Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948



Taft-Hartley Bill C~nnot Last, Prelate Tells CrowdAttending Labor DayMass Because it is "a measure of expediency" and "false in principle," the Taft-Hartley Bill cannot last, His Excellency the Most Reverend Bishop told the hundreds of representa- tives of organized labor and others who filled St. Joseph's cathedral last Monday morning at the Solemn High Mass Taft - Hartley Bill ceiebrated to invoke Divine Guid• ance on the labor movement.

Bishop's Labor Day Address Attracts \Many Comments 1 From various parts of the I country including cities as far away as Boston, Massachu- .setts and Arlington, Virginia, have come comments regard- ing the Labor Day address of His Excellency the Most Reverend Bishop. Included among the communica- tions was one signed "Virginia Reader" which tells how the writer disposes of his copies of The Southern Cross. The letter follows: Dear Bishop Buddy: Congratulations on your Labor Day edition, on your Mass for the men and women of organized labor and on your consistently excellent presentation of Catholic News. I have just finished reading the last three issues of The Southern Cross and no longer have them in my possession. The Labor Day edi- tion I have clipped in several places and is in the waste basket, full of holes. The other two bacl{ editions lie on the table of my (Continued on Page 2) ST. ED\VARD'S SCHOOL, CORONA, IS DEDICATED SUNDAY q SEPTEMBER 7 Sunday afternoon, September 7, the new St. Edward's parochial school was dedicated at ceremonies presided over by His Excellency the Most Reverend Bishop. The Rev. CORONA -



The Bill, which "stands as a barrier to that mutual cooperation that should be fostered between management and organized labor • • • proposed to legislate justice into the ranks of labor and man- agement,"• His Excellency said, adding that "Temperance, justice, charity are not achieved by legis- lation but by the moral principles enunciated by Jesus Christ and propounded by Christianity." (More complete excerpts from the Most Reverend Bishops ser- mon will be found in the editor- ial columns on page 4.) Blaming the adoption of meas- ures that are expedient instead of right for many injustices in the world, the Most Reverend Bishop asserted that "This fatal subter- fuge has drenched both the face of Europe and America with the blood of her best citizens. Pagan lawmakers first prostitute the heart to a sordid interest and then prostitute the intellect to a. de- fense of the dead." "Organized labor must take & (Continued on Page 2)

Cannot Last, SD Bishop Asserts (Continued from Page 1) definite, uncompromising stand against ·communism, and Commu- nistic trickery and double-dealing, because the ultimate aim of Com- munism, whether in a government or organized labor, is the enslave- m~t of the individual," His Ex- cellency stated, adding, "Let or- ganized labor be the vanguard o! the individual rights of man. To guard them effectively, the work- , er must exercise his franchise, be a definite part and articulate at ,every meeting of his Union." Practically every labor union in San Diego was represented at the Mass which was celebrated by the Rev. Leo L. Davis, diocesan direc- tor of labor relations. The San Diego Federated Trades and Labor Council was represented by Mr. Dan Nelson, vice-president, and Mr. John W. Quimby, secretary- treasurer. Mr. C. O. Taylor, presi- dent, was unable to attend. Officials Present Others at the Mass were Mr. Walter J. DeBrunner, president of ~he San Diego Building Trades ouncil, Mr. Collins, vice-president, r. K. G. Bitter, secretary, and r. William Parker, assistant ecretary of the Council. Mr. Ed Reilly, of Team'sters al 542, and Mr. Dudley Wright, usiness representative of Cooks d Waitresses Local 402, both embers of the Board of Admin- tration of the Federated Trades d Labor Council, and Mr. Claude ierce, of tl'le Plasters and Cement inishers Local's executive board ere also present, Carpenters Local 1571 was rep- sented by Mr. Guy Duncan, and irpenters Local 1296 by its presi-' mt, Mr. Ben Chavez, Mr. Leon lmer, who is also assistant busi- ss agent of the district council carpenters, and by Mr. Archie "1:Keller, a member of the local's ard of trustees.

Shown talking with Bis Excellency the Most Reverend Bishop after the Labor Day Mass celebrated at 9 o'clock in St..Joseph's cathedral to invoke heavenly blessings and Divine guidance on organized labor are Mr. K. G. Bitter, member of the board of administration, San Diego County Federated Trades and Labor Oouncil, center, and Mr. John W. Quimby, secretary-treasurer of the San Diego Federated Trades and Labor Council.

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Matthew Thomp- son, pastor, had

lnt!'rest Gained

Today, after



two editions of The Southern Cross and placing them on the ta- ble beside me in the dentist's of- fice I noticed an elderly lady come in, sit down, and pick up the near- She glanced at The Southern cross curiously, thumbed est paper.


t rac S

planned the cer- Add emonies which were attended by · approximately 50 M priests and mon- signori of neigh-



t any Ommen S (Continued from Page 1)



....,.,...,....._ in the northern Jewish dentist, where the unin through it, and then proceeded to Fr. Thompson part of the Dio- , formed may receive a pleasant fan herself vigorously. After a surprise in reading news not gen- while, she put down her "fan," cese of San Diego and in the Arch- erally reported in the metropoli- picked up the other issue and ac- diocese of Los Angeles. I tan Washington papers. tually read several articles. I don't Led by a color guard of Boy Scouts, the San Diego Ordinary Purposely Forgetful believe she was a Catholic becau1:1e It is all part of a "plot" of mine. I have never seen her at our small marched in procession from the Since coming home from the Pa- parish church. rectory to the new school, chant- cific I have made it a practice t Incidentally, I clipped a recent editorial on dentistry, I During the ceremonies the Most Cross or other Catholic newspaper quoting the Pope on the subject ·Reverend Bishop was assisted by whenever I go to the dentist, doc- and gave it to my dentist who and other members of the clergy ing "Veni, Creator Spiritus." always take with me The Souther Catholic \ the Rev. David P. McAstocker, SJ, tor or barber. While I am wait- expressed and the Rev. Father Gerard, O~M, ing for my turn, I read through as thoughtfulness. director of st. Boniface Indian many issues as I can and then appreciation of my Respectfully yours,


school, Banning.

manage to "forget" the papers!


''Virginia Resident.'"

I After the dedication, the pro• when I leave the office or shop. (Continued on Page 2)

What happens after that I have : no way of knowing, but it seems · to me that if thousands of Cath- olics across the country would adopt the same practice it might I become a very definite part of what we vaguely term "Catho!iC' , Action." At least I pass it on for your consideration.

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