Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948


Abore: San Diego from the El C01·tez Hotel Sky Room. The hai·bor (back- g rnund) has li llle cornmeree b u t plenty of avy, which is the o. 1 industry.

Below : The ci t y h as belatedly begun to exploit its natui-al attractions, in clud - ing its fourteen urf-rolled beaches and unbea table year- arou n d cl imate. Newman High School for Boys To Open Sept. 15 FONTANA-Newman High school for boys, conducted by the Fathers of the Resurrection, will open with Fresh- I man and Sophomore years (9th and 10th grades) on Sep- tember 15. Next year will witness the addition of a Junior year and possibly also a Senior year. Situated in Fontana, California, ------------ the school is centrally located to Officials Named accommodate conveniently oys The Rev. Theodore Zurek, CR, ts from San Bernardino, Riverside, superior; and the Rev. Walter J. Ontario, and other surrounding Mikosz, CR, formerly San Diego communities. Arrangements are Deanery Director of the CYO, and being made whereby the bus lines Moderator of the Newman club at will provide adequate transporta- San Diego State co])ege, is ap- tion to students Jiving in outlying pointed rector. districts.


I Plans Being Drawn for · St.Vincent Parish School; Buildings Remodeled Plans for a school for St. Vin- cent parish, San Diego, are being drawn and are expected to be ready by November, the Very Rev. Patrick Dunne, pastor, has an- nounced. It is hoped to have the school, which will have facilities ' for 200 students, ready for the fall, 1948, school term. The school will be staffed by six Dominican Sisters from Tacoma, Washington. Extensive improvements being made in st. Vincent parish include remodeling of the convent, rectory and auditorium, and installation of I a marble altar in the church, : I

==============================================:,- LABOR DAY Labor Day is the day set aside by act of Congress; a day to review the accomplishments of working men and women, to reaffirm the aims, ambitions, and needs of all those who work with their hands and minds. In San Diego we have passed through a year of excellent labor management relations, with few work stoppages and an increased productivity. We have assumed our responsibility to the community and h~ve served our fellow citizens whenever and wherever possible. We are proud of the increase in wages and conditions gained by most of our unions. We also feel proud of our friendship with His Excellency, Bishop Charles F. Buddy, of San Diego. His friendly coopera- tion and peaceful approach has been a guiding light in many of the problems that have confronted our people during the past year. His constant fight to protect from transgression the rights and freedoms of the individual parallel our objectives in organized labor. With the many grave problems that we shall face in the coming year, it is only fitting and proper that we celebrate this Labor Day with spiritual observance. I take this oppor- tunity to thank His Excellency, Bishop Buddy of San Diego, for the cooperation and understanding that he has given the San Diego labor movement. (signed)


Possessing the best of modern school equipment available, New- man High school will furnish a lib- eral arts course of studies prepar- atory to entrance to any coUege or university. Classes will be con- ducted by qualified Fathers of the Resurrection. The school will be fully accredited. Believing strongly 1n athletics, the Resurrectionists will have a complete sports program. There is also a swimming pool for the use of the students. Official registration ts scheduled for September 11, and early regis- tration is encouraged. Non-Cath- olics as we]) as Catholics will be accepted in the school. Tuition '"'ill be $100 a year. States Policy In an interview for the Fontana News Father Walter said "We be- live education consists in develop- ing a boy in all three ways, intel- lectuaUy, physicalJy and morally. .We want to give each boy individ- ual consideration. Our policy will be, not to mold a boy into a cer- tain fixed pattern, but to find out his capabilities and to develop him in those lines; to find the good points in his character and stress them, so that he wilJ leave school as an individual but a polished individual." The high school is named for Cardinal Newman, who was an Episcopalian minister famous in England in the Oxford Movement in the nineteenth century prior t his conversion to Catholicism. He was an outstanding scholar, p • ticularly kno\\rn for his beautiful and distinctive prose style. Shortly after his conversion he was ap- pointed a Cardinal of the Church.

For a long time His Excellency the Most Reverend Bishop planned on having a Catholic High school for boys in the northern part of the San Diego diocese. The Fath- ers of the Resurrection who were invited to undertake the task ac- quired property in Fontana, and immediately began work on the :school.


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