Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1946 s Vote 3 to 2 on Religious Instruction Classes • in * * * S. D. Schools Will Catechists' Clinic Dedicated At Brawley • • NTED RE
Allow Religious Education Time
Hale, Darnall, Lewis, Vote Yes; Lindley and Fay Vote Against It After approximately two years of tleliberation, the San Diego school board passed a resolution permitting released classroom time for religious education for San Diego public school children by a vote of 3 to 2, last Tuesday afternoon. His Excellency, the Most Rev. Cha1·les F. Buddy, D. D., Bishop of the San Diego diocese said that this is the answer to a desperate need felt in the community for many years, adding, that the in- terests of the Catholics was ably aided by the Protestant and Jew- ish religions who worked assidu- ously to achieve this measure. The board instructed Dr. Will C. Crawford, superintendent of ' schools, to work out details with the Inter-Faith committee, which has sponsored the movement to release children from classes one hour a week for voluntary relig- ious instruction. It was empha- sized that the plan is to be on a year's experimental basis. The Way They Voted The three favorable votes were cast my Mrs. Mildred Hale, presi- dent of the board, Orton E . Dar- nall and Harvey Lewis, Jr. Fred E. Lindley and Mrs. Mary Fay voted against the measure. In the presence of a large rep- resentation from religious groups, Lindley stated: "I would be very much pleased if I could vote in favor of released time for relig- ious education, but I cannot, with a clear conscience do it. It would be disturbing to the school pro- gram, however much I do not criticize the sincerity of those who believe in it." J)eciding Vote Cast "I cannot see how one hour a week is going to jeopardize the school curriculum," Lewis declar- ed. He likened such a plan to the present city-county camping pro- gram and maintained that "cer- tainly nobody claims the camping program is disrupting our class- room schedules." :Mrs. Hale, president, with a pile (Continued on Page 2)
First High Mass Of St. Charles Parish On Easter Father C. Marrama Named Assistant • LOMA PORTAL-Instead of the worldly musjc usually to be heard emitting from a movie the- ater, "Alleluia-s" and other age-old music of the joyous Easter High Mass will resound through the Loma theater at 10 o'clock Sun- day morning. Through the kind- ness of Richard Smith, Jr., dis- trict manager of Fox West Coast Theaters, the theater is being used for Sunday Masses by the new parish of St. Charles Borromeo here until such time as a church can be erectecr. The High Mass, first to be of- fered for the new parish, will be celebrated by the pastor, Rt. Rev. Joseph N. Trivisonno, and sung by Villa Montemar Glee club of the Academy of Our Lady of Peace. Assistant Named Low Masses will be offered at 7, 8 and 9 o'clock on Easter morn- ing and each Sunday thereafter 1n addition to the 10 o'clock Mass. The increased :;chedule is made 1 possible by the appointment of the Rev. Conrad Marrama, formerly of St. John's church, as assistant to Monsignor Trivisonno. Women Organize A group of women of the new parish gathered at the home of Ms. Mark O'Brien, 3530 Curtis street, last week to form St. Charles Guild. Mrs. Arnold maus was chosen president; Mrs. S. F. Nielson, vice president; Mrs. Ber- ) nard Maloney, secretary, and Mrs. F. L. Farrell, tre~surer. Mrs. E. F. Chamberlain offered the use of her home, 2666 Rose- crans boulevard, for the next meeting of the Guild, the date of which has not been set as yet. I
Solemn blessing of the Diocese's newest parochial clinic, Guadalupe clinic, operated by the Missio;n- ary Catechists, at 1166 East K street, Brawley, l here 530 persons were vaccinated against oriental smallpox last week. Clergy, left to right, are: the Rev. Denis Barry, pastor of St. l\lary's parish, El Centro; the Rev. Darrell F. X. Finnegan of the Cathedral staff, acting secretary to the Most Reverend Bishop; the Rev. Henry M. Janvier, O.M. I., pastor of St. Margaret Mar:}\ parish in which the Brawley clinic is located; the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, Bishop of San Diego; Very Rev. Hugh c. Gallagher, pastor of Sacred Heart parish in Brawley and dean of Imperial county; the Rev. Timothy O. Ryan, pastor of St. Joseph'11 parish in Holtville, and the Rev. L. Lopez, O.M.I., pastor of st. Patrick's parish in Calipatria. Boys who serYed at the dedication are grouped in front of the clergy. This picture was tal.en in the exami.nation room.
Confirmatio,n for Service men and Defense l\lorkers wi May 3 On account of the annual re- tr_eat for the Priests of the Diocese to be held at the Coro- nado Hotel from April 29 to May 3, the usual Confirmation for servicemen and d e f e 11 s e workers cannot take place in the Cathe~ral on May 1. In- ~tead, Confirmation will be held 111 • St. Joseph's Cathedral on Friday, May 3, at 8 p.m.
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