Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948




!Bishop Endorses IFEPC Legislation Proposed F.E.P.C. legislation has been favorably endorsed by I His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop of San Diego, who has ap– pointed the Very Reverend Francis C. Ott, public relations director for the diocese, to represent him .on the San Diego F.E.P.C. committee. In endorsing the F.E.P.C., the Most Reverend Bishop made this statement: "The enactment of the Fair Em– ployment Practices legislation is intended to prevent an em~loyer from denying any worker the op– portunity to earn his livelihood and to improve his condition, because of his color or religion, or because of his affiliation with .a so-called minority group. Here is an oppor– tunity for non-Catholics to join with Catholics in promoting leg– islation calculated to protect and stress certain fundamental rights."

Bishop Says First Mass in Converted Chapel in Palm City

SACRED HEART SISTERS ELECT NEW SUPERIOR I AT CHAPTER IN HOME Very Rev. Mother de L'Escure has been elected Superior General of the Religious of the Sacred Heart at a chapter held in Rome last week, according to a cable– gram received from Rev. Mother Rosalie Hill, R.S.C.J., who repre• _\ sented the Western Province at the elections. Rev. Mother d e L'Escure, of French descent, was formerly pro– vincial of the French Province of the Society of the Sacred Heart. The Diocese of San Diego counts it a special honor to have estab– lished here at the convent of St. Madeleine Sophie the headquarters of the entire Western Vicariate which exteI).dS as far east as Chi– cago and includes colleges, con– vents, and academies in Chicago, San Francisco, Omaha, St. Joseph, and Seattle, in addition to San Di– ego. On receipt of the news of the election, the Most-Reverend Bishop of San Diego cabled his congratu– lations and cordial blessing to the new superior who will have resi– dence on the Via Nomentana, Rome.


(Following is the text of a letter recently received fr om the S ecretary of State of His H oliness, Pope Pius X II, by His E x– cellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, thanking him for the Diocese of San Diego's offering of $13,528.54 to the 1945 P eter's Pence f und, and trans.mitting to His E xcellency, the priests, religious and the f aithful of the dio cese the Apostolic. Benediction.) SEGRETERIA DI STATO DI SUA SANTITA N. 113359 Vatican City, August 25, 1946 Your E xcellency: The Holy Father has charged me with the honor ed duty of acknowledging the r eceipt of the offering of Peter 's P en ce for the year 1945, in the amount of $13,528.54, which through t he kind offices of the Apostolic Delegate, has reached the Vatican City. His Holiness fully appreciating the noble sentiments of truly Catholic piety, loyalty and attachment to the See of Peter which inspired Your Excellency and the entire Diocese of San Diego in m aking this bountiful offering, bids me convey to each and every one of you the expression of His especial paternal gratitude and of the consolation afforded Him by this token of unalterable fidelity. Upon the Pontiff have been placed the cares of the Uni– versal Church and in His solicitude He most lovingly extends oo all, but especially to the suffering members, His tender, anxious assistance. It is then a motive of great satisfaction and genuine rejoicing for Him when, through the generous charity of His beloved children in America, He is enabled to render help to others of this great Christian family, whose needs are more urgent and numerous. Thus Bishops, priests, religious and the Faithful are really participating in the Holy Father's constant work of a world– wide charity. Thanking Your Excellency, your devoted clergy and ever truly Catholic Flock for this year's donation, so bountifully increased to meet the calls of this sad postwar period, the Holy Father from the depths of His heart most lovingly bestows on each one of you in the Diocese of San Diego the fullness of His Apostolic Blessing. • To Your Excellency, I very gladly renew the sentiments of my esteem and high consideration and with kind regards and •greetings, I remain, Very devotedly in Christ, (S) J. B. MONTINI,

Father Moynihan Is Administrator

His Excellency, the Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, D.D., celebrated the first Mass in Palm City, at 8 a.m., Sunday, October 6, in the home do– nated by Mr. Robert Egger which has been converted into a chapel. Last Sunday the Bishop paid his second official visit to Palm City where he met with 36 en- ' thusiastic parishioners. Even be– fore the a rrival of their pastor, the members of the newly estab– lished parish organized an Altar 1 Society to provide linens for the altar and furnish the priest's house. Among themselves, the members already have donated $500. Land Donated At the meeting last Sunday in the home which will be the rec– tory, Mr. Egger made the formal donation of two and one-half acres of ground which will hold the pro– posed church, rectory, convent, and school and will allow ample space for recreational facilities. The new parish is comprised of three settlements, Palm City, Nes– tor, and Imperial Beach, with a total population of 7,000. Mr. C. J. Paderewski, archi– tect, has already been engageq by the enterprising parishioners to design a suitable church. Administrator Appointed No name has yet been given the 1 ; new parish, since it was thought that a -prospective generous dono1 might wish to designate the namE of the new church. 1 The Rev. Cornelius Joseph Moy• '" Bishop Says First

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I Bishop Dedicates New School And Clubhouse, Blesses Organ SAN BERNARDINO-Sunday morning, September 29~ there was a surprise planned for His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, in the newly-arranged school at Our Lady of Guadalupe parish where he was shown that the old par– ish hall had been remodeled into seven class rooms and a hall.


•Before Mass, celebrated by the Most Reverend Bishop, in O u r Lady of Guadalupe Church, His Excellency blessed the new Ham– mond organ recently installed in the church. During Mass, the Most Reverend Bishop spoke in Spanish and Eng– lish expressing appreciation for the progress of the parish and called attention to the fact that the spiritual progress had kept pace with the material. Praises Pastor

His Excellency The Most Rev. Charles F. Buddy, D.D., Bishop of Sari Diego.

Diocesan Priests And Seminarians Attend College Eleven priests and seminarians of the Diocese of San Diego are enrolled in institutions of higher learning this year as the fall se– mester opens.

1 'Releas! Time' Plan for Religious Teaching Mass in Converted Of Pubhc School Students Off lo Good Start (' h I . p I c·, The fi~st venture of the San Di- Two contrasting situations are a_pe 1n am I y e~o Public School district into the both described b F th Ott . field of releiise-time for week-day . Y a er as . (Contmued frol'l: Page _1) religious instruction got ff t · bemg thoroughly creditable, name- mhan, who was appointed first a< . . 0 0 an 1 . I . . . t t t k h f t~ auspicious start last week accord- Y• n parishes with parochial mmis ra or, oo c arge o , . t new post on Monday when a lar~mg o the Very Rev. Francis C. Ott, schools a very small number of reception welcomed him to tl~aS t or of Blessed Sacrament par- children were found in attendance community. ish and_ secretary of the San Diego at public schools-and in these Father Moynihan lost no tin Interfai_ th Council. Wi th addition- cases, for the most part, the boys in al'ranging the First Communio al pupils expected to join the and girls simply could not be ac– Confirmation, and convert class cl:15ses t_his week, th e nine Cath- commodated in the parochial and will begin immediately to ta·ollc . parish cent~rs, serving ten schools for lack of room. On the up a census in the district. public elementary schools, have other hand, in parishes·not blessetl Later the Most Reverend Bish already enrolled 388 boys a nd girls with their own pariesh schools will appoint a commission from th e 4th • 5th and 6th grades, large numbers of Catholic children r neighboring pastors to determ Fa th er Ott reported, adding that have been enrolled in the week-day r the parish boundaries. Prote st ant and Christian Science classes, · Because of transportation di: leaders report equally gratifying The report on enrollments to cu,ties many families were 1 results. date is as follows: i able to attend Mass prior to School Parish Grade: 4th 5th i establishinO' of the parish in Pt Ocean Beach-Sacred Heart ............................ 11 11 6th Total City which 0 is located about th Grant-St. Vincent's .......................................... 10 11 9 31 and one-half miles west of i Washington-O. L. of Rosary .......................... 35 52 6 3.1. Ysidro and three and one-l L"ogan-S t , Anne's ............................................ 15 10 15 miles from the Otay parish, 'l Burbank-St. Anne's •······................................... 16 10 neighboring settlements of Nei Adams-St. Didacus' ........................................ 4 8 27 118

The Rev. George M. Rice, a chaplain in the recent war with the His Excellency also mentioned rank of Captain, has been assigned the untiring zeal of the Rev. Jo- to Catholic University to pursue seph C. N~nez, pastor, who had a post-graduate course in Educa– renovated the entire compound, in- tion. Father John Gallagher, also eluding a recreation center and a captain in the armed forces, will clinic, remodeling the hall into a take up the study of Canon Law at school, and installing an impres- the same University. Having ai- r sive altar and shrine of Our Lady ready spent two years in post of Guadalupe. graduate study at Catholic Uni- The Bishop added that it was versity, Father Joseph Stadler will impressive in these difficult times, this year complete his studies in when construction materials are 'canon Law and graduate with A almost impossible to obtain, that doctorate degree. Father Nunez achieved such out- The Rev. Thomas Byrnes, form– standing improvements in the erly pastor of St. Francis de Sales foundi~g of the clinic and the I parish, Ri:ersi~e, w~ll matriculate recreational grounds. at St. Louis University in a course The church employs a recrea- Of Sociology. This latter university tion director who has a small of- has inaugurated one of the finest fice building in the large field courses tn sociology which has at– north of the church. The field was tracted students from all over thr purchased by Father Nunez, paved country. with asphalt, enclosed with a me- Besides these four priests of the tal fence, and marked off for bas- diocese enrolled in American col– ketball and tennis courts. Here leges, three other priests are en– the young peope can meet in the rolled in universities in Europe and evening for the field is equipped four seminarians are completing a with large floodlights providing course of Theological studies at noon-diJv illumination. Catholic University. I

40 51 20 12

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and Imperial Beacl:~ are wit Central-O. L. of Sacred ea.rt walking distance of the site Stockton-Christ the Kin. nated for the Palm City parish. Jefferson-St. Patrick's .. ___________ , Sheramn-O. L. of Angel


Commends C.W.V. 0 The Bishop also commended the 7 initiative and energy of the Catho- 0 lie War Veterans who formed 6 into Catholic clubs and devoted their sgare time and money to re– model an old residence which the Bishop assigned for their use. Following the Mass, when the (Continued on Page 2)

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