Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948




Was other of Rector of Joseph's Cathedral. Life-Long Resident of City Was Daughter of Carriage Manufacturer. r C. Buddy, moth -o! Father Charle Buddy, rector of .'l Jo eph's Calhedral, died early to- day at St. Joseph' Hospital, ·h re she had b en m ome weeks. With her when sh died were h r two sons and three daughters, Father Buddy, Dr. Edward Buddy of St. Loui., • Ir . L. J. Dandurant, rs. Daniel J. Redmond of Laurelton, N, Y., and Sister fary t dalene, uperlor of Sacred Heart Acadel'.lly, Ogden, Utah, Father Buddy and Doctor Buddy had been In prac- tically constant attendance on their mother the past two weeks. Mrs. Buddy was 1eventy-seven years old, and a native of flt. Joseph. Graduate of Convent. A daughter of Edward and Ro e Garrigan Farrell, of Ire- land, !


Many Rosaries Offered for Her During the seYeral days of her de· Routh Ninth su· ('t, and offered the Ro. arv at her bier. Tuesday afternoon mist>. groups cam to her home, 424 Orders. the children of the Cathedral School, and nun, s and alumnae of St. Sisters rrom the different Religious





Organizer of Hospital Gu• d


'.\Irs Duddy and th


.\lrs. Silas



Mother of Pastor of Cathedral t w"ood;on, "ife of a former GoYernor

Passes to Her Reward

· of '.\lissouri, organized the first Hos•

\ pital Guild in

t. Jo

ph, which pro

th e

S11 rrou1111,,,1 by thos•· "ho w •rt> most ·

, id d supplies and clo th ing for

Joseph's Hospital

offer d

prayers. the Chil-

r, d,,ar, amid tlw l<'n ,•nt 1>rayer · 01 her 11 indigent poor.

Later ' in

thr afternoon,

d l' \ otPd



tilt' Rister,

ot .

Patron of Catholic Education




affiliated with


thr mother ot of whom en-

d Charil) . thl' soul or .\lrs. C. .\. Buddy, .: e, molh,•r 01 _ thi> y,,ry ReY. C. F . Buddy, • sev 11

The deceased was

Coll\ent of the Sacred Heart r cite



the Ro;;ary.

In th

evening th Thircl


h past.~r pa~ .. , fl

01 . ~t.,

J~;1•11_h's__cathedr'.tl'. _ tered religion, Charles Francis becom- 1 Order of Rt. 3 Ing a priest and two daughters, the ~he was a lat Sister Loretto (Miss Marie Duddy) thP Rosary. '. e,, aid ~r~nd,1_)


of which

t~ 1t~. 1 tr1, 11,1!

charter member,


I C'ited

11101 n!ng ,1t 1.30 o clocl, at Rt. Jo. eph s

Wednf'sday eYe·

3 and Sister :.rary Magdalene pfi s Lil· 1 ning at 7: 30 the Cathedral Parish. and


,\~ tilt' li1"t flush of a da,,n strt>akt>ll thP "a tf'l'll ;ky, th Holy acrifice of tlw \las· ,, a · offer d by her devott>d son, Fatlll'r Budd), to usher into Et r- nal Light the 11rc>dous ~oul of his be-

lian Buddy) became members of the ros Community at Notr Dame, ~Irs. Buddy was a gr at patron of chools, her children all re· atholic ,, I'll a; coll ge. education from It, ~l chools and leading Catholic colleges. Father Buddy being a gradu· ate of the Jesuit College at St. Marys, atholic Holy Ind.

at :30 St. Ann's Altar S1ociely and the athedral Club also said the Rosary. I It wa~ most edifying lo notP the prar- erful rem rubrancf's, the many generou spiritual bouqu ts and the hundreds of

lon•d mother.

Pre~ 'Ill at this Holy the members of he1

ceiving elementary and academic, as Mas-es offered for the repose of her


,, NP


' family, • lstt.>r .\lary '.\Iagdalene P1iss ,

Solemn Requiem Mass Largely

Lillian Buddy). Sup rior


acr d .\fr .



\cademy. Ogden. Ctah;

Her funt>ral

tool, place Thursday

nanii>I J. Redmond of Laurelton, •. Y., .\lr:s. L. J. Dandurant and Dr Edward

Ka·., and an alumnus of the American morning at 10 o'clo k, with the Most 1

College at Rome.

Rev. C. Hubert Le Blond presiding ini the sanctuary. Solemn Requiem '.\fass1 was chanted by her son, the Very Rev. I c. F. Buddy, with the Rev. L. Ruggle, 'j deacon: the Rev. J. Moriarty, sub-dea- con. and the Rev. P. O'Connor, Rev. O'RourkP and the Rev. Charles Now-, land of the Cathedral staff, masters ot to Mo t Rev. Bishop Le Blond at the throne were the Rev. I Denis )Iulcahy of Brookfield, :Mo., and )lo. Occupying places in the sanctuary The :\lost Rev. Francis Johannes, I Bishop of Leavenworth and life-long "Pre the Vt>ry Rev. William P. Barr, r 1r., president of Kenrick Seminary, n Cornelius Cleary, the Rev. Michael I ceremonie . Deacons w re·

Rudely of • t Louis.

Buddy Home social Center

Born in St. Joseph


The Buddy home was a center O t'inement and cultur , reflecting the characteristics of its charming hostess, re-

'.\lrs. Buddy, who was 77 years of r of Edward and Rose Garri- ,, as born in t Joseph, the ·1 tat her being a pioneer carriage manu- tacturer. Her childhood enjoyed the From its benign atmosphere she went 11: a young gfrl to the Sacred Heart • >turned to her alma mater l and became a Child of '.\1ary, being at of her death a charter mem• Academy, wher he wa. an exemplary L 1 Arter completing her education, 1,u11il tht> tim In 1. 79..\nnle Farrell was married to Charle.- A. Buddy, a commi sion merchant. ,, ho preceded her in death herit d a lo,·e for the poor that found , f' .·erci e even in the la t day of her ) life. and her charitie were manifold. lrnown only to tho e priYileged to re - cehe the kindnesses bestowed with of th f donor Among h r beneficiaries wer t buildings on econd treet, the forme1 1 Buddy commission office , donated t St. Yincent's Cafeteria, a civic char- ity founded by her son, the V ry Rev C. F. Buddy. The Catholic Orphanages 1 ,, ere other recipient of her gen• 1 erositi the graciou unobtrusivenes l agi>, ,. ' clauo-ht 0 .., , · ' uan Fa1-rell, native of Ireland. her 1 , blessings of a lwr of the sodality. s 'Pn year· ago. Love of Poor From her parents .Irs. Buddy in·

t d f


· oreign

t ave! ,.,ith

who supp emen e



d lit


To this

a broa clergy,

erary appr


home came members of the Hierarchy,

di ·tinguished



truly religious home. 1 abroad and leaders in civic and so-

cial liF .


Mass in the Home

,\ five years' illness was in God's· the Rev. Edward Mallen of Liberty,

d sign. to complet

the san~tificati_on

of the deceased. Reduced to mactlv1ty • as far as social and home life were concerned, she turned her attention things of God, her spiritual I to the


boo s and Rosary beads becoming lwq tri nd of the df'ceased. His assistants

faithful companions.

Ht>r deep faith and d votedness to , hi>r family have left a lasting impres•

•. Lou!~. '\fo . :inrl.

he Yer: Rev. C.

sion on all

those with whom ·he

:hared her friend hip.

During the last year· or her life, it was her priYilege to have her son offer the Holy Sacrific occa lonally in her home. a privilege which she held mos1


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