Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
OCTOBER 3, 1947 I SD Bishop Directs Pastors to Provide Religious Teaching Orders Instruction In Districts Denied 'Release of Time' Every opportunity for Catholic and non-Catholic children in districts denied "Release of Time" to receive s. course in re- ligious instruction will be provided by pastors, His Excellency the Most Reverend Bishop has directed in a letter addressed to the pastocs of the diocese. Fundamentals of Christian Doc- trine are to be stressed in the classes, according to the San Diego Ordinary, who suggests as topics of instruction: "Is there a God ? Complete text of letter in the Official column, page 4. -Did He Speak?-What did He say?-the Ten Commandments, in- 1 eluding our duties and responsibili- ties to Almighty God, to parents, and t; -~;~.. ;~~th'"e;,:; ... ~ 6 r, iJ Saturday morning at 10 o'clock and Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock I are recommended as practical to 1 obtain best results 'by the Most j Reverend Bishop who writes that 1 a half-hour period of supervised 1 recreation should precede the class sessions of 40 minutes each. To Invite All Pastors are directed in the letter to "mRke certain that all the people living within the boun- daries of your parish are cordially invited to learn the essentials of religion and especially the purpose for which they are living." Non-Catholic parents who can- not accompany their children to the classes should give written permission for the children to at tend, according to His Excellency
Shown above is the architect's drawing of the new Blessed Sacrament parish school located at 56th street and El Cajon boulevard. The school, which was opened for class Monday, September 29, in the completed first-floor of the proposed two-story structure, has an enrollment of 225 students. It is staffed by the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of l\lary. 1\1. L. Barker and G. Lawrence Ott are the architects.
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