Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
1 Department of Stale Replies lo Bishop's ProtestonYugoslavia His Ex~ellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, hns 1·e- ceived from the Department of State a reply to His Excel- lency's telegram sent on Oc- tober 10 to President Truman, urging a. "atralghttorward, tear- Jen protest trom the Unlted StateA Government" against "the lntam• oua pe.rseeuUon ot Archbbhop Steplnac and the Catholic Cllurch ot Yugoslavia." '1'11e text ot the reply, which wa.1 signed tor the Seeretary of State by Walter Walklnahaw, Chief, Publlc Views and Inquiries Section, Division ot Public Liai- son, tallows: "My dear Bishop: By retel'ence from the Whltt- House, I have received your tele• gTant ot October 10, 1946 con- I cernlng Archbishop Aloysius Step· lnac. In view ot the status ot Yugo• alavta as a eoverelgn ,tale, I an sure you will appreciate that the I poulbililles !or direct and effec- tive intervention by the United Is~: c~~~!: 1 !~th1s government ln rupect to the aspect.a ot Arch- bishop Steplnac's trial which, ac- l cordlng 'to press reports, tended toward the Impairment ot free- dom ot religion and ot worship WU expresaed by Mr. Dean Ach son on October ll, 1946. For yo Information, I am enclosing copy ot hie remarks. The Unit States Government will conttnu wlth sueh means as are at tt.e dis poaa1, lta endeavors to impress up on the Yugoslav Government I \~~~~:'r1: a;:1:1"c~p~:e t~; 1: cl.Jct lo which, particularly by t #arUclpallon In the Unlled N lions, tl has eubscribed.. Thank you for your courtesy making your views available." (Text ot Mr. Acheson's mcnt will be tound on page 5.) \
Acheson's Statement Reveals U.S. \ 1 Concern for Civil Liberties Under Tito <:<>rnpl_ete text of the statement of the U. S. govern- ~en_t s attitude toward Archbishop Stepinac's tiial and con-I v1ct1on, made by Dean Acheson, acting Secretary of State at a news conference on October 11 follows: ' "I have l>een asked if I would be willing to make some comment or atalement about the I • ~::~ 1;;: :~t;c:~:~i.°t 1 ~:!~:a~o:. ;~::~ lctt a great deal to be de- ity can not be specific. What I ,. · 1 ahould like to aay Ja that we have, Yo_u ~ill recall that under the ror a long time been concerned,C-Onatltutlon and law ot the Unit.- about clvll libertle. in Yugoala.via.1ed Statee, fairness of trial ta guar- You will recall at the time we rec-1anteed under the Hth Amendment ogntud lhe Government ot Yugo• and the Supreme Court ot th, alavla, we drew their atlenUon to United States has 1et aside as not wh•t ,.,. 0,,,..,.,..1,,.... AA ..._ ••_ .. _ _,_ beinr leeal oroceduM 11.l -.JI trial• I
And Clubhouse, Blesses Organ (Continued Crom page 1) Iclasses of children taught by the new organ was used for the fint•MlMlonal')' Cathechlat. and lhel time, & procet'll!llon formed to e11- Pastor. cort the Blahop to the new club\ The Confirmation clan at hOUff which waa dedicated and j :~::~: 1:t:awd::c~;g;':!:;141:~:~~ blesaed. The procession then went queatlona. In fact, this class wu lo the newly remodeled school, &1ao. outatandlng. ! dedicated on thla solemn occa11ion. \ On h\11 next trlp north, ached- A surprise awa.lted the vlaitors, uled for October 18, the Blahop In the school hall where a bttak- will dedicate new parochl&l achool1 faat wu prepared for the pre- 1 at Arlington and San Jacinto, and ! late, the C.W.V. and other dia• lHoly Roaary School in San Ber•1 tlnguished guests. nardlno. The Young Ladles Auxiliary of •· ,., ..,u ----~ ln nrnl'.eaaion.
bffn ' ae to ' .tlon, y In- , item. < ~:i; t talr, r ;mo,a-l t 1rbld-;( ,tors, , .... ..... bao- or a
"Grace Before Meals" said by
Our Gracious Host,
His Excellency, the l!ost Rev.erend Bishop, Toastmaster
t the e no and
His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop
deep !Able,I
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"L'Envoy!" (A Beautiful Day!1 by His Excellency, the l!ost Reverend Bishop
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"Bonum est hie ease!" (It is good to be here!) by Mias Ann Elizabeth Dandurant, ARC
After Dinner Speeches
"Living in a High School Age" by Ur. Charles Francis Redmond
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"Grace After Meals• said by His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop
The Well Placed Confidence of Noble Parente" by Mr. Daniel Joseph Red.mend, Jr.
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