Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
THE SOUTHERN CROSS, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1946 Episcopal Residence Is Scene of Wedding
Sa11 Diego's First Bishop MOST REV. JOHN J. CANTWELL, D.D.
In Defense of the Individual REV. EDWARD ROBERTS MOORE
, Photo by OOurtney Mr. and Mrs. R-Odrlgo M. Gonzales are shown f.n the Bishop's residence with His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, a.nd Lolita Gonzales, who served as tram bearer when the couple was mar- ried by His Excellency In his private chapel. Many friends of the couple atteniled the ceremony and the reception w1dch. followed. - -------- - \ I (
Modern Parents and the Child MIRIAM A. LYNCH
Progress of Catholic Missions in China TheCatholicMind Volume XXXV, No. 6 March 22, 1937 Price 5 Cents
• 461 Eigh th Ave nue
• New York, N . Y.
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