Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
Bishop Visits East; Presides At Congress His Excellency, the Most Rev- erend Bishop, departed Sunday, July 14, for Milwaukee, Chicago > and New York City, on a trip ex- pected to last until the end of l July. While in the East, the Most Reverend Bishop will call upon various religious orders in an at- tempt to interest them in sending priests and nuns to the rapidly expanding Diocese of San Diego , where they are needed for service in new parishes, high schools, 1:! new parochial schools now being planned, and two new hospitals. Attends Congress In Milwaukee His Excellency 1 took a prominent part in the first 1 National Congress of the En- thronement of the Sacred Heart in the Home, held July 16-18 at St. Francis Major Seminary. In addi- tion to serving as presiding pre- late at three of the sessions of the congress, the Most Reverend Bishop delivered an address at an evening conference Tuesday, iJuly 16, and celebrated a Pontifical Low Mass in honor of the Sacred Heart Thursday, July 18. Conducts .Meditation "The Sacred Heart and the Eu- charist" was the topic of the Most Reverend Bishop's address, hich consisted of a meditation for the priests attending the congress. In concluding his talk, His Excel- lency made a plea for Sunday s
Prelate Enthusiastic Over Possibilities At Army Hospital His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, last week completed an inspection tour of the Mitchell Army Conva- lescent Hospital near Campo and expressed himself as enthusi- astic about the possibilities there for the proposed Rockne Academy of Technical Arts. As a result of his inspection, the Most Reverend Bishop concluded that t_here is sufficient room and facilities at the hospital for both the Rockne Academy and an auxiliary to the Los Angeles County Hospital which Los Angeles County hopes to locate here. Accompany Bishop Making the trip with the Most Reverend Bishop were the Rt. Rev. : Msgr. Thomas J. McNamara, the - Very Rev. Franklin F. Hurd, · l Messrs. Arthur J. Will, liead of the Los Angeles Department of Chari- ties, Leroy Goodbody and Nicholas Martin. While conferring after their in- d spection, His Excell.ency and Mr. n Will agreed that neither institu- ·- tion wanting the facilities would - need all the land or buildings, and rt expressed the belief that a divi- t sion between the two might be P satisfactory to both. This would t1 ensure compliance with a govern- - mental directive that the facilities be used to capacity. f Discuss County Needs The needs of San Diego County ,t to seek a conference with the su- N pervisors with a view to satisfying their needs as far as possible. Although not now planning to d
OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THI! DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO, FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1946 SI. Bernardine's High School Graduates Receive Diplomas
Principals In the recent St. Bernardine's high school graduation exercises are shown above. 'I'hey are First row: Richard Dzulk, Helen Gattie, Eileen Moore, Robert Orosz, Raymond Moore, Angela Giglio, Mary Uhr, Robert Benso.n. Second row: Joa.n Bright, Mary Rae Bentson, Evelyn Guilfoyle, Alberta Carlos, Yvonne Plamondon, Gerald Otte, Marion Hayes, Mary Louise Schauland, Joyce Ann Stockton. Third row: The Rev. Albert Schwartz, the Very Rev. John Power, V.F., Carrol Ann Coughlin, Clifford Rausin, Marguerite Davis, His Excellency, the Most Reverend Charles F. Buddy, D.D., Bishop of San Diego, the Rev. John Tahany. (Story on page 5).
morning confessions
in parishes
where there is a priest and at e
least one assistant.
The Bishop d were discussed and it was decided
cited concrete
figures gathered
during his 32 years in the priest- hood showing the gratifying re- suits obtained by priests attempt- t- ing to bring the faithful to the Sacred Heart through the Blessed
San Diego Pays Its Last Tribute to Filipino Leader . • • • w •• . .. , . . • . !
s visit Washington
in connection
t with efforts to obtain use of part j
Sacramenl of the Mitchell Hospital facilities 1 His Excellency also made an / - His Excellency has expressed his appeal for a curtailment of an- willingness to do so if it becomes nouncements at SUf1day morning advisable. Masses in favor of additional doc- In tht meantime, Congressman trinal instruction. Ed v. Isaac is expected to place the suggested plan before the e proper government officials.
En Arlington cemetery t:'Manil~, the body of Manuel Quezon, l'.1-te ~resi~ent of t~e Philip- pines, Jay in state yesterday in the Naval Air station chapel, North Island. Brief bturg1cal services were conducted by Bishop Charles F. Buddy (back to camera). At the left are Vice A~m. J.B. Olde~qorf ~nd Su- preme Court Justice Frank Murphy. The latter will accompany the body to Manda on the earner Pr.mceton. * * *
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