Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1947, SAN DIEGO UNION: FRIDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7, 1947 Bishop Addresses Catholic War Vets At Installations Diocese Mou rnl__ B_is_ho_p __B_u_dd_,..,.. y__ o __ ff_er_sM ___ as_sf----or_

. Deceased Prelate

His Excellency, the )lost Rev. I 8harles F. Buddy, DD, Bishop of San Diego, was principal speaker )f the evening at the mass instal- ation of nev,ly-elected post and mxiliary officers conducted by 3an Diego County Chapter, Cath- )liC \'\'ar Veterans. on Sunday, •To• vember 2, in the VFW hall. County Commander David L. Anderson presented to His Excel- lency a resoluti01~ pledging the sum of :pooo for the University Foundation fund from all post.;; and auxiliaiies in the County Chapter. Expresses Gratitude The Most Reverend Bishop, whfl is honorary lifetime chaplain uf: County Chapter, expressed his ap- preciation of the pledge and th~ support which CWV has gi\·en to him, and outlined the objectives of the campaign. His Excellency congratulated the members on their exceptional growth since /r,t"\nti,-,nPrl nn P~()"p ?) New St. Charles Borromeo School Dedicated Sunday The new school, academy and auditorium which is serving as the parish church of St. Charles Bar• romeo, Loma Portal, were solemn• ly dedicated by His Excellency the Most Reverend Bishop at 10 a.m. last Sunday. At the conclusion of the dedication ceremonies His Ex- cellency celebrated a Low :;1ass and the Very Rev. Francis Dillon,


On receipt of the sad new<; of the death of the John J. Cantwell, Archbishop of Los Angeles, His Exe )lost Re,·erend Bii.hop of San Diego i%ued the folio\\ m nt which \\a~ published in the dailJ pres;, of San Dil The death of Archbishop Cantwell brings I of per onal orrow to all of us. Priests and p~ long remembe1· that this noble-minded and belo ropolitan, distinguished for a gifted and grac sonality and a magnificent record of achieve1; ~p~red tho':1g;hts ~nd _efforts tl~at will endure a:I faith, sacnfice, f1dehtr and kmdness are held amongst us. Beneath his broad chest beat a l: of tenderness and love for mankind. His mo)j works of zeal reflect the undying credo and th virtue of his race. \\'ith Catholics and non-Ca11 Los Angeles, "·e mourn the passing of this grea October 30, 1947 BISHOP OffERS M i


OPENS HEW PA Ti0 JOAN OF ARC CLUI The Joan of Arc Club gularly favored by the l Bishop on All Saints II o'clock His Excellency c. I Holy Mass in the Club c a numero11s gathering tended even to the lobby part choir rendered som< hymns- Anima Christi, gelicus, Hymn to Jesus and at the exposition of ed Sacrament a very

· At a solemn pontifical mass of requiem for the Most Rev. John J. Cantwell, Archbishop of Los Angele the chalice of consecrated wine is elevated before the altar by the Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, D. D Bishop of the San Diego Diocese. The mass was celebrated yesterday morning in St. Joseph's Cathedra * * * ~ •- ••••~ .....,

I i\lagnificat.

rancis Cardinal shop of New e Solemn Pon- quiem and the T. McGucken,

In the evening the



:~~~o~::e!~:ti~~~hedral, gave Sol-

club annex and the Kni~ hunbus hall, a Excellency for the enj





monies and the Benediction, tie Rev. J. A. c. Van Veggel served

Page 2)


th e Rev[

'J.~ "We have !o~t a prince of the San Diego, prior to the formation Church, a bnlliant scholar, and a of the Archdiocese and the San ti Thomas J. McNamara, Chancellor , of the San. Diego Diocese, eulogized Aft:r al_mos~ a half-centm:y of yesterday at a solemn pontifical labor m his vmeyard, Archbishop d mails of requi€m for the Most Rev. C~nh';,ell is dead," Msgr. McNamara as John J Cantwell Archbishop of said. A pall of gloom hangs over h•. Approximately 1500 San Diegans dioceses over which he presided. ., Los Angeles. ' t~e Archdiocese a~d the suffr~gan m Simultaneously, masses were cele- ture used in the Catholic Church • brated in the Deaneries of River- when tl:ie body is not present, was ~c side, Imperial and San Bernardino. near the altar rail. i.t BISHOP OFFICIATED GIR,LS CHOIR SINGS The Most Rev. Charles Francis The Cathedral Girls High School ( Buddy, D.D., who was installed as Choir sang and officers of the mass I Bishop of the San Diego Diocese were the Very Rev. Francis Dillon, by the Archbishop, was celebrant Cathedral Rector, Assistant t c of the mass. Officers were priests Bishop Buddy: the Very Rev who were at San Diego parishes Patrick Dunne, and the Rev. Luk when Archbishop Cantwell headed Deignan, Deacons to the Bishops; the Diocese of Los Angeles and the Rev. Daniel O'Donough, Deacon sisters wno staff the of the Mass; the Rev. Thomas Heart school Also Lehane, Sub-Deacon, and the Rev. b s· t A · t OS Richard Daniels, Master-of-cere- e 1s er ugus a, monies / tl statesma:r;i.," the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Diego Diocese. I a· of Catholic faith Packed St. Th~ people, the press, of e':'e;y Joseph's Cathedral where final nation, creed, color, have given d. tribute was paid the Archbishop, him deserved eulogies." P~ who died Oct. 30 in Los Angeles. A catafalque, a casket-like struc-



Manns, OFM, sub-deac Rev. Richard Daniels,


Educator Spea

The sermon was d< the very Rev. Franklii . · ocesan superintendent who asserted that "if d I vives today • • . it is l cent parents in decent l kept up child guidanc< "In his allocution Pope Pius XII slated t (Continued on Pe 1

ess of Mount St. Scho Five ·M~nsignors, about 65 priests, Yent in Atchison, Kans. and many Sisters were in attend- was recent• ter Immaculata Krai ance, and representatives of all mpleted on munity School Superv lo~al Catholic scho?ls also pa~d last econd schoo.' . . . tribute. All Catholic Schools m the tine Sist Diocese were closed all day. er,

Benedictme Sisters. Immediately followin. ing of this new conve

th er being

The mass was celebrated follow-

ing the funeral and burial of the emy, San,

Los ers are sta-

Rev. Bishop will cele Archbishop Wednesday in

His "'·'"""""''"-' Reverend Bishop is shown here as he blessed th!' ,~uu.,,rn.:,... u flag and a bronze placque during dedica- tion ceremonies at St. Ignatius Loyola church, Riverside. As~ist- ing tlie San Diego Ordinar;v are the Re,. Matthew Thompson, pastor of St. Edward's church, Corona, left, and the Rev. Conrad Marrama, administrator of the parish. The R~\'. David A. l\Ic- Astocker, SJ, who was in charg·e of construction of the edifice, !)reached at the )lass which was celebrated by the )lost Reverend Bishop. Xmnerous priests of the Riverside· area as well a~ a larg·e congregation attended thr ceremonies.



1 Angeles. Bishop Buddy headed a approximately 40 I local priests attending the Los - Angeles rite. of


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