Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
cYl Word of ~hanks
My Dear Parishioners and Friends: A glorious page in the history of Mary, Scar of the Sea parish has been written during the past year. You, in no small way, have written chat page. How much co the glory of God, co t he honor of His Blessed Mother - to whom our parish is dedicated, chis page has added, future days and years will prove. Our dream of a parochial school for Christ's little ones, a dim vision a few years ago, is now an actuality. You, by your ever faithful cooperation tq our every appeal, have made it so. On this Thanksgiving Day I thank the good God for the rich way He has blessed my labors amongst you and for you, but I thank Him most for having given me such loya l, generous and self-sacrificing parishion- ers and friends who have labored with me in the work. The gratitude of the Saviour Who said "Suffer the little children co come unto Me and forbid chem not" will be the only but at the same time the great reward of many. Stella Maris Academy is your joy and your crown. On this historic occasion, I wish to acknowl- edge, in your name and my own, the very deep debt of gratitude we owe to the non- Catholic members of every creed in this com- munity, and to the business people of "the village" for their wholehearted and generous response to our many requests for help; they gave generously in word and in deed .
We feel especially thankful to our Most Rev. Bishop whose vision encompasses the whole field of Catholic life and whose wisdom makes him spare no sacrifice for the benefit of the child'ren, who are the hope of the future. His words of encouragement through the years have been in great measure respon- sible for the development of this parish and for the joy that is ours today. We are most graceful to him for coming here, on chis spe- cial day, to join with us in giving thanks to God, and co invoke His blessing on those buildings and on the work of the Priests, isters and Parishioners of Mary, Scar of the Sea, La Jolla. We are happy to welcome co the parish our new Assistant, Rev. James Crcaton, who has already endeared himself to che -parishioners. He is the spiritual advisor co the Stella Maris Club and the Cabrini Club.
Father Joseph V. Clarkin digs forst shovelful of earth for the new convent and IS watched by Father William O'Dwyer, altar boy James Lewis, and Mrs F W , KellOIJg , The property for the convent was obtained from Mrs. Kellogg, who also gave the first and substantial donation for the construe • t1on of the building. the
Grouped around Father Clarkin at the ground-breokinll ceremonies for the Stello Moris Academy which took place Monday, Morch 17, 1947, at the site of the new building at Herschel Avenue and Kline Street ore, left to right . Mrs. Kathrine Meysenburg, Miss Ruth Mannix I rear), Nor- bert Johnston, A . J. Padon, K.C,H.S., John T. Scherff, Dr. Jesse Albert Locke, K C.H.S., Mr.;. John T. Scherff, Rev. William O'Dwyer, Rev , Joseph Clarkin, W . K. Warren, K.C.H.S., E. J Mehren, Mrs. Mory F, Priest, Dr . Thomas Kirk, Mrs. James Barron, Jack Riley.
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