Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
GENEROUS RESPONSE SHOWN BY PARISHES IN SOAP AND TOWEL DRIVE A very generous response has been made in answer to the appeal for towels and soap to offset the l terribl\ plague in the war stricken countries of Europe. Characteris- tic of the parishes of this diocese, outstanding generosity has been shown. St. Joseph's cathedral has col- lected $83.75 to date while St. Pat- rick's parish has purchased $480 worth of soap and 345.95 worth I of towels, which they have for- warded to NCWC Relief Services warehouse in New York City. St. Bernardine's church in San Ber- ' nardino reported $323 whereas St. Edward's in Corona sent in a check in the amount of $140. A complete list of cash contribu- tions received during the week is as follows: I ~[~~~~~a~~r;et.~or:,sarTsh-:-san- Ber-$49,089.26 I nardino. for soap nnd towels._ 323.00 St. Francis de Sales parish, Riv- erside -- - _ . __ . 200.00
Attend LaborDayMass SD Ordinary to Preach at Mass Which' Will Invoke Divine Guidance on labor Many members of San Diego labor unions and their families are expected to attend the Solemn High Mass Coram Pontifice to be celebrated Labor Day, Monday, September 1, at 9 a.m., in St. Joseph's cathedrnl to invoke divine guidance on the labor movement.
The union members and their families were invited to attend the Mass by His Excellency the Most Reverend Bishop In a .letter in which the San Diego Ordinacy, stressed that "We all need to In• voke Divine guidance and to beg • the E:oly Spirit of Wisdom to
Father Thompson Gives Stand on Bus f s d I es or tu ents R •d
CORONA-The question of awaken a keener sense of justice, furnishing public school bus respect for mutual rights and obll• transportation to students of gations on the part of both man• St. Edward's Catholic school agement and worker." The San Diego County Federated day, August 21, at a special meet- Tr~des and Labor Council gave un- ing of the local school board at an1mous endorsement to the Most which the Rev. Matthew Thomp- Reverend Bishop's plan for the La,. son, pastor of St. Edward's church, bor Day Mass, '.'-"d & committee explained with clear-cut logical ar- headed by Wilham Parker was guments which went unanswered named to coordinate plans with why the students of non-public the Chancery Office. end Bishop will preach at the Mass The Corona Dally Independent, which will be ~elebrated _by the which devoted two full columns of Rev. Leo L. Davis. The Rev. James its August 22 issue to the discus- L. Ludwig will serve as Deacon, sion, stated that "the entire inter- a nd th e Rev. Edward L. Kokoszka. play of words between Father will be sub-deacon. Dea.cons of Thompson and the school board Honor to His Excellency, the Most although earnest and at times spir: Reverend Bishop, will be Very Rev. ited, was conducted in dignity and John L. Gallagher, OSA, and the with due respect for the sincerity Rev, John Daly, SSC. The Rev, of all involved." Richard R. Daniels will 11erve as In his discussion, Fathez, Thomp- master-of-ceremonies. son pointed out that parents of children who attend parochial schools continue to pay taxes with here was discussed on Thurs- schools are entitled to such trans- His Excellency the Most Rever• portation.
Shown above is the recently consecrated marble altar of t. John's church, Encinitas. The altar was donated by the Rev. John E. l\lcGoldrick of the Archdiocese of Boston and Mrs. Mary Hamilton of Union City, New Jersey. The windows were donated by Mrs. William Murphy and l\lr. and Mrs. Toxie Anglin. The Rev. Patrick H. Linneman is pastor of the new church which was dedicated July 20.
I St. Edward·s parish, Corona, tor St~oal'n~tnt 0 te~arisii:rfiillonai City .. - ·-·-·•- ,_ __ ·-- of Solitude parish. !or soap and Frtg~e/,_S Mei,iCinlieuofbecor.:: iab.,ari J1~~y ot t~~~i::..wi~ Day and July 4 abstinence_ __ In Memory of her mother, by D.G.H. From a friend, In JJeu of Decora- tion Day and July 4 abstinence I Our Lady Palm Springs,
l40.00 105.00
12 Sisters From NY Will Staff St. Charles School; 600Students Registered Twelve Sisters of the Order of' Daughters of Divine Charity from Staten Island, New York, wlll staff the new St. Charles Borromeo par- ish school according to the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph N. Trivisonno. The Sisters are expected to ar- rive next week to begin prepara- tions for the first year of the school. Approximately 600 students are registered for the kindergarten and eight grades, which will begin classes on September 15. Last week the mother Provin- cial, Mother Margaret, and her as- sistant, Mother Miriam, visited His Excellency the Most Reverend Bishop and Monsignor Trivisonno and inspected the new school building, which is still under con- struction. Founded in Austria The Order of the Daughters of Divine Charity is headed by re• (Continued on Page 2) Cathedral Square Is Prominent in Magazine Photo St. Joseph's cathedral, the Chan• cery Office and nine other build• ings belonging to the Cathedral parish and situated in or around cathedral square occupy a promi- nent place in a half-page natural color photograph reproduced in the August 16 edition of The Saturday Evening Post. The buildings are shown in the upper half of the photograph which was taken northwestward from the El Cortez hotel skyroom. The article which the photo- graph illustrates treats of the San Diego of today and briefly traces its history since the establishment here of the first mission In Cali- fornia.
Bishop Inspects Land in Lakeside For New Parish On Sunday, August 24, His Ex• cellency the Most Reverend Bishop inspected the new church property l in Lakeside where four acres have been purchased for the parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. A Palottine Father, the Rev. Louis E. DelVecchio, PSM, has already ar• rived to take charge of the new parish, and two additional pries~s of the same order are expected m Father DelVecchlo accompan e_ the Most Revere nd Bishop_ on h_is tour of the property on which will After his visit to Lakeside the Most Reverend Ordinary went to Ramona to view the new church property where the pastor, the Rev. Andrew Hanley, has erected I a spacious rectory which included I a large room in which Mass will be celebrated until construction of I a church. For several months Father Hanley hM been celebrat- ing Mass in the town hall. The \ corner site selected for the new church is conveniently located and will offer adequate parking space. I The General Motherhouse of the (Continued on Page 3) _ the near future,
2.00 , 1.00 1.00 1.00 ___T:'...:o:'...'.:t:al'.....:===~$49,937.26
1 d which public schools are supported and the buses operated.
Lose Citizenship?
When it was brought out that be constructed a ~ission house, th e nearly all school districts in the first in the Lakeside area. states do not transport students Visits Ramona. . (Continued on Page 2)
1 Shown above is Rt. Rev. Msgr. Liclnio Refice, director, and the eight singing priests of the Vatican choir. The 54-volce a ca- pella. choir will be heard in a concert at Lane field Saturday evening, September 20, at 8:15 p.m.
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