Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
Your theories on the question of Atomic Control, as you state them, don't so much as make sense. America discovered and manufactured the Atom Bomb. probably well paid, spie~ and agents, attempted to steal the bomb and its secret plans. How much information she received before her supply of informa- tion was cut off, we don't know. ow you a vocate anding the entire thing to her. Would you, Mr. Wallace, if you had chick- ens, give them to the man who had unsuccessfully attempted to steal them? Would you trust him? Would you plead with the law not to prosecute him? No, N d h doesn t ho!d water. Do you in- tend or expect the American people to believe your motives unselfish and good when you ask them and their President to give away their only protection? When you ask them to give to the thief the shotgun which protects their chickens? Let us be frank, Mr. Wallace: Do you honestly bel.ieve that the apparent cooperation shown during the 'last war was anythi:'g but expediency? · Do youth,nkthatRussia,England, France and the United States were aligned in the bonds of love and mutual trust and pur- pose in World War II? You couldn't possibly have that idea if you had the minutest knowl- edge of world affairs, politics, nited States was an ally of Russia because she was not an ally of Germany. We know th at. So does Russia. Russia has openly declared her hate for our form of government ideologies, for our ~conomic system, for our freedom and complacency. Are you then, in your _le,tter, attempting to prove for -our Russia, through her intricate system of well trained and Mr. '(v a 11 ace, your theory Allied Cooperation economics or history. Th U e
Apparently you are not fami- liar with the statements of Mo- lotov, Gromyko and Stalin him- self in regard to the Russian
oear Mr. Wallace:
It is with reg.ret that we feel it necessary to write to you.
the American
would prefer to assure you of purpos~ in occupying European our trust in representing our countries. Certainly, you have best interests. However, your not heard of the speech given letter to the President has em- by Comrade Lafferte at the barrassed us no end. It reflects secret meeting of the Commun- poor policy, inefficiency, lack ist leaders in Mexico.
Surely you could not make
of knowledge on. ma_tters gov- 1 ern_mental, const1tut1onal, his-
f R
the statements ·1n fa
vor O
torical pol"f
1 ica , re igious an
sia that you have made had you
, .
econ~m,cal. Furthe~, it shows equipped yourself with ~oor Judgment- and interpreta- knowledge which .
is a prerequi-
site of anyone speaking public- ly for the American people.
Poor Policy
It is the duty of the Depart- Blind Leaders
ment _of State to represent the American people in our policy
You s~y, The Russians seem I
toward other nations. This de- to be friend I~ to, and seem to partment is directly account- / have resp~ct for, capitalist busi- able t~ the people for any mis- ness~en. . Wh~ c_an believe takes 1t makes. Your depart- that. _Sta~in h~~ insisted as did ment is in the field of Com- Marx in ~1s ~ritings before him merce. You have shown poor that ~ap1tal1sm is the source of policy in attempting to steo out ~II evil; that the capitalist busi- of your department into an- nessr1;en are the ruination of lneff1c1ency the s~me world. Are you at- With a recommended budget tempting, Mr. W a 11 ace, to of $36,000,000,000, as you say, ~ha~ge th e nature of Commun- and much concern over the size JS~ .. Are you the new exponent other. mankind; that Commun ism and Capitalism cannot exist in . .
of the Comintern policy? Are you, perhaps, the newly ap- pointed emissary of Moscow empowered to state thei~ change in policy after all these years? Don't be ridiculous. Russian pol icy has not changed. The philosophy of Communism has not changed. The American form of govern- ment has not changed. The Cons_titution has not changed. Russia has never been friendly to any other form of govern- ment, eastofalltoourformof government which is diametric- ally opposed to the Russian sys- tern of thought. Russia has never been friendly to any other system of economics, least of all capitalism. Neither has she been friendly to its staunchest exponents, the €apitalist busi- nessmen. The only friendliness or respect she has shown has been for the American dollar. And the only friendliness or re- spect for our businessmen on I
of the federal budget and the ~urde:1 ?f th~ national debt, it l 1s definitely poor reasoning to advocate a loan to Russia, a pur:pose intends to make the United States anp the entire world into a "World Front"; a country which is already terrifi- cally indebted to us through the lend-lease; a country which as- serts itself openly to be against our system of finance; a coun- try which wi II never be able to e oan except through further exploitation of the countries it dominates; a coun- try which, with its satellites is al ready on our relief Iist. According to the stand you ,take on Russian policy and American policy, you evidently have not reac;:l the ''Manifesto" of Mar_x, the writings of Stalin, the ed1to.rials of the manacled scripts of the Russian radio the P I osop y of Communism So- cialism and Capitalism. In' the light of your statements in the le~ter to the President you are evidently unfamiliar with the numerous "five-year" plans of h ·1 h ' country which in its avowed th I repay Lack of Knowledge Russian press, the censored
Russia s
and good wiil toward us?
We're sorry, Mr. Wallace but you have over-pleaded your case, or Russia•s case, which-
ever it may be.
f R
ussia has been mo-
e part o
Perhaps you had better go back to the books for further . study before making another public utterance . Incidentally,
tivated by monetary returns,
and that in cold cash.
intellectual bath 1·s
also, an
good for the soul and makes for
the Soviets.
better ublic relations.
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