Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
Bishop Visits Mountain Area, Plans Parishes During the past week His Ex- cellency, the Most Reverend Bish- op, made personal visits to two new sections of the diocese located in the Descanso range of moun- tains to determine the needs there for two new parishes. His Excellency visited and stud- ied the towns of Jacumba, near the junction of the San Diego and Imperial county lines and the Mexican border, and rapidly-grow- ing Alpine, approximately 29 miles east of San Diego. At Jacumba, His Excellency vis- ited Colonel Thomas Lee, new owner of the town. Colonel Lee re- ceived His Excellency cordially, and offered every cooperation for the start of a new parish in J a- cumba. Colonel Lee's offer includ- ed use of the theatre building in Jacumba where Mass may be of- fered each Sunday. Provisions were also made to provide resi- dence for the new pastor who has not yet been appointed. I Campo to be Mission 1 St. Adelbert church in Campo, sometimes known as Cameron Corners, which had formerly been a mission of Descanso, has been attached to the new resident pas- torate of Jacurnba. Campo is only 10 miles distant from the newly- formed parish. For the present, the Jacumba parish will include the Pine Valley district where large groups of people from the nearby parishes of El Centro, Brawley, and other ,Imperial Valley towns assemble for the summer vacation period. Commissions Appointed Last week His Excellency, the I ___(_C_o_ntinued on Page--:L_ ,
St. Augustine High School Holds Graduation Exercises ·
Photo by Glamour Studios Wilbur Kirk, O.S.A., principal of the school, are shown flanked by members of the graduatl,ng class. Bis Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop presided and.awarded diplomas to 42 seniors who formed the largest graduatmg class in the history of the school. Mr. Quintin Whelan, prominent San Diego attorney, was the spea_k_e_r_. ______________
Typical of numerous graduation ceremonies held in the diocese this month is this picture taken during the ~t. Augustine high school graduatio,n exercises held Tuesday evenmg, June 4, at the San Diego Womans' club. The Rev. Jo'hn Duggan, S.J., His Ex- cellency, the Most Reverend C~arles F. Buddy, D.D., Bishop of San Diego, the Rev. Benjamin Kiernan, O.S.A., and the yery Rev.
Father O'Leary Appointed Pastor Of Vista Church The Rev. Joseph P. O'Leary, for- merly pastor of Our Lady of . Mount Carmel parish, San Ysidro, was appointed pastor of St. Fran- cis church, Vista, by His Excel- lency, the Most Reverend Bishop last week. While at San Ysidro, Father o•-1 Leary built up the parish and 1 renovated the Church of Our Lady , of Mount Carmel by remodellinf i the sanctuary and installing a li- t turgical marble altar of exquisite l .design. Built New School Outstanding among the works accomplished by Father O'Leary was the building of a modern academy which at present has an enrollment of 340 students. Dur- ing his incumbency Father O'- Leary was also instrumental in se- curing the services of the Benedic- tine Sisters of the Mount St. Scholastica. convent of Atcheson, Kansas, to staff his new institu- tion.
Commissions Establish New Parish Boundaries New boundaries for nine par- ishes in the Diocese of San Diego have been established by commis- sions appointed by His Excellency, the Most Reverend Charles F. Bud- dy, D.D., Bishop of San Diego, and have been confirmed by a l meeting of the diocesan consultors in the Chancery, Tuesday, May 21. The boundaries of six new par- ishes have been established ~nd those of three older parishes have been revised in the list which is published in full in the official column on page 4 of this edition of The Southern Cross. New parishes whose boundaries are announced for the first time are as follows: Church of the Holy Spirit, (Magnolia District) ·River- side; Sacred Heart, (Mira Loma District) Riverside; St. John's, Encinitas; _Christ the King, Mea- / dowbrook; Our Lady of Guadalupe, I Belltown; Our Lady of the Valley, Hemet. Previously-established parishes I whose boundaries have been revis- / 1 ed are Our Lady of Guadalupe, / Otay; St. Jude's, San Diego; artd i Our Lady of th'> Angels, S a n Diego (revised to include proposed high school property at 30th and G streets). Establishment of these new boundaries and erection of the new parishes are indicative of the rapid growth of 'the diocese. It is felt in well-informed Catholic cir- cles here that if homes were avail- able for veterans and former de- fense workers who wish to re- turn to San Diego and make this city their home, it would be neces- sary to erect many additional par- 1 ishes,
To Build New Church The first task facing Father · O'Leary in Vista will be the con- 1 struction of a new church plans I ' · for which were completed by the Rev. C. N. Raley, who succeeded in securing the necessary permit to build fro1!1 the CPA. When con- ditions permit .the new pastor will build a new rectory at Vista. Temporary Administrator Until a permanent pastor is ap- pointed, the Rev. John J. Connolly will serve as administrator of San Ysidro. Father Connolly recently came to San Diego from the Dio- cese of Helena, Montana, to im- prove his health. Father Connolly taught philos- oplty at Namur, Belgium, the cla,ssics at Cork, Ireland, and sen- ior Latin at the. Catholic Central high school, Butte, Montana. His ready knowledge of the Spanish language commended him for the post at San Ysidro where 50 per- cent of the parishioners are Mexi- cans.
Father O'Leary leaves the par- ish in splendid financial condition, · even though the large influx of visitors from the nearby Mexican city Tijuana has discontinued, ow- ing to the erection of three new churches in th~t <:ity.
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