Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948


Y. L. I. Adopts Resa Equal Rights, Press, AT ENTHRONEMENT CONGRESS




Among dig,nitaries meeting the arrh~I of the body of Manuel Quezon, late p1·esident of the Philip- pines, were (left to right) Vice Admiral J. B. Olendorf, USN, Commandant, 11th Naval District; Justice Frank Murphy, U.S. Supreme Court, who is accompanying the body to Manila as President Trumans' representative; His Exce;Jency, the Most Reverend Charles F. Bucldy, D.D., Bishop of San Diego, and Vice Admiral Frederick C. Sherman, Commander, 5th Fleet. (Official U.S. Navy Photo-

Pictured at the opening of the first National Congress of the dio- cesan directors and clergy interested in furthering the work of the enthronement of the Sacred Heart in the home, held in Mil- waukee, July 16 to 18, are (left to right) the Most &v. Charles F. Buddy, D.D., Bishop of San Diego, who addressed the congress and presided at a number of its sessions, the Most Rev. Moses E. Kiley, Archbishop of Milwaukee, host to the congress and celebrant of the Pontifical High Mass o.n the opening day, and the Rev. Francis Larkin, SS:~JC., of Fairhaven, Mass., national director of the movement. (NC Photos.)


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Justice Murphy> Philippine Colonel Express Gratitude During the past week, His Ex- I cellency, the Most Reverend Bish- op, received from Justice Frank Murphy of the United States Su- preme Court, and from Colonel Manuel Nieto of the Philippine Army, expressions of their grati- j tude to His Excellency for hav- ing participated m ceremonies 1 and having conducted services in memory of Manuel L. Quezon, late president of the Philippines, when Quezon's body arrived here on its return to Manila. The text of the telegram from Colonel Nieto to His Excellency I follows: "In the name of President Manuel Roxas and Mrs. Quezon whom I represent, permit me to express to you our profoundest gratitude for the part you have taken in the impressive honors rendered to the remains of the late President of the Philippines, Manuel L. Quezon."

Bishop Secures Nuns f oStaff Valley Hospital The Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, D.D., Bishop of the San Diego diocese, 1·eturned here this week from the East where he met with the su- periors of hospital and teaching communities and explained the needs of the local diocese. Of especial importance is the educational program planned for the four southern counties of Cali- fornia which includes colleges, academies, high schools and paro- chial grammar schools. "We can state definitely," the Bishop said, "that the Sisters of. Nazareth of the Holy Family, who conduct St. Mary's Hospital in Chicago, have accepted the pro- posed hospital in Brawley." I While in the East, His Excel• lency took a prominent part in the I first National Congress of the En- thronement of the Sacred Heart in the Home, held in Milwaukee Ji+ly 16-18 at St. Francis Major Seminary. He also gave four pub- lic addresses and one radio broad- cast.

I Justice Murphy wrote as fol- lows: "Dear Bishop Buddy: I can't tell you how reassuring it was to me to step off the train on the first of July at San Diego and find that you were to conduct the ceremony which we held in th ' little chapel as a last tribute t; the late and great President Que- zon, before embarking on the USS :RINCETON for Manila. I so en- Joyed seeing you again; and in e~pres~ing my gratitude to you via this note I think I speak for all the Philippine people and es- pecially for the Wife of the late President, Mrs. Quezon."

On July 19, Bishop Buddy deliv- ered the sermon at the Lady of Sorrows Novena devotion in Our Lady of Sorrows church in Chi- cago, where the devotion started in this country. This sermon was broadcast over a network cover- ing the Middlewest. Glen Lone, International News Correspondent, who covered the recent ceremonies in Rome when the new Cardinals received the red hat, introduced the bishop on the radio.


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