Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
THE TRIBUNE-SUN, San Diego 12, California, Tuescfay, July 2, 194G
Filipino War Leader Honored at North Island Rites ,.
As the casket bearing- the body of Manuel Quezon, late presi f af her B. F. Ross Is Newly Appointed Secretary lo Bishop The Rev. B. Francis Ross, for- merly assistant at Our Lady of Guadalupe_ parish, Chino, was dur- ing the past week appointed secre- tary to His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop to succeed the Rev. Douglas A. Moore who held the position with distinction and efficiency for four years. Father Moore's failing health forced his resignation. This zeal- ous priest had made various trips to restore his health, and later when periods of weakness began to develop in both the morning and evening he was forced reluc- tantly to enter .a hospital for treat- ment. The Most Reverend Bishop a-nd the Chancery personnel have ex- pressed regrets to see Father Moore retire from the Curia staff. Father Ross brings to his new position a record of outstanding scholarship together with the val- uable experience of a country cur- acy. He automatically joins the Cathedral staff and will make his residence at the Cathedral rectory. Crestline Parish Named in Honor Of Newest Saint CRESTLINE-On Sunday, July 7, the day of the canonization of the first America,n citizen to be declared a saint, a new parish named St. Frances Xavier Cabrini parish, in her honor was formally opened here. On the day of the formal open- ing of the parish, the Rev. Michael J. O'Fa,rrell, who had been named administrator by His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, cele- brated two Ma-sses here at which more than 225 persons assisted, giving Father O'Farrell just cause for enthusiasm over the bright fu- ture of the new parish. In the fu- ture Masses will be said here each Sunday at 8 and 10 a.m. The new administrator was for- merly pastor of Sacred Heart par- ish, Loma Linda, Riverside, which he organized last November and where he proved unusual ability in organization, and in building a cnurch and rectory. ' Edna J\Iorrlson Studio Photo Mr. and Mrs. Ben,lamin Franklin McNeece of El Centro are shown above with Bis Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, who mar- ried the couple July 8 in an impressive ceremony at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Calexico. - --------------- •
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