Consultor to three successive Ordinaries or as a Director of the Library Board, his courageous, unbiased stand in every vital question has wielded an immortal influence and shed luster on the Church. Wherever this noble- minded priest trod he found honor among his fellow citizens. Uncompromising honesty compells respect for the man who is concerned not about being on the right side but about being on the side of right. No wonder his zeal fostered intense spirit- uality in every phase of Catholic life. In turn it 12
afforded him genuine happiness, because the whole gamut of intense delights rates nothing higher than bringing a soul closer to God. Before concluding, may we pause m loving tribute to revive the memory of that home where Monsignor Brady's vocation started. The longer we live, and the more experience we gam m appraising realities, the more we evaluate what our parents said to us, and what they did for us. With the passing years it looms larger and larger. In retrospect, visualize William and Rose Growney Brady consecrating their ten children to the God of their Fathers, bespeaking for them the undying Credo of their race. It is an epic of Christian fortitude-a saga of valiant achievement. With Father James Power, of blessed memory, and other pioneers of County 13
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