Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
Solemnity the season will mark Holy Week in I churches of the San Diego Diocefe this week. Most Rev. Charles Frnncis Buddy, Bishop of the Dio- cese, will celebrate 10 a.m. Masses on Maundy Thursday and at noon on Good Friday in St. Joseph's! Cathedral, Third Ave. and Beech St. Palm Sunday, the first day of Holy Week, will be marked at the Cathedral today at 7;30 a.m. by the consecration of palms. Dis- tribution of palms after the blessing rite will be at 9 and 11:45 a.m. ar'.i 12:45 p.m, Messes, at a High l\fo•s at 10 P.m.. and at 4 p.m. Holy Hour. Mass also will be cele- brat •d ~t 6 a.m. and Rosary will be at 8 p.m. OF ANCIE IT ORIGIN The palms are representative of the fronds and the olive branches which were carried by the multi- tude when they welcomed Christ into Jerusalem the Sunday before His Crucifixion. Holy Week Masses will be celc-' bratcd in the Cathedral at 6, 7 and r 8 a.m. and at 12:10 p.m. tomorrow tl1rot'"'h Wcdnc11ay, aci;ording to V- .......,,. Fr. .... ..,ri~ ri11 0 n, rec• tor. P~r~rv will be recited at 8 p.m. t"!'l<'rrow ~nd Tue-day, On Wectnesday, Tcnebrae services at 7:~-5 will be followed by Rosary. Commemorating the washing of Christ's feet, the institution of the Blessed Sacrament and the Lord's Supper, Maundy Thursday will be bserved at a Solemn Pontifical ass at 10 a.m. in the Cathedral. Father Dillon will serve as arch- prie t to Bishop Buddy in the celebration of the Mass and Con- r;ecration of the Holy Oils. ASSISTS AT MASS Also assisting will be Rev. Fr Clarence Manns. O.F.M., and Rev Fr. Michael O'Connor, deacons of\ honor; Rev. Fr. James Ludwig, deacon of the Mass, and Rev. Fr., John De~mond, uh-deacon. Mas- ters of ceremony will be Rev. F rs. Richard Daniel , Edward Kokoszka end Donald Doxie. , At the blessing of the Holy Oils, I' de 0 cons ill be Rev. Frs. Edward Johnson, Patrick Mimnagh and James Tainter, Rev. Fr. William O'Dwyer will be master of cere- mn ies, and Rev, Frs. John Pur- and Henry Szwaja, C. R., and sorrow of cell
chanters. In keeping with custom, only one Mass is said on Maundy Thursday. THURSDAY PROGRAM The Mauody Thursday program at the Cathedral also will include distribution of Holy Communion e\'e ry half-hour from 6 until 8 a.m., conressions 7 to 8:30 a.m., adoration 1 of the BleSl'ed Sacrament all day, Holy Hour. followed by confessions at 7:45 p.m. and Rosary. Good Friday, will be observed w i th the celebration of Solemn Pontifical Mass of the Pre-sancti- fied and in the Tre Ore, marking the three hours that Christ hung on the Cross, and in which he ut- tered the seven last words. The rite, to be conducted from noon to 3 p.m. in the Cathedral, also will include Veneration of the Cross, reading of the Passion and Stations of the Cross. • AIDS TO BISHOP Assisting Bishop Buddy will be Father Dillon; Rev. Frs. Maurice Gagnon, A.A., and Elio Zarrati, P.S.M.. deacons of honor. Rev. Fr. John Daly, deacon of the Mass; Fa- ther Tainter, sub-deacon, and Fa- . thers Daniels and Desmond, mast- ers of/eremonies. Mos striking feature of the Good Friday liturgy is the omission of Holy Mass. In its place is the Mass of the Pre-sanctified, in which the priest receives a sacred Host con- secrated the day before. Other rites for Friday include adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until noon, Novena to Our Sorrow- ful Mother, 5:15 and 7:30 p.m., and, sermon, Stations of the Cross and Veneration of the Cross at 7:45 p.m. Holy Saturday services at the Cathedral, to include the blessing I of the new fire, the blessing of the paschal candle and the blessing of the Baptismal font, will be con- 1 ducted by Father Dillon at 6:30 a.m. Chanting of the Litany of the Saints will be followed by the cele- bration of Solemn High Mass at 8.
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