Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
CHINA'S FIRST 0 N DECEMBER 23, 1945, Shanghai evening pa· pers proclaimed to the people or China the news that China had recei\'ed its first Cardinal- His Excellency Bishop Thomas Tien, S.V.D., Vicar Apostolic or Tsingtao. \Vhile Catholic and, indeed, all China rejoiced at this marked honor, the man upon whom this dignity was placed was <1uiclly go- ing about his daily routine, ignorant of the fact that he had been designated as a Prince of the Catholic Church, the first in all the history of China. A cablegram, received on December 29 from Archbishop Spellman congratulating him on the honor. was the first inkling he had of his designa- tion a\ a Cardinal. A few hours later, official word from the Vatican finally gm through to him in North China, confirming the news. The (1uict genial man upon whom this signal honor has been bestowed is what is known in China as a "new" Catholic. Born in 1890 in the province of Shangtung, the future Cardinal was baptized at the age or 11 while attending the Catholic mission \Choo! in Changt~ui. Afler his graduation from high
CARDINAL ~<:hool. he entered the seminaq· and wa~ ordained in 1918. Ten years later he joined the Society or the Divine \Vord. Ile wa~ named, first, Apost0lic Administrator, then Apostolic Prefect and finally, in 1939, Vicar Apostolic of Yangku. He has the distinction of be- ing the only Chinese Bishop consecrated by our present I loly Father. In 1942, Bishop T ien was named Vicar Apostolic of TsingL.1.0, one of the most important Catholic centers in North China. And now. he is Thomas Cardinal Tien, the first Chinese C\'Cr to bear such a distinguished title. l'hom:is C1.rclinal T ien, and with him all Catho- lic China, confidently looks to the future. Catholic China is attaining its full stature. St. Columban's is proud that it has been responsible in some small ,fay in bringing about this day. To the new Cardi- nal and to his nock of 3,500,000 souls, each member of St. Columban's pledges his support with the prayer that China's first Cardinal will have God's blessing and health to continue the already great work he has accomplishe Car,li,.,,I Ti"" i1 1free1ed br Bishop IJ,ul,ly o/ S,m l)j"I" and Ylt:e Admlrrd Oldrndorf of 11,e 11th /Ya.,pl l)lstricl, a• he arrived in the U.S. Archbi1hop Car1IU1ell o/ Loi A11.ele1 ex1e111IM l,is ru11- 1ratulnllon1 lo the /iru Chine1e lo be rolled to ,h,. Car- dinolate. CtrrdinQl Tien /flcb rllfhl al home 1cith lhc,e Mnrlr1e1 /rom Brooklyn, 15,000 !JfQrlne1 ..,ere #alioned at hi, s- d1,- o/ T1in.«ao. 12 APRIL, 1946 II
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