Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948



Ave Maria Sorority Convenes at Oceanside

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Photo by Detwiler Members of the Alpha, Beta, a.nd Gamma chapters of the sor- ority, from Riverside, Sa,n Diego, and Los Angeles, attended the convention and took part in conferences cOiilducted in the Ocean- side Beach hotel and the Oceanside USO building. The conven- tion closed with Solemn BenedictiOiil of the Most Blessed Sacra- ment in Mary, Star of the Sea church.

The Rev. Linus Hohendorf, O.F.M., the Rev. Jos. F. Hammond, U .S.N.R., His Excellency, the Most Reverend Charles F. Buddy, DD., Bishop of Sa.n Diego, and the Rev. Da.niel J. Ryan, pastor of Mary, Star of the Sea parish, Oceanside, are shown above with members of the Ave Maria sorority who attended that organization's sec- ond annual cOiilvention held at Oceanside, June 8 and 9.


CARMELITE vows TAKEN B AT MONASTERY RITES Mary Jewel Schiller forsook the h b·t . ~veryda;y .world to devote herself to/ q~ it· m response to the bishop's ner religion yesterday when she th es 10nmg. Shi: then changed into rnvestect in the habit of th e .austere h!lbit oi the order and Discalced Carmelite order . e received relatives and friends in the ~reg10ny in the public cha~7 of/ :~r~~!!k fa~tr, the last time she e armelite monastery on Hawley O em face to face. , blvd. The R~v. l<'r. Raphael of San L . T Rey · · ' ms . he Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy with rr;~ss10n, celebrated the mass, bl.Shop. of the Catholic diocese of servi e. Very Rev. Francis Ott ~?nb Diego, pr~sided at the solemn Reissf!i. as dea~ocf and the Rev. Mr. ig mass. which opened the cere- Rev B a~. su eacon. The Very mony. Durrng the mass Miss Schil th . ertJand Hobrecht preached ler, clad in bridal attil'.e was v· . =1 e s~rmon. ble through a grill. ' isi Music was provided by th astery h · ct· e mon- . ~t conclusion of the mass she David c OJr, ir~cted by the Rev. rnd1cated her desire to take thelEngler Rtytahn, with Mrs.. Herman . a -e organ. MiS{i SchiUer now known as s·

ter Therese of' the Infant Jesus if; the daughter ot Mrs. Helen Schilier of Spru~g Valley, and the late Ed: gar Schiller, of Coronado Sh graduated from the Littie Ffo::::: Academy at San Luis Rey in 1945.

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