Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
i\ppniutmr11t11 of the Most Reverend Bishop
SEPTEMBER 30, Monday, 10 a.m.-San Bernardino- Our Lady of Guadalupe Curch. Month's Mind Solemn Requiem Mass Coram Pontifice for the beloved father of Rev. Joseph R. Nunez. SEPTEMBER 29, Sunday, 8:30 a.m.-San Bernardino- Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. Holy Mass. Blessing of Organ and new Club House. SEPTEMBER 29, Sunday, 11 a.m.-Meadow Brook- Christ the King Church. Blessing of new Sacrist, and new Rectory. SEPTEMBER 29, Sunday, 5 p.m.-South Fontana- Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. Confirmation. SEPTEMBER 29, Sunday, 8 p.m.-Bloomington-St. Charles Borromeo Church, Confirmation. OCTOBER l, Tuesday, 8 p.m.--San Diego-St. Jo- seph's Cathedral. Confirmation for Servicemen, De- fense Workers and Adult Converts. OCTOBER 3, Thursday, 4 p.m.-La Mesa-Little Flower Haven. Solemn Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, commemorating the Feast of the Little Flower. OCTOBER 4, Friday, 10 a.m.--San Luis Rey Mission. Solemn Pontifical Mass. Feast of the Transitus of St. Francis. OCTOBER 4, Friday, 7 :30 p.m.--San Diego-Immac- ulate Conception Church, Old Town. Sermon of Tran- situs of St. Francis. OCTOBER 16, Wednesday, 2 p.m.-San Diego-Ca- thedral Hall. Theological Conference for th-e Clergy of San Diego and Imperial Counties. OCTOBER 17, Thursday-Sau Diego-Cathedral Hall. Day of Recollection for tr.e Clergy of San Diego and Imperial Counties. OCTOBER 19, Saturday, 2 p.m.-San Bernardino- messing· of placque. Dedication of San Berna1·dino Central Manufacturing District. Address. OCTOBER 20, Sunday, 5 p.m.--San Bernardino-Holy Rosary Parish. Blessing· of new School. OCTOBER 21, Monday, 2 p.m.-Riverside-St. Ji'rancis de Sales Church. Theological Conference for the Clergy of Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. OCTOBER 22, Tuesday-Riverside-St. Francis de Sales Church-Day of Recollection for the Clergy of Riv,erside and San Bernardino Counties. OCTOBER 25-29-Boston, Mass. 'Eighth National Cate- ch,etical Congress of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. NOVEMBER 1, Friday, 8 p.m.-San Diego-St. Jo- seph's Cathedral. Confirmation for Servicemen, De- fense Workers and Adult Converts. NOVEMBER 2, Saturday, 10 :30 a.m.-San Diego- Holy Cross Cemetery. Solemn Requiem High Mass Coram Pontifice. Feast of All Souls. • NOVEMBER 13, 14, 15-Washington, D. C. Bishops' Meeting. · NOVEMBER 18, Monday, 10 a.m.-Chicago, Ill. Meet- ing of Board of Governors of The Catholic Churclt Extension Society of the U.S.A. ®ffirittl 1'0 THE REVEREND PASTORS: The Annual Peter's Pence offering for our Holy Father will be taken up at all the Masses on Sunday, October G. • • • The Pastors are requested to send into the Chancery a!l returns from the children's offerings as well as those of adults in response to the appeal of His Holiness, Pope Pius XII, for the starving- children of war-stricken .::ountries. • • • The Seminary assessment is now due and payable to the Chancery.
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Bishop f oAttend (CD Congress in Boston, Ocf. 25-29 BOSTON (NC)-His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop of San Diego will be among the more tha..ll c 150 members of the Hierarchy - coming from all sections of the Western hemisphere, who will at- tend the eighth national congress of the Confraternity of Christian Doctriine, here, from October 25 to 29, which will be highlighted by a radio address of His Holiness Pope Pius XII direct to the con- vention. The Holy Father will speak on Sunday evening, October 27, when some 8,000 delegates and other thousands of the laity will con- vene in the city's largest meeting place, the Boston Garden. Archbishop Richard J. Cushing of Boston, host to the convention, will address the same meeting on the topic, "To Restore All Things In Christ." The evening's program also will be augmented by a pro- gram of a symphony orchestra, under the direction of Leo Litwin celebrated concert pianist of th~ Boston Symphony. Earlier in the day, His Excel- lency Archbishop Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to the United States, will offer a Solemn Pontifical Mass in t h e Boston Garden and it is expected upward of 20,000 person will at- t~nd. The sermon will be preached 1 by His Eminence Francis Cardinal 1 Spellman, Archbishop of New J York. t
By Order of His Excellency The Most Reverend Bishop
Rev. B. Francis Ross, Secretary.
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