Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

Drive For



Plcinned I Huge Educational Center To Be Built in San Diego Will Include Men's and Women's Colleges, High, Grade, Military Schools, Seminaries After his first conference with a committee of experts held in the Chancery Tuesday morning, J uly 15, His Excel- lency the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, DD, Bishop of San I Diego, announced plans for a mammoth drive for funds to finance the projected San Diego university. The goal of the


Firm Surveys Diocese to Aid Its Fund Drive Results to Indicate Value of Pledges To Be Assembled The New York firm of ex- pert promoters has started a complete survey of the dio- cese of San Diego prepara- tory to completing details of the campaign to raise $2,500,000 for the educational program need• ed in the diocese. This survey is so thorough- going that the results reach with- in a few hundred dollars the exact amount of pledges that can be assembled. Those in charge ot this work, who have already cred- ited the people of Southern Cali• fornia with a high i:ating, found that they anticipated that from 96% to 98% of the pledges will be paid within the alloted time ot 18 months. Acute Need the completion of the Rockne In- stitute of Technical Arts, better known by its popular name 'Boy~ Town,' we cannot close our eyes to the crying need of this locality -the higher education facilities found In the high schools and col- leges, and especially colleges for the young men in the diocese. Within the past 10 years charit- able institutions and educational advantages for girls have in- creased, but colleges for men is the most outstanding need which spells Catholic leadership in this sense." In a statement issued at the Chancery Office, His Excellency said in part, "While the objective I of the proposed fund project will include the necessary funds for Part of the San Diego fund plan is the imposing eminence of 160 acres which will be known as Al- cala park with its ideal site over- looking Mission Valley, the bay and the Pacific ocean. It has ! many healthful and climatic ad• vantages. 1 ed at 8 o'clock Saturday morning b! the Most Reverend Bishop, as- sisted by the Rev. Theodore Hat- ton, O. Carm., the Rev. Henry Szwaja, CR, the Rev. Earl Ullman the Rev. Daniel J. Ryan, the Rev'. Anthony Kasper, the Rev. Joseph P. O'Leary and Father Linneman. / After the ceremonles His Excel- lency celebrated the first Low Mass on the newly consecrated al- tar for the people of the parish. He imparted an indulgence to all those present and to all who will visit the church on an anniversary of the altar's consecration. He con- gratulated the people on the beauty of the altar and the church and envisioned a great future fo; the parish under the direction of its zealous pastor. The Most Reverend Bishop at- tended a luncheon for the clergy Saturday noon, and stayed to meet the parishioners at the barbecue and Bazaar Saturday afternoon. The barbecue and oazaar, which featured the opening of the new church, were well attended and much enjoyed, according to Father Linneman, who announced that the contribution of a Palomino horse to the church by Mr. :Peter Marron contributed greatly to the finan- cial success of the bazaar. Consecrates Altar 1 The marble altar was consecrat-

THE SOUTHERN CROSS, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1947 HOLY FATHER SENDS I /THANKS TO DIOCESE ~?ci!f of the Holy See" for the coopera- 1 I tion received from the Diocese of 1 San Diego in supporting the So- ciety for the Propagation of the I Faith, the Missionary Union of the 1 Clergy and the Work of St. Peter I the Apostle for the Native Clergy has been received from His Holi- ness Pope Pius XII by His Ex- cellency the Most Reverend Bish- op. In a Jetter l'eceived from Rt. Rev. Msgr. Thomas J. McDonnell, National Director of the Pontifical Mission Aid Societies who attend- ed an international meeting of na- tional directors held in Rome re- cently, the blessings of God were invoked upon His Excellency, the clergy, religious, and laity of the Diocese of San Diego "for this co- operation in a work so dear to the Sacred Heart." Appreciation of E:is Holiness Pope Pius XII to the local dioces~ was expressed to Monsignor Mc- Donnell in a private audie~e with the Holy Father, His Eminenr.e Pietro Cardinal Fumasoni-Biondi, I Prefe<:t of the Sacred Congrega- tion de Propaganda Fide, also ex- pressed his gratitude for the as- sistance of the diocese. Bishop Dedicates Encinitas Church,. · Consecrates Altar ,, (Continued from page l) f cellent appointments. The Most s Reverend f3ishop thanked all those e who had a part in the erection of • the new church, especially Mr. Neal, and describea the church as 11 a noble monument to God in these t days of atheism. During th e Mass a musical pro- ,f gram was provided by Mrs. Ther- g- esa Kremer Hurst, a concert sing- e er, her husband, Mr. Dale Hurst f c e 11 o accompanist, and Mrs'. Josephine Yoch. organist. t At the end of the Mass the pas. • t~r, Father Linneman, expressed . h_1s gratitude to all for their as- , s1stance. - The Most Reverend Bishop also - preached at the 10 o'clock E:igh 3 Mass which was celebrated by the / f pastor and Which was well at- . / tended, /

'fund drive for this much needt>d and extensive educational program which will need the backing of the entire comm11I1ity will exceed $2,• 500,000. San Diego University will be erected on a 160-acre strip of I ground to be known as Alcala. Park on Linda Vista road. The diocese has for the last five years been gradually acquiring this land with the view to opening t he ed- ucational center to be known as San Diego U:niversity which will include the San Diego College tor Women, an academic high school for girls, a complete grade school

HiJge Educational Center ToBe Built in San Diego Will Include Men's and Women 's Colleges, High, Grade, Milita ry Schools, Seminaries After his. first conference with a committee of experts held in the Chancery Tuesday morning, July 15, His Excel- lency the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, DD, Bishop of San Diego, announced plans for a mammoth drive for funds to finance the projected San .Diego university. The goal of the 'fund drive for this much needt>d

Bishop Dedicates Encinitas Church, 1 Consecrates Altar ENCINITAS - The new St. John's church in Seasilfe Gardens was dedicated by His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, Sunday morning, July 20, one day after the San Diego Ordinary had con-. secrated the church's marble altar. I The Rev. Patrick H. Linneman, I pastor of St. John's parish, assist- ed the Most Reverend Bishop at I the dedication ceremonies which were attended by a large crowd which included many Protestants. Among those at the ceremonies were Mr. James R. Neal, in whose nortuary Mass was celebrated luripg the remodeling of the •huri:h, and Mr. F. Holliday, archi- ect•

and extensive educational program which will need the backing of the entire community will exceed $2,• 500,000. San Diego University will be erected on a 160-acre strip of ground to be known as Alcala. Park on Linda Vista road. The diocese has for the last five years been gradually acquiring this land with the view to opening the ed- ucational center to be known as San Diego University which will include the San Diego College for I Women, an academic high school for girls, a complete grade school (Continued on Page 2) Praises Beauty After the dedication His Ex- cellency celebrated· a Low Mass in the crowded church. In his sermon he praised the simple exquisite beauty of the church, a remodeled chapel from a military post, and expressed the hope that no add!· tional statues would be placed in the church to detract from its ex- (Continued on Page 2) I

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