Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948

Emergency Campaign on Laetare Sunday

Bishop's To Open


is assisted in the purchase of Mass kits, missals, rosa1ies, vestments, and other religious articles needed by chaplains in the field. The NCCS is being given financial help to aid Catholic orga,nizations serv- 1 ing Ame can forces in occupation I zones. At present recreation cen– ters exist for overseas personnel int Rome, Naples, Florence, Paris, Egypt, Manila • and Tsingtao, China. The Montezuma Seminary, aided by the Bishops fund, educates 350 Mexican candidates for the priest-' hood because past persecutions /.n Mexico have caused an alarming drop in native priests. In helping the seminary, the Committee 1 points :mt, U. S. Catholics not only bolster the future of the Church in M~xlco but also foster Good Neighbor relations between this nation and Latin America. Grandson of .Cathedral Builder Baptized by Most Reverend Bishof) Impressed by the fact that his grandfather had built San. Diego's center of Catholic · worship-St. Joseph's Cathedral, John William Rickards, nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mr$. Gordon W. Rickards and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. John ' B . Sinner, decided he should . know more about the Catholic Faith. He presented himself to the Sis– ters of the Holy Family at Sacred Heart church in Ocean Beach for instructions and after attending a few classes voiced his wish to join the Church. At his own request he was baptized by the Most Rever– end Bishop. The ce~monies were held in the Baptistry· of Loretto chapel, St. Joseph's Cathedral, Saturday afternoon, ·with Mr. a,nd Mrs. Dar:iel J. Redmond as spon– sors. John William is the first mem– ber of his family to enter the Church.

(Continued from page 1) war in Europe and the Far East. Though the guns are silent, the Committee reminds, the need for focd, clothing, medical care and housing has actually increased. People Generous in fast In the recent "Food for War– Stricken Campaign" 279,000 cans of food-approximately two cans per person-were contributed by the faithful of this diocese. The generosity of the people in the past is the basis for the great hope held for the success of the current drive. The Most Reverend Bishop of San Diego, 1h heartily promoting the Bishops' EmergencY, campaign, stated: · "In the midst of manifold bless– ings and widespread materia.J. pros– perity we cannot pretend to be followers of Jesus Christ and per– mit innocent war victims to starve t~ The Sacred H~ of our Divine Savior went out to the des– titute; He n.ow watches and we~hs, remembers and rewards those who follow in His footsteps." In compliance with the wishes of Pope Pius XII, who in his re– cent Encyclical Letter on the care of needy children called upon all ''to support • • • every movement directing' ifs forces fully and ef– fectively for the succor of needy and abandoned .children," special emphasis will be placed on reliev– ing the lot of war-stricken chil– dren. Special Children's Program It was with the Pontiff's suppli– cation in mind that His Eminence Samuel Cardinal Stritch, Arch– bishop of Chicago and Chairman of the Bishops' Committee, ad– dressed a personal a.ppeal to mem– bers of the U. S. Hierarchy re– questing their utmost cooperation in insuring the success of -the ap– peal. - The Cardinal suggested that the children in the Catholic schopls of the nation be permitted to par– !ticipate in a personal way. This has been done since Ash :Wednesday and will continue un– til the end of Lent. Through acts of mortification and self-denial the children have been saving pennies and dropping them in a pail placed in a prominent corner of the class ~oom below a poster en-titled "Pen– n~s in the Pail," depicting a desti– tute child clutching a dinner pail. During the war years, in addi– tion to the help rel'ldered to war· needy, a-id was given by the Bish– ops' Committee to the Vatican In– formation Service which relayed an estimated 6,100,000 personal :messages between prisoner-a of war and their families and refugees and their loved ones, the Commit– tee recalls, A survey shows that more than 650,000 messages of this nature cleared through the Apostolic Delegation in Washing– ton alone. Aid Seminary for Mexicans Other organizations aided by the Bishops' fund include the Chap– lains' Aid Association, the Military Ordinariate, the National Catho– lic Community Service and the :Montezuma Seminary near La-s :Vegas, N. Mex. The Chaplains' Aid Association



War Sufferers Benefit Most– Six Million Dollars Given in Past

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More than six million dollars have been contrib1:1ted by; Catholics of the United States to the Bishops' War Emer4 gency and ·Relief Committee in the five campaigns since its establishment in 1941, the Committee reports on the eve of the 1946 appeal to be made on Laetare Sunday.

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These contributions have been expended principally to relieve hu– man suffering among victims of war, refugees, homeless and all distressed persons without regard to nationality, race or creed. Dur- ing the war most of the funds were distributed• through Vatican channels~which had the widest pos– sible access to areas in need. This year's appeal will be made in churches of the San Diego dio– cese and most other dioceses of the nation on Laetare Sunday, March 31, and the proceeds will be used to alleviate suffering caused b~

Six Holy Ghost Fathers Assigned To This Diocese Generously responding to the in– vit

(Continued on Page 2) Eden Gardens Now Separate

EDEN GARDENS-The advent days of recollection for diocesan of th e Holy Ghost Fathers has and regular clergy. At the lunch- made it possible for the Most Rev– eon during these exercises Very ere nd Bishop to elevate the status Rev. Patrick Dunne, diocesan vi- of st • Leo's mission here to a resi• dent pastorate. The Rev. John '11. car general for Religious, tendered a word of welcome to these zeal- Donohue, q.S.Sp., has been a:p,, ous missionaries. pointed. first resident pastoP. He has also an assistant in the Rey._ Father Hyland Syperior Very Rev. James A. Hyland, Ch~rles F. Trotter, C.S.Sp. C.S.~p. author of The Dove Flies ' Six hundq-ed M&x4oa,n peo:pI,e new paris , vuu=• Ghost Fathers had akeady been has for severa:l years been attend'• invited to giv~ the retreat. In ~d _PY paS t or-s in Del Mar. The Re-– his appreciation of welcoming ligious of Jesus and Mary, ,'?ho these Fathers t-0 the ranks of San operate th e Joan of Aro oiub fol' Diego's , clergy, Father Dunne employed 0atholio women in Sa-n made this clever reference, "Now Diego, have journeyed flhere Se!l,tl,, the Dove (symbol of tlb.e Holw eral times a week to keep the ·spirit) flies West." Faith alive in the children by reg- ular Catechetical in,s,tructlion. · ' mMe up the · h ......,_.... South, local supervisor of the Holy C.S.Sp:, assistant at St. Agnes church; the Rev. John T. Donohue, ousl¥ loaned by Bing Crosby nea,y his racetrack in Del Ma,r. A tem• C.S.Sp., pastor of St. Leo's church, Eden Gardens; the Rev. Charles F. poracy hali in Del Mar will pro– Trotter, C.S.Sp., assistan,t at St. vide a place for Sunda,.y and daily Leo's; the Rev. James A. Hyland, Masses and evening devotions. The six priests have ' already taken up appointments as follows? the Rev. Joaquin Alvez Correia, Bing Orosb~ Loans Quarte,.-s The new pastiors are malting thei:r residence 1n quarlJel'S gra,c:i•

C.S.Sp., pastor of Queen of Angels church, Idyllwild; the Rev. Paul J . Lippert, C.S.Sp., assistant at Sac– red Heart church, Redlands, and the Rev. Joseph B. Murphy, C.S. Sp., pastor of St. Ignatius ohurch, Riverside.



DESERT MOT SPRINGS-The Rev. Thomas Brlody, who for fille pa-st six years has been assistant to Rt. Rev. Msgr. Laurence For– ristal, pastor of St. Agnes church, Point Loma, received his appoint– ment during the past week as pas– tor to organize a new parish in Desert·Hot Springs, some 14 miles east of Palm Springs. A one-acre tract in the center of this thriving new town had al– ready been donated to the Most Reverend Bishop by Mr. and Mrs. William B. Cowan. Father Briody plans to arrange temporary quarters where Holy Mass may be offered each day and the Most Blessed Sacrament 1 1 e– served. The first Sunday of L~t saw the beg.inning of Mass and Lenten devotions in the new city.

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