Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

7 ~ *___________:_~~======:i:.========l 'Desert Community Will Have Parish;

The Re;. John Spillane has~:.~ apopinted assistant to ~e pa~ 1 Ml ch a.e 1,...a~~~n~¢nane takes Springs. - f Father Kearney who Iw~,::.:m~t,,dC,,achell•ier~: ~~:,: the place o to Midland.

Fr. Kearney Pastor During the past week the Most Re\'crend Bi::;op R;t" Reverend Bishop spent .se,·eral the ~a:t::ted : days \'i&iting San Bernardin~ and


Efren Neri, I

strip o[ land with'

an~ m ~o the future necessity for

Rh·erside counties, not only m th e interl'.'sts of the University Foun- dntlon campaign but also studyh1g the various parochial needs of the area. This study resulted in the formation of a new parish to accommodate several hundred people living in scattered towns between Blythe and Needles in the desert land that abutls lhe Colorado river. the eastern limit or the San Diego diocese. C'hnrc.h In Mitlland The first and·most impo1'tant , town p1 this group is known as Midland 23 miles north oi BlyUie, and her~ the new church and rec- tory will be built. ::\1idland, with a population oi 500 people, has for it.a principal industry a gyp- sum plant. The 25 Catholic fam- ilies living in the town expressed their joy and consolation on learn- ing of the plan to ~i ve them a hOuse of worship. They pledged thcmseh•cs to complete ~·coopera- tion with thell· first pnstor, tho Rev, Patrick J, Kearney, formerly a.ssistant pastor in Palm Springs. Father Kearney will live ht Mid• 'land and from these headquarters I will look after the spiritual needs of Catholics in four other towns situated at 20 mile intervals north of Midland, namely Rice, Chubbuck, Salinas, and Amboy. Cathedral City Ready His Excellency o visited Calhcdral City, located 7 miles : distant from Palm Springs. The 1 has acquired a very de- sirable and centrally-located. tract ~!c~;~~; t~:r;;o:t~i; ~~o\:~ J as "C" and Glenn Avenue in ca- thedral City which will have 0.1 resident pastor to be appointed in the near future. I While in the desert His Excel- lency received a request and the offer of two acres of land to es- tablish a church and rectory !n Palm Desert, a new settlement situated about 12 miles eaJJt of Palm Springs. His Excellency visited the rapid- ly-growing village, and accepted e diocese to the erection Of !h in that locality. ·• Consults Pastors ., . i'OViding for the new parish salons of l\Ildland, His Ex- ,-d,!Jy had the valued advice or ' rgy attached to desert par- whom he consulted in a ser- conferences. These zealous naries include the Rev. !.l O'Connor, pastor at Palm rs; the Rev. John Bland, 19; the Rev. Charles Loftus, ~: the Rev. Patrick J. Kear- Udland; tl1e Rev. Richard Lher, Indio; the Rev. Efren Coachella; the Rev. Rene .,, .. _--~

a 'lew hi 1 a paroc a

school in that com-\


N ovember 27, 1947


n~,u~n'.'.:lt::,l':_· _ _______

//) 7

Mose Reverend Charles F . Buddy, Officiating


The six.million-dollar San Dieg University, to be founded in th Spring of 1948, will be built in th style of the Spanish renaissanc period. Land already purchase by the San Diego Catholic Dioces in the western section ot Mission Valley will form the campus of the university. The vision of the Most Bev. Charles F. Buddy, Bishop of the San Diego Catholic Diocese, the University wiU oiler college courses in the humanities, line arts, science, commerce, speech, prelaw, pre-medicine, languages. journal- ism, scbolastic philosophy and the~ ology. Included in the University will be the Seminary of the Immacu- late Heart ot Mary and the St. Francis Junior Semi.nary. Both Seminaries will prepare priests for the San Diego Diocese. facilities on the campus will be the Convent of the Sacred Heart. an Academy lor girls: and a military high school for boys. The surrounding area !will be known as Alcala Park, in honor of St. James ot Alcala, / 'Spain, for which San Diego (Span- il;h for SL James) is named. The San Diego University will be open to members ot all rell- Other educa'Uonal ~~c:ui:fia;~;~r~!; : that construction of a home for 1 th;'thethfs::a~!vei:;~en~ei:;t~~ I be named RockneviUe, alter Knute ' I will be modeled after that in Boys l~:'.,j;~t~:bB,s;;/&':,~':,",'.'.n':,'E~'. I mett J, Culligan, of San Bernar• / gious faiths. l there early next year ·


THE SAN DIEGO UNION: SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER lO, 1947 two acl'es, but deem- 1 ------:------:---------'-""-'--'-==.:.....:===='--.:.::::.:.:::::.::.:.::c.::::!....~~-----J . .!!cd!L!,!lt,EmOre practical to await fur- A h "t t' D • Sh E • C • • . velopments before commit- ows xtens,ve ampus to Be '" M1ss1on Valley !the grant Of re I ec s rawrng

OFM, Beaumont; the Rev. Lie Gallardo, OFM: the Rev.


JI' , •

!I Brenneke, OFM, a.nd the I underprivileged boys would begin


Lucien Pargett, OFA!, of

•"• ?-.~








NEW CATHOLIC BUfLrr.lNGS 1 :e-:;~r,,e·,.~~t~nN,~~;h n'¥i:; h~::,~








V architect's drawing s~o,ys the ex!ensive campus of the six-million-dollar San Diego Unive,,...,., "louu:n wm De rounded In ftllsslon 3 ey nex year. The pr1nc1pal buildings will be grouped in quadrangles, Graceful a.rc&des will conn buildi


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