Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948




Eire Di turbed Over Communism Visiting Bis op Sketches Da ger The Most Rev. Michael Browne, D.D., bishop of Gal- way, Ireland, a San Diego vis- itor, said that Eire is "very much concerned about God- less Communism and partic- ularly the infiltration of Com- munist agents." • • •

The Irish clergyman, who i:top- ped over here en route to Mel- bourne, Australia, to participate in the centennial celebration of the founding of the Roman Catho- lic Diocese there, continued: "The next few weeks will be very critical ones for Italy and France, but we think there has been a great improvement in those countries. Public opinion there has hardened against Com- munism. The real danger now is ,he influx of money and arms from the Communist-dominated countries in the East which may cause violent outbreaks. I "I feel sure, however, that the Young Christian Democrats of Italy will stand their ground and will not allow Communism 1 to overrun their country with- out the strongest of resistance." Bishop Browne pointed out that in Ireland there is "perfect po- litical peace." He said the recent general election was a beautiful example of true democracy. "The change of government was effected with dignity and without a disturbance of any kind," he said. He added that there were no Communist candidates for office. "If there are any Communists at all," the bishop said, "they are concealing it." The Irish prelate declared

EN ROUTE TO AUSTRALIA- The Most Rev. Michael Browne, D. D., left, Bishop of Galway, Ireland, converses in San Diego with Bishop Charles F. Buddy. The bishop visited here on his way to Melbourne to help celebrate the centennial of the founding of the diocese there. that the condition of religion in Ireland is higher than it While in San Diego, he

isited with His Excellency, the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy and the Rt. Rev. Lawrence Forristal, a seminary classmate. He said Mass Tuesday at Mercy Hospital. He was accompanied by his brother the Rev. Thomas Browne, pastor of Houghson, Calif., in the arch- diocese of San Francisco.

has ever been before, judging from attendance at l\Iass and the reception of the Sacraments. Bishop Browne came to the United States at the invitation of the Most Rev. Richard J. Cush- ing. D.D., archbishop of Boston, to preach the St. Patrick's Day sermon there.

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