Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948


For Ontario School Hon. Joseph Scott, 1 Bishop toSpeakon .· Radio Broadcast \r ONTARIO-Ground will be broken for the new St. f ,. ,. *

George's parish school here i j Sunday morning, ~eptem?er 14, with ceremomes which . I will include addresses by the Hon- orable Joseph Scott, Knight Com- 1 mander of St. Gregory and Knight I of Malta, prominent Los Angeles attorney, and His Excellency the Most Reverend Bishop of San Dr- \ego. The addresses will be broad- cast over radio station KOCS at 11 :45 a.m., according to the Rt. Rev. Msgr. John M. Hegarty, pas- tor, who is planning the ceremon- ies. Sermons Scheduled The San Diego Ordinary celebrate Mass at 9 :30 o'clock Sunday morning in St. George·s church and will deliver the ser- mon at both that Mass and the 11 o'clock Mass. Immediately after the later Mass, His Excellency and Mr. s~tt will march in procession to the school grounds where the ground-breaking ceremonies will take place and where the broad- 1 cast will originate. Audience of 5,000 Hears Vatican Choir In San Diego Concert (Continued from Page 1) scroll which had been tastefully illuminated by the Carmelite Sis- ters, and presented it to Monsignor Refice, after which Miss Marie Ravetinno, director of the cath- edral choir, spoke to the group m

This picture taken toward the rear of the main building of the new Newman High school in Fon- tana, California, shows the patio and swimming pool which will be used by the students. The school is conducted by the Resurrectionist Fathers and will be opened for the freshman and sophomore years on September 15. The school is centrally located to accommodate conveniently bo;ys from San Bernardino, Riverside, Ontario and other surrounding communities. The Rev. Theodore Zurek, CR, is superior and the Rev. Walter J. Mikosz, CR, is appointed rector.

PontificalMass Is Featured In 235tli Fiesta ofSanta Fe SANTA FE, (NC)-They burned Zozobra-Old Man Gloom-up on the mountainside and the 235th Fiesta of Santa Fe was underway here on Labor Day weekend, four days of religious ceremonies, dancing and parading, colorful gaiety and pageantry to memorialize the re-conquest of the formance and dances by a Taos on the lawn of st. Francis Indian group, and the 235th Fiesta cathedral the fiesta queen was of La Villa Real de Santa Fe de I crowned, and immediately a show San Francisco de Assisi, the City was held for her, with all the col- of Santa Fe, was history. One?. ors of the rainbow summoned to again the command of the Mar- flash before her on the whirling ques de _la Penuela, Governor of skirts of dancers, and an orchestra New Mexico in 1712, had been ful.. serenading her in vivid rhythm. filled: "It is our desire to hold a Fiesta Parade of Pets Next day the children brought in honor of the elevation of the their pets in a bright array to the Holy Cross and the conquest of plaza for a parade and competi- the City of Santa Fe by General tion. In the afternoon the Caravan Don Diego de Vargas. We obligate of the Kansas City Saddle and Sir- all who may succeed us in this loin club came whooping and Cabildo to celebrate this Fiesta city by the Spanish colonists un- der General Don Diego de Vargas I more parades, an acrobatic per- 1 in 1693.

Bishop Blesses Cathedral High School Addition The new addition to Cathedral Girls' High school, including a home economic department, chem- istry laboratory, and an additional classroom, was solemnly dedicated by His Excellency the Most Rev- erend Bishop Wednesday morning, September 24, at 10 o'clock. The San Diego Ordinary was assisted by the Very Rev. Francis Dillon, rector of the cathedral, and mem- bers of the cathedral staff and clergy of the diocese at the cere- monies which concluded with Sol- emn High Mass Coram l?ontifice in St. Joseph's cathedral. The Mass was celebrated by , Father Dillon, with the Rev. James i Ludwig serving as dea~on, the Rev. 1 Edward Kokoszka, subdeacon, and 1 the Rev. Richard Daniels, master of ceremonies. Deacons of Honor Rector Is Celebrant

for all time to come."

clopping through the streets on horseback and in wagons, celebrat- ing the 100th anniversary of the Santa Fe Trail Days association. Then followed the ceremonial dances of the Pueblo Indians, and in the evening the Gran Baile de Los Conquistadores." On Sunday there was a Solemn Pontifical Mass in St. Francis cathedral, with Archbishop Edwin V. Byrne of Santa Fe as celebrant. Bishop Joseph H. Schlarman of Peoria, in his sermon, called upon the fiesta participants to "preserve the faith of your pioneering an• cestors . • • conserve ownership of your fields and flocks for your children .•• ownership and relig- 1 ion are the only sure antedotes 1 against atheistic communism." I 1 In elaborating on the question I His Excellency mentioned the re• cent statements of Andrei Vish- 1 insky "at the United Nations farce at Lake Success" making bo;d 11t- tacks on the U. S. "They despise us," the Bishop stated. "They say we are war-mongers." In analyzing the statements the I Most Reverend Bishop said, "Vish- I insky was lying in making hu: :is- sertions-he knew he was lying- 1 his listeners knew he was lying- ! the reporters knew he was lyint -in fact the whole thing was a j \ue:•: . .

to His Excellency were the Rev. 1 Thomas Ryan, OMI, and the Rev. I :Joseph Clarkin. The Cathedral The fiesta moved then from th~ :Girls' High school choir sang at cathedral to the plaza in front of I iMass; the offertory motif was the Old Palace of the Governors, i"Ave Maris Stella." where the re-entry of General de Before the blessing ceremonies ) Vargas was re-enacted, with s. lhe procession had moved from the company of soldiers, mounted and . (Continued on Page 2) I afoot, priests, c.oloniS t s a nd In- 1 i cellency quoted the words of Pope dians taking possession of the l Pius XII, "Education is the pr-t!- Royal City of Santa Fe. 1 paration of man for what he ought Afterward the Montezuma Sem- 1 , to be and for what he oughf to rio inary choir, which had sung at th e here below in order to reach his Pontifical Mass, gave a concert of I Mexican songs from the plaza r eternal destiny." Among the clergy present at the ceremonies were the following: Reen=t Return

Italian and presented to the gue st I Rt. Rev. Msgr, John M. Hegarty of honor a gSOU~ERN CROss:· FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 194'7 struck for tr cellency the Most Reverend Bish- • h Bf op of San Diego pinned the medal Bis op esses on Monsignor RE)fiCe. Cathedral High 1 Saturday evening after the con- cert, the Vatican choir 1:1ember~ School Addition were gue_sts of the San Diego Or- (Continued from Page 1) dinary m Cathedral h~ll, a nd Cathedral yard through a guard of Monsignor Refice was His _Excel• honor for'lled by girl students of i lency's. weeke~d guest at his Mis• the Cathedral school to the new 1 sion Hills residence. classrooms which face 4th and Ce• Performance Praised . dar streets. I The choir's concert was acclaim, In addressing the students the J ed by local critics and music-lover~ Most Reverend Bishop said that I as an outstanding ev_en~ in th 1 besides being educated along Chris-·, musical history of San Diego,_anq tion principles, the students have Monsignor Refice wa~ hight)! an obligation of being promoters praised for h~s su_Perb skill as con jof a just peace, and lovers of ductor. In directmg the group 11 truth and of being articulate pro- man/ of his own compositions, h• noun~ers of what is right and just. achieved maximum results, thrill Stresses Importance ing the audience with the brillianci "You are more important, dear of the choir's performance. \ students than we can let you Among other of Monsignor Re, know " he said. ''Whether you b~- fice's compositions, the choir san come' mothers of children in your his Mas!!;, "Regina Martyrum, homes or mothers of thousands of written in honor of St. _France; children in a vocation to the re- Xavier Cabrini and sung lil Rom1 ligious life, . ou may some day be at her canonization ceremomes asked the challenging question, I "Acclamations," "Salve Sancte Pa• 'Mother what were you domg \ ter" and "Tu Es Petrus." Ferru• when ~ur liberties were taken o: cio Viagnelli, organist for the Vat away?' " [ ican's Pontifical Institute of Sacrei:. [usic, served as accompanist. capella numbers included 'Ave Maria" and "Tebebrae Fac- ae Sunt" by Vittoria, "Incipit ratio" by Palestrina, and "Jub- ·1ante Deo" by Lasso.

bandstand. At the same time an old-fashioned style show and Span- V ish tea was held in the patio of Sena plaza by the Folklore society. In the evening the seminarians sang Gregorian Vespers at the ca- < thedral and took part in a candle- 1 light procession through the ' streets to Ft. Marcy park, where Archbishop Byrne conducted a service honoring the New Mexican martyrs killed in the Indian rebel- lion of 1680. More Parades 1 On Labor Day there were two 1 <

Rt. Rev. Msgr. Frederick Weken- man, the Very Reverend and Rev- erend Fathers John L. Gallagher, OSA, Clarence Manns, OFM, John Morgan, Jacob de Moor, John Mc- Donough, Edward F. Hannon, bid· ward Johnson, Leo Madigan, SJ , John Daly, SSC, Malachy O'Sulli- van, Harry Mitchell, J. A. C. Van Veggel and Luke Deignan. ==============--· '"Lymg 1s an anuse and desecra-'j tion of one of God's gifts," the San Uiego prelate said, adding that "God gave man a tongue to speak what was in his rational mind. If he lies one lie it calls for another until there is no longer any re- I gard for truth." I As a possible motto for a coat 1 of arms for all students, His Ex- 1 ____________ {

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