Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
, AUGUST 30, 1946
Solemn High Mass at Cathedral Will Mark Labor Day in S. D. Bishop to Preside; Officials, Members Of Labor Unions Are Invited to Attend On Labor Day, Monday, September 2, at 10 a.m., a Solemn High Mass will be celebrated in St. Joseph's Cathe- dral to call down upon the labor unions and their members Divine Guidance and heavenly blessings. Officials and members of all labor unions have been cordially invited by His Excellency, the Most Reverend ~ -- ·:Bishop, to assist at the Mass, and will occupy reserved places along
the middle aisle of the Cathedral. H:is Excellency will preside at thesolemnities,whichareintended to stress the importance and dig- nity of the worker and the vital part he plays in the welfare of our nation, and will preach the sermon. the Franciscan a capella choir of San Luis Rey monastery has been given. permission to chant the Mass. The choir will sing as an offertory motif an Ave Maria es- pecially arranged for the occa- sion. The Mass will be celebrated by I the Very Rev. Leo L. Davis, pres- ident of St. Francis Seminary, and Diocesan Director of Labor Rela- tions. The Rev. Walter Mikosz, C.R., will be Deacon, and the Rev. James T. Booth, Subdeacon. The Rev. Richard R. Daniels and the Rev. B. Francis Ross will serve as Masters of Ceremonies. Deacons of Honor to the Most Reverend Bishop will be the Very Rev. Patrick Dunne, pastor of St. Vincent's Church, and the Very Rev. Owen Hannon, V.F., pastor of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church. Monday's Mass will be the first solemn church function to be held here on Labor Day although there have been other occasions when the Papal Encyclicals on labor were explained and stressed. Labor leaders will also recall the special labor seminar held in San Diego in November, 1944, under the sponsorship of Catholic Action By special arrangement,
San Luis Rey; the Rev. Joseph P. O'Leary, of St. Francis Church, Vista; Sister M. Alarda, C.PP.S., Sister M. Leonarda, C.PPS., His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop; the Rev. Daniel J. Ryan, of St. Mary's Church, Oceanside; t'he Rev. Father Finbar, O.F.M., the Rev. Thomas A. Matthews, of Holy Rosary Church, San Ber- nardino; and the Rev. Father John, O.F.M., who preached the jubilee sermon. -Photo by Detw!ler
Sister Mary Alarda, C.PP.S., celebrating 50 years of service with the Sisters of the Precious Blood, and Sister Mary Leonarda, C.PP.S., celebrating 25 years in religious life, pause in front of San Luis Rey Mission after the solemn Pontifical Mass celebrated in Thanksgiving Thursday, August 15, by His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop. Present in the picture are, left to right, the Rev. Fathe~ Raphael, O.F.M., the Rev. Father Bertrand, O.F.M., guardian of Mission
Members of the clergy who at-
the dinner included His the Most Reverend · SAN DIEGO PRELATE
Bishop of San Diego, Rt. Rev. Thomas J. McNamara, Chancellor :
groups of this city.
The Most Rev. Jose Alvernaz,
of the Diocese, Fa.ther Alvernaz, ) Bishop of Cochim, British India, , the Rev. T. Joaquin Alves Cor- his hosts in San Diego, Mr. and reia, C.S.Sp., of St. Agnes Parish, ' Mrs. M. 0. MediAa, and his broth- Point Loma, and the Rev. Edward er, the Rev. Manuel Alvernaz, of A. Johnson, editor of the South- San Leandro, were entertained by ern Cross, who served as toast- the Most Reverend Bishop of San master. I Diego at his residence on Sunset Dr. Francis Amaral, chairman ' Boulevard, Thursday afternoon at of the group planning the dinner, 1 o'clock. expressed the gratitude of the Bishop Alvernaz was invited by Portuguese people of the city for , t~e Most Reverend Ordinary of the , the kindness shown them by Bish- , diocese to address the Serra Club op Alvernaz by his visit to them, at its meeting Wednesday, August and presented the bishop with a 21, to speak on the conditions af- purse from the Portuguese people fecting the Church in India. to further the missionary work in Last night the Bishop was guest his diocese in India. of honor at a banquet · sponsored Bishop Alvernaz, in response, by the Portuguese people of San expressed his gratitude for the Diego, and held in the U. S. Grant purse and the sentiments ex- Hotel. City officials present in- pressed by the donors. • eluded Vice-Mayor DeGraff Aus- tin, representing Mayor Knox,
Judge Dean Sherry, City. Attorney Jean F. DuPaul, and City Auditor John McQuilken.
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