Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
e Sons to Become Priests
Bis~op Conducts M-em9rial Service For · Pres. Quezon Ceremonies in memory of the . late President Manuel Quezon of the Philippines were conducted by His Excellency, the Most Rever– end Bishop, in the Naval Air Sta– tion chapel on North Island Mon– day afternoon, July 1, when Quez– on's body arrived in San Diego for embarkation aboard the U.S.S. Princeton for shipment to Manila. His Excellency was assisted by the Rev. Joseph Stadler of the Cathedral staff, Comdr. J. T. O'– Callahan (ChC) USN, of U .S.S. Franklin fame, and Comdr. W'il– liam Mahedy, U.S.N.R. Meet Train The Most Reverend Bishop and bis party had joined a group of distinguished Philippine and Amer– ican citizens at the Santa Fe de– pot where they met the train car– rying the late president's body from Washington where he had been buried in Arlington national -cemetery since his death in Au– gust, 1944, pending co~pletion of arrangements to return the body to the Philippines. The body had been accompan– ied on the journey from Washing– ton by the Hon. Frank Murphy, Assqciate Justice of the U. S. Su– preme Court; Col. Manola Neito, Philippine Army; Lt. Col. Jay Dow, U.S. Army; and others. In– cluded in the group meeting the train here was the nurse who bad attended Quezon in Washington dw·ing his last illness. Es~ort Body From the depot the cortege es– corted the body on its trip by ani– bulance to ·the Naval Air Station chapel where the services were conducted. His Excellency's car was located in the procession im– mediately in front of the hearse bearing the remains of the late distinguished president. Vice Admiral J. B. Olendorf, U. S. N., commandant of the 11th Naval District, and his staff, in charge of arrangements for the ceremony, extended every courtesy to the Most Reverend B'shop.
MOTHER STEVENS, PROMO E OF LITURGICAL MO EMENT, DIES The Religious of the Sacred Heart of the convent of St. Madeleine Sophie have just received the announcement of the sudden death of Mother Georofa Stevens on March 28 at lVIanhattanville College of the Sa;red Heart in New York'. Anyone who has ever known Mother Stevens-so inspirino·ly cheerful, so spontaneously ener-~ '°'
REV. RICHARD R. DANIELS • • • born .in Coronado.
REV. JAMES T. BOOTH • • • parents reside in Needles.
getic, and so deeply spiritual - cannot but personally regret her loss; while all those who have at heart the spread of the Liturgical movement cannot but realize that this cause has lost one of its most ardent promoters. Stevens was born in Boston, May 8, 1870, of an old and distinguished Boston family, sev– eral of whom were converts. She was educated at the Convents of the Sacred Heart in Boston and Providence, then studied music for a number of years abroad, tinder the greatest violinists of various European count?; In 1907 she entered the Society of the Sacred
outside Albany, N. Y. She taught at the Manhattanville College of the Sacred Heart, and there found– ed the Pius X School of Liturgical Music in 1917, where she has de– voted herself untiringly ever since. Her great work there, made pos– sible in its beginnings and stead– ily ~encouraged by her Superior Vicar, Rev. Mother Mary Moran, and later by Rev. Mother Bodkin, is internationally recognized as one of the greatest modern con– tributions to the restoration of the Gregorian chant according to the Solesmes method. Papal approval and encourage– ment have been reiterated by suc-
ishop to Ordain Thr·ee
For an iocese~·Sund y Two native sons of the Diocese of San Diego and one native of Mexico who has been adopted by the Diocese will be ordained for this Diocese by the Most Reverend Bishop at · 9 a.m. Sunday, April 7, in St. Joseph's Cathedral. J ames .Thomas Booth, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Booth of Needles, was one of the first young 0--------------– men to leave for the seminary af- Rev. Mr. James Hansen of Los ter the San Diego diocese was Angeles, subceacon; William K. created. The other California or- Fleming, master of ceremonies; dinand is Richard R. Daniels, son William O'Dwyer, thurifer; John of th 0 e late Mr. lnd Mrs. Alvin B. Reilly a'.nd James Clyne, acolytes. Daniels of Coronado and San Die• The latter five are all seminarians I go. The adopted candidate is from Camarillo. Very Rev. Leo L. Maximilliam Gomez of Jalisco, Davis, directot or St. Francis jw1- Mexico. ior seminary, El Cajon, will Born in Needles on Sept. 24, preach. 1921, the Rev. Mr. Booth attended Montezuma Gradµate Maximillian Gomez, who was last year of high school when he born 26 years ago in Jaiisco, Mex– entered Abbey school, Canon City, ico, studied for the pries.thood at Colo. He -tool( his first year of Montezuma semina-ry in N e w college at Holy Cross college in Mexico except for his last year of the same city, transferring to Los theology which was taken at St. Angeles college (junior se~inary) Edward's seminary in Kenmore, for his second year. In the fall o.f Wash. 1940 he enrolled in St. John's ·ego 1 the public schools there until his
Heart at the Kenwood
(Continued on Page 2)
ERCY HOSPITAL SELECTED AS SITE 10F CANCER ,CUNIC Mer<:y Hospital, San Diego, has been selected as the site of a, can– cer clinic, to be in operation with– in a month, Dr. Clarence ·Rees, bead of the San Diego County Medical society's cancer commit– tee, announced recently. According to Dr. Rees, plans fo the clinic are rapidly being re alized, in Iteeping with the desir of the people of San Diego who pledged $59,229 in the recent fund campaign, oversubscribing their $50,000 quota by 18 percent. Needy cancer patients in pri– vate homes as well as in res~ homes and hospitals will be carea.! for without charge according to Dr. Rees, who explained that an appropriation from the fund for Visiting Nurses will make this ser,rice possible. Committee members assisting Dr. Rees in the program are Dr. Edward A. Ball, Dr. A. E. Moore, Dr. Fredelick Schwartz, and Dr. F . C. Svoboda.
seminary, Camarillo, Calif., and there completed his six-year ma- jor seminary course in philosophy and theology. First Solemn Mass at St. Ann's The young :priest will offer his first low Mass on Monday, April 8, in the chapel of St. Vincent's hospital, Los Angeles, and will celebrate his First Solemn High Mass at St. Ann's church in Needles at 9:30 a.m., Thursday, April 11. He will be assisted by the Rev. John P. Bland, pa,stor, as arcbpriest; the Rev. Michael O'– Duignan of Lake Arrowhead, dea– con; the Rev. Stanley Ross, C. R., of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart church, San Diego, subdeacon; Harold Cremins of St. Johns sem• inary, master of ceremonies; John Reilly of St. Johns seminary, thur– ifer, a-nd Daniel Cremins and Har- ry L aubacher of St. John's semin– ary, a-colytes. The Rev. Matthew J. 'l1hompson of Corona will de• liver the sermon. Ricll~rd Daniels was ]?om in Coronado in 1913, was graduated from St. Augustine high school in San Diego and attended Loyola university in Los Angeles. His theolological studies were taken at St. John's seminary in Camarillo,
st. Vincent' Honored The Rev. Mr. Daniels will chant his First Solemn High Mass at St. 1 Vincent de Paul's church in San Diego at 9 a.m., Sunday, April 14. He will ue assisted by the i pastor, Very Rev. Patri~k Dunne,\ as archpriest; the Rev. John P. Doran of Arizona, deacon; the
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