Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948


Dismissal of Mass Honoring Calexico Jubilarians

I .

Appointmmt.ll of the Most Reverend Bishop

MAY 3, Friday. t p,m.-Old To\\n-ConHnl of SI. )ladeleine :--ophit-. Hf'tt-Plion or Chlldrt-n of Mary. Solemn Pontififfll Ikncdittion. MAY 3, Friday, S p.m. - San Diego - St. JOSf'ph's tatht-dral. Con(irmation for St-nict-men and Dt-fense Workers. MAY -I, :-.aturda\, 8 a.m.-.-.:rn Ysidro-Our l.adv of Mt. Carmel. COrutecrntion of !',ew Marble Altar. Holy Ma"'"· 111.\Y 4, Saturday, 2 11,m.-I.emon Grove-SL John of thE- Croi;,, Confirmation. Annhersnry of dedi- tnlion or Church. MAY j, Sunday, 10 a.m.-Lorna Portal-St. Charles. Holy )lass. :-iermon. :"IL\ Y :i, :-.unday, :I p.m.-Corona-SI, Edwards. Con- firmation. )JAY :i. Sunday, j p.m.-El,inore-St. Franct-.<1. Bless- ing of organ, MAY:.;, Sunda,·, 7:30 p.m.-nhers.lde-St. Francis de :-.aJe,., Confirm:1lion. )1.\Y 6,.:'tlonday, :'i p.m..-(olton-Jmmnculate Concep- tion. (onfirmalion. )JAY 6. Monday, 7:30 p.m.-t'ai,a IJlanca,.....SL An· thony·':,;, <:onfirmation. . ~L\Y 7, TuE':n. MAY K·, 7::J0 Bernardino. Our Lady of (;u;ublupe. Conrirm11tion. :n.\ Y 12, Sunda,·, 10:30 Sacra- ment. Holy !\ta,,;, HIE-i;sing or Statue or Bles.wd l\IothE-r. l\L\Y l:?. Sunday, J p.m.-$an Luis ney-Old JM.i.ssion San Lui11 ltey. Cunrirmation. MAY 1:!, Sunday~an J>iego-Knight, or Columbus. MAY 1-1, Tuesday, 7:J0 p.m.-Nntional City-St. l\tary'11. ('011firmation. MAY 1:'i, \Vednelion. 1\1.\Y :?G. Sunday, 9 a.m.-San Diego-St. Joseph's Cathedral. Solemn Pontifical AIB.'1.."J. 811.ccalaureate :'!las.~ for Graduates or ~n Diego County, lL\\ :.!6. Sunday, I p.m.-San Die;o--St. Patrick'& (onrirmation. JUX.E l. ~aturday, 8 p.m,-.'-an Di•go--St. Joseph's ('aUiedrnl. Omfirmation for Sen icemtn and Def en~ Work'!'r:-. Jl ~•; 2. Suncla,·, 9 a.m.-.."-an Diego-St. Joseph'• l'athfil.ral. Holy l\.niaht,; or Columbus. Jt:,;~ :?, Sunday. I p.m.-&ln Diego-Our Lady or Angel-.. Confirmation. Jl'XE I. Tue"-da,·. 3 p.m.-."-an Diego-St. Augustine's Hi~h School. Graduation. Jl'.\"E :i, Wft!nrsday. 3 p.m.-.'-i;rn Dii:ro-Our Lady or Pea« Academy. Gntduation. JU:-o;E 9. Sunday, 9 a.m.-.'-ian DiE-go-SL Joseph's {';1thedral. fea,-;l of Pentecost Solemn Pontifical Ma,-;.s. Jt;l\E !), Sunday, 1:?:I;; p.m.-...;an Diego-St. Joseph's Cathedral. :--olemn Hlth MaHS Cor11.m Pontifice. Graduation: Cathedral Girhi' High School. JUNE 9, Sunday. -I p.m.-<,;an Luis Hey-Graduation, Ai:adcmy or Little .Flower. JUl\J<; IO, )londay, 8 p.m.-San Dtrnardino-SI. Der• nardinc's. Confirmation. JL'NI-; 11. Tue'-day, fl a,n1.-...'¾l.n Bernnrdino--St. Ber• nardint'!I. Communion Mass for Graduates. ,JU\E 11, Tue!d on May 3, the First Friday, in!>tcad or on the fin.t day or thP month.

A 111nt of th,. .-ro"d~ nho alll'ntlffl lhe !Wl('mn 1\111~• Corllm t•ontlfl«- t'l'lt~rat,-d In hnnorof si~tPr l\l, !l-lar11:arlla and Sl,tn :\I, ,\mpa,., Sl•ll'r l:j•r,·nuh ol the Bir.....,\ Sacr11ment ,:m the atatr or Our L&d~· or Gna,l:ilupP- Drlldfm,· In Ca1t'~I{'(), ar(' 11lt"tum1 atter lhl' dl,ml,q) of lht Illa~,._ 'fht ... -;~:.:;~~":!o 'r:r.::::t:nJ;~~~;, ~!/~:!r ('~7;tii.::~ ~ 1 ::i:;~::, t~ co!:' f.:d~"' :~ _ehu...-h ~!" In lhl' fOff'll:roun,1 of th(' 11hoto11:raph'-,____________


Altar Given in Gratitude to Our Lady

Bishop lo Consecrale New Marble Allar For Parish Whose Men Relurned Safely SA:,.;' YSIDRO---OTI Sal, n'&y, Mall I)' O'Sulhva, pMtor or St..

Hy Order or Ilia £xcellency The Most Hncrend J1ishop Re,·. Douglas A. l\loore, Secretnry.

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