Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948


The Rev. Eric O'Brien, OFM, of Santa Barbara, speak!! at cere- monies at Mt. Serra Cross overlooking Presidio Park. He is Vice Postulator for canonization of Father Junipero S~rra, mission founder.

The Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, Bishop of the San Diego Catholic Diocese, prepares to enter Mis• sion San Diego de Alcala in Mission Valley to celebrate a high mass commemorating 'the 178th anni• versary of the mission. With the Bishop are his attendants, at right is the Knights of Columbus guard.

;CEREMONIES PAY HOMAGE 178th Year of Mission Serra Ho~ored :TO ALCALA MISSION'S FOUNDER San Diego to Be Noted By San D1egans (Continued from Page 1) of Santa Barbara, delivered the 1

High Mass, Cavalcade, Barbecue, Fiesta Included on Mission Anniversary Program . On Sunday, July 13, the 178th anniversary of the found- ing by Father Junipero Serra of the old mission San Diego de Alcala, the first mission in California, will be noted with appropriate ceremonies. A High Mass will be celebrated in the Old Mission at

San Diego became the cradle of Christianity, civilization and cul- ture in California on the morning of July 16, 1769, when Fr. Junipero Serra raised the Holy Cross at the pueblo grounds now known as Presidio Park. Scores of San Diegans paid trib- ute to the Franciscan monk yes- terday on that hallowed spot where he raised the crude cross and estab- lished the first of 21 California missions. · Father Serra was honored in day-long festivities in Presidio Park and Mission San Diego ,de Alcala, in Mission Valley. Anniversary ceremonies at the mission began at 10:30 a. m. with celebration of a high mass Coram Pontifice by the Rev. Clarence Manns, OFM. The Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, Bishop of San Diego Diocese, presided. , Preceded by a colorful guard of honor of Knights of Columbus, deacons and aids, Bishop Buddy entered the ancient adobe mission and strode to the candle-laden altar s as 200 worshippers genuflected in J unison and the Nazareth House i Choir began chanting a Latin In- i dian Mass. The Rev. Edward Johnson, Mass Deacon, read the Gospel in Latin . and the Rev. Eric O'Brien, OFM, . ( Continued on Page 3-A, Col. 7 )

PLAYED IMPORTANT ROLE Mr. Marston, one of the founders and an honorary president of the :f]:istorical Society, "played an im- portant role in the restoration of the Mission in 1931," Dr. Baily de- clared. "He also purchased the 22 acres comprising the park area, presented it to the City and then erected the prisent Museum building. We pa): tribute to Father Serra for brmgmg Christianity to our commumty. We refer to 'Father' . Horton as one of San Diego's found- er~. In the near future, San Diegans ;,vill r,efer to Mr. Marston a1 Father Marston for his unprece- dented c~ltural achievements in the commumty. After the park ceremonies, a I cavalcade of costumed riders par• ad_ed_ from Old Town to the Old Mission, where engraved certifi• cates we~E: presented participants. T!1e certificates bore a troubador picture and a poem honoring horse- men. who traveled as Father Serra did rn 1769. CEREMONIES IN FIELD Anniversary ceremonies were held rn the Mission athletic field followed by. the Fiesta of Spanish dances, music and a grand barbe- cue. Sixteen Winners in the mounted caval~ade were presented with trophies at the end of their ride I by Leo Carrillo, leader of the I processi,on. . The winners were: ,vamen s oest silver Mrs Arthur :rattt; Men's best silver,' WaJtei- Church· es ~ountep group, Rock and Ride Rider~, Special award, Balboa Mounted 'I'.roop, best Spanish costume, Olive Har- rmft't_on; best early Indian costume Joe Ga1vm ; best Indian Pair. Bob Gustafson and Nylon Bennett: best clown. Charlea Jen~on . best horse-drawn vehicle .Mr and. Mrs. ~ohn Smith: best Arab eoStume; ~~i~\1emf'~f.dle.v; best side-saddle. Mra. B~st parade costume, Jean Morgan· special award. Leon Casare; Women's bes! Western, Beverly Allen; men's best West- 6t~• D~;~;.. McHugh; special award, Wil•


He outliI!.ed the progress made by civilization since the days when ancient Mariners "braved the seas to help bring Christianity to our shores." 1 "The lasting testimony of their l convictions is all around us," he s declared. "We now reap the harvest 1 of their frontier spirit. We should be prepared now to meet the same ageless challenge." Father O'Brien, who is Vice Pos- 1 tulator for the cause of the canoni- 1 zation of Father Serra also spoke. '. The ceremonies were s'ponsored by '. the San Diego Historical Society at Mt. Serra Cross, overlooking Pre- sidio Park. Father O'Brien declared that Fa- t ther Serra's vast humanitarian ' work among early California set- tlers and Indians is being analyzed

· 10:30 o'clock by the Rev. Clarence Manns, OFM, with His Excellency I the Most Reverend Bishop presid- ing. The sermon will be delivered by the Rev. Eric O'Brien, OFM, re- l nowned author, lecturer and vice• postulator for the cause pf canoni- zation of Father Serra. The celebration which will con- tinue through afternoon and eve- ning, will include a cavalcade from Presidio park to the Old Mission, Leo Carrillo, noted motion picture actor, will participate in the cav- alcade and take part in the pro- gram at the Old Mission which will include entertainment, award- ing of prizes to participants in the cavalcade, and a fiesta and barbe- cue sponsored by the Old Mission parishioners. A program under the direction of the San Diego Historical Soci- ety, will begin at Presidio Park at 1 p.m., and will be followed l'.>y the historical cavaloade from Presidio to the Old Mission. The cavalcade (Continued on Pa,ge 2)

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