Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
1 Depar ImenI of Stale Replies lo Bishop's Protest on Yugoslavia His Exce1lency, the l\lost 1 Reverend Bishop, has re- ceived from the Department of State a reply to His Excel- lency's telegram sent on Oc- tober 10 to President Truman, urging a "straightforward, tear- leaa protest trom the United States Government'' agalru1t "the infam- ous persecution or An.::hbfahop Steplnac and the Catholic Church or Yugoslavia." The text ot the reply, which wat signed tor the Secretary of State by Walklnahaw Chic!, Public Views and Inquiries Section, Division o! Public Lia!· "My dear Bishop: l aon, tollowa: By rctennce from the While House, I have re«lved your lele• I gram ot October 10, 1946 con- cerning Archbishop Aloysius Step- lnac. In view ot the atatus ot Yugo- slavia as a aoverelgn atale, I am aure you will appreciate that the poaalbilitiea tor direct and etrec tlve Intervention by the United j s~e; c~::c~!:1 1 !:dlhls government 'in respect to the aspects ot Arch- \ biahop s.teplnac'a trial which, ac· cording to press reports, tended toward the impairment ot Cree dom of religion and ot worship WU exprea.sed by Mr. Dean Ache- eon on October 11, 1946. For yo information, I am encloelng a copy of his remarks. The Untte States Government will conttnu<: with sueh means aa are at it.a dis poaa1. ita endeavors to impreas up on the Yugo11lav Government i obligation to adhere to the basi j hurnanitarlan principles of co diet lo which, particularly by I jartk:lpation In the United N Uons, It ha.a eubscrlbed. Thank you for your courtesy making your views available." (Text ot ldr. Ache11on'a atal ment will be found on page 5.)
Acheson's Statement Reveals U.S. \ '. Concern for Civil Liberties Under Tito ~ompl_ete text of the statement of the U. S. govem- ~en_t s attitude toward Archbishop Stepinac's trial and con-I v1ction, made by Dean Acheson, acting Secretary of State at a news conference on October 11 follows: ' ''I have been asked if 1 would be willing to make some comment or atalement about thei--'-•------=---....::..:= ,trial.and conviction ot Archbishop I trial left a grea.t deal to be de• / ~tepmac and I ahall. It neee8 sar-lslred. I :oucl~\~:\t:.;p~c::t ~~h:!v! "Yo_u will re<:all that under the tor a Jong Ume been concerned Conatltutlon and law of the Unit- 1 I about chi! UberUea In Yugoslavia. Ied Slatea, f&.!rnesa of trial i.s guar• You will recall at the time we rec•lanteed under the 14th Amendment.I ognlzed the Government of Yugo• and the Supreme Court of th, uide a.a not
And Clubhouse, Blesses Organ (Continued from page 1) \cla.uea of children t.aughl by the new organ was used for the flrst•Ml.Ulonary Cathechlata and the\ time, a proce.Plon formed to es- P&ator. cort the Bishop lo the new club\ The Confirmation class a ti ,house which wu dedicated and J Bloomington dlatlngulshed them- selve1 by a,n&werlng many dltncull 1 blessed. The procusion then went: que:attona. In fact. this class wu to the newly remodeled school, also out.tta.ndlng. \ dedicated on this solemn occasion.\ On hla next trip north, ached- In~:u::;,~ ~:~ 1 ~:e;:e av~•~~: d!:~ca~:~:r p:~:~ :~:~: fast wu prepared for the pre-iat Arlington and San Jacinto, &nd l late, the C.W.V. and other dil-l Holy Rogary School In San Ber-\ •'-• n u, u .... .-.. h...i In nrocesaion UnguLshed guests. nardlno, The Young Ladles Auxlllary of
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