Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948


E. J. Culligan Gives $50,000 For University Foundation * * * * * Drive Opens San Bernar~ino Bishop Finds As Volunteers County Chau~an Entliusiasm . k Announces Gift v C • Begin Wor sA. · BERNARDI To-i\rr. .1. 1 or ampaign The Unn·erslty Foundation Emmett J. Culligan, president His Excellency the l\Iost Fund campaign officially I of the Culligan Zeolite com- Reverend Bishop returned opened Tuesday as volunteers pany, last Saturday personal- Sunday evening from a visit enthusiastically began their ly pledged $50,000 to the Uni- to the northern part of the. canvas of business 1eade\'S versity Fundation Fund, which diocese where he found livel¥ and firms throughout the Diocese will finance an enterprising build- interest in the University Founda- of San Diego. ing program of education and tion campaign in all quarters. The County-wide rallies were held in charitable institutions, three of people are fully informed of plans San Diego, Riverside, Imperial, which will be erected in San Ber- for the drive and evidenced a re- and San Bernardino Monday eve- nardino county. sponsive note of loyalty and co- ning and workers were given their Announcement of Mr. Culligan's operation. In each city, prominent instructions and .assignments. pledge was made by the Most leaders have taken hold and are Bibhop Speaks Reverend Bishop who visited San expressing their faith in action, At the San Diego meeting, held Bernardino last week end. distinguishing themselves by their in the auditorium of St. Joseph's I Reveals A1>pointment enthusiasm. t R tl I The Most Reverend Bishop vis- cathedral, The Mos everen His Excellency also announced I Charles F. Buddy, DD, Bishop of that Mr. Culligan had been ap- ited as many places in San Ber- nardino and Riverside counties as San Diego, told the volunteers to pointed as San Bernardino county appeal for the understanding and chairman for the University possible, and when he was unable 1 Foundation Fund, and will lead and to urge them to contribute volunteer workers in the county telephoned the pastor. generously to the University in raising the urgently-needed Quota Explained Foundation Fund, funds. In explaining that the general I "The San Diego University will The proposed buildings in San quota for all parishes is equiva- be built this spring on the most (Continued on Page 2) lent to $100 per family, the San beautiful site in San Diego," the __________ Diego Ordinary stressed that this, Bishop said, "Alcala Parlt in the however, will require that some western part of Mission Valley." Pastor Exchange families give ll,000 or $2,000 to make up for families in the lower 1 f ·th to reach a parish in person, he support of the people of a 1 s,



income brackets who could afford but a fraction of the average. When speaking to one Reverend Pastor with a small parish, H is Excellency inquired, "How many families have you ?" "Fourteen, · replied the pastor. Then the Bish- $1,400?" "We will raise $2,800,'' j was the pastor's response. priests and laity have taken hold of t he campaign with energy and complete mastery of its various angles, and at press time the gen- The gift of Mr. Emmett J. Cul- ligan of San Bernardino of $50,000 , signifies the large proportions of the drive. Another San Bernardino citizen has promised $25,000, a Catholic in Riverside has pledged $10,000, and Mr. James J. Maher, of Greenwich, Conn., who was I married in Our Lady of Solitude I church, Palm Springs, last Thurs- day morning, at ceremonies at which the Most Reverend Bishop I his wedding pledged $1,000 for the University Foundation Fund. I While pastors must necessarily , rely on the five percent of their 1 income for 20 months from the masses of the people, it is also necessary to annex large dona- I tions to make up for the many thousands who wish to give but do l not have the means. officiated, immediately following op queried, "Can you raise Throughout the diocese the era! outlook is bright. Significant Gift

Explains Name

Is Scheduled for

Alcala Park, he explained, named for San Diego de Alcala. He pointed_out ~hat Alcala, Spain. Coachella a small umvers1ty town, was the I home of st. J ames (English trans- COACHELLA-To is '



for whom

lation ' of 'san Diego ) San Dirgo was n amed.

"Not more than three or four per cent of the families in the San Diego Diocese can afford to send their children away to col- lege," His Elxcellency told the vol- unteers, "so we must bring the The Bishop c,q>ressed the hope \ that the campaign would capture the Christmas·spirit of giving. He informed the audience that several ' contributions, ranging from $1000 I I to the magnificent gif t of $ 5 0,000, made by E . J. Culligan of San Bernardino, have already been re- "However,'' he said, "it is the gifts from the masses upon which we will rely. St. Patrick's cathe- • dral in New York was built from I the $5 and $10 subscriptions of Among the early contributions was a huge jar filled with nickels, dimes, and one and five dollar bills presented by Joe and Freddie Co- vina of the Yukon cafe on Univer- sity avenue. The jar was filled by the brothers and their patrons. college to the children." ceived. All Gifts Needed working- 6 irls.


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