Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE D~ESE OF SAN DIEG ;. Acheson's Statement Reveals U.S. I 1 Concern for Civil Liberties Under Tito1 I ?ompl_ete text of the statement of the U. S. govem- men_t s attitude toward Archbishop Stepinac's trial and con-I v1ct1on, made by Dean Acheson, acting Secretary of State at a news conference on October 11 follows: ' ''I have been asked if l would be willing to make some comment or statement about the • I• 1 trial.and conviction of. Archbishop trial left a great deal lo be de- 1 Stepmac and I shall. Jt necessar- sired. ily can not be specillc. W-itat I .. • 1 should like to say is that we have Yo:u ~II recall that under the tor a long time been concerned Consl1tut1on and law of the Unit- ! about clvll liberties In Yugoslavia. ed Stalee, fairness of trial ls guar-j You will recall at the time we rec- anteed under the 14th Amendment nvni,-.Ptt ft.a ...-.............-_.. - ~ u_,_ and thA ~nnrP-m,. f"nu.. f. ,.,, ..... . •
!Department ol Slate Replies to Bishop's Protest onYugoslavia I His Extellency, the :Most Reverend Bishop, has re- ceived from the Department of State a reply to His Excel- lency's telegram sent on Oc- \tober 10 to President Truman, urging a "etralghttorward, fear- less protest from the United States Government" agalnst "the infam- oua persecution of Archbishop Steplnac and the Catholic Church of Yugoslavia." - text of the reply, which signed for the Secretary of by Walter Walkinshaw, , Public Views and Inquiries on, Division of Public Lia!• follows: y dear Bishop:
And Clubhouse, Blesses Organ (Continued from page 1) I classes of children taught by the new organ was used ror the first, Ml.ulonar-y Calhechlsta and the time, a procession formed to es• Pastor. cort the Blahop to the new club\ The Conflnnation etas• at l houae which was dedicated and\ :~:::r~~:t~;g:::;1dl:~;:~ blessed. The procuslon then we.nt queaUons. 1n tact, this clus was I to the newly remodeled school, also I outstanding. dedicated on thls solemn occa.slon. on bis next trip north, ached- A surprise awaited the visitors uled for October 18, the Bishop In the school hall where a break- will dedlca.te new parochial achools 1 fast wu prepared for the pre- at Arlington and San Jacinto, a.nd late, the c.w.v. and other dis- Holy Rosary School in San Ber- Ungutshed guests. nardlno.
The Young Ladles Auxlllary of the C.W.V. marched in procession with the C.W.V. and later aerved breakfMt 1n the modernly equip- ped kitchen adjoining. Make Speeches FoUowing the, •peech- ea were made by His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop and by Judge Martin Coughlin, or the Ju• venlle Court, who represented the City or San Bernardino, Mr, Mur- phy, repre.!enllng the American Legion, Grand Knight Stockton, ot the San Bernardino Council, Knights or Columbus, and Father Nunez, the pastor. The Rev. Kevin B. :McNally, auista.nt to Father Nunez, served as toastmaster. While in the northern part or the diocese the Bishop adminis- tered the Sacrament of Confirma• l tlon in the cities of Fontana and Bloomington. Improvements Noted At Fontana, the Bishop noted many fine lmprovementa including I a network of cement walks. He was Impressed with the
reference from the White e, I have received your tele• of October 10, 1946 con· ng Archbishop Aloysius Step- view of the status of Yugo- a. as a sovereign state, I am you will appreciate that the bilities for direct and effec- interventlon by the United s are limited. e concern of this government spect to the aspects of Arch- Steplnac's trial which, ac• og "to press reports, tended the impairment ot free• of rellglon and of worship, expre.!sed by Mr. Dean Ache- n October 11, 194.6. For your atlon, I am enclosing a of his remarks. The United s Government will continue, such means as are at its dis- , Its endeavors to impress up- e Yugoslav Government i lion to adhere to the basic itarlan principles of con to which, particularly by l patlon in the United N it has subscribed. k you for your courtesy IJ Ing your views available." ext of Mr. Acheson's stat will be, found on page 5.)
u E
In Honor of:
Miss Ann Elizabeth Dandurant, ARC
Given by: His Excellency, The Most Reverend Charles Francis Buddy, D,D,, Ph.D., Bishop of San Diego
Episcopal Residence 2031 Sunset Boul.evard San Diego, California
Friday Evening, October 18, 1946, Six o'clocl!:
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