Bishop Buddy Scrapbook 1946-1948
IOepartment of State Replies to Bishop's Protest on Yugoslavia His Exi:ellency, the Most Reverend Bishop, has 1·e- ceived from the Department of State a reply to His Excel- lency's telegram sent on Oc- tober 10 to President Truman, ,urging a. "straightforward, fear- less protest from the United States Government" against "the infam- ous persecution ot Archblahop Steplnac and the Catholic Church of Yugoslavia." The text ot the reply, which waa signed tor the Secretary of State by Walter Walkinshaw. Chld, Public Views and Inquiries I Section, Division ot Public Liai- son, follows: "My dear Bishop: By reference from the White House, I have received your tele- gram of October 10, 1946 con- cernlng Archbishop Aloysius Step· !nae. In view of the status of Yugo• alavta u & sovereign state, I am sure you will appreciate that the posalbllltles tor direct and effec- tive intervention by the United Stales are limited. The concern of this government in respect to the aspects of Arch- \ biahop s,teplnac's t rial which, ac- cording to preu reports, tended toward the Impairment of free"! dom of religion and of worship waa expressed by Mr, Dean Ach son on October 11, 194.6. For yo ln!ormatlon, I am encloalng a, copy o! his remarks. The Unit States Government will continue with such means as &re at lta dis poaal, it.a endeavors to Impress u on the Yugoalav Government I obligation to adhere to the basi humanitarian principles ot co 4,ict to which, particularly by I fartklpatlon in the United N Oona, It has subscribed. Thank you for your courtesy making your views available." (Text of Mr. Acheson's stat ment will be_ found on page 5.) 1 \
: Acheson's Statement Reveals U.S. \ ' Concern for Civil Liberties Under Tito ~ornpl_ete text of the statement of the U. S. govern- ~en_t s attitude toward Archbishop Stepinac's trial and con-I I v1ction, made by Dean Acheson, acting Secretary of State nt a news conference on October 11 follows: ' "l have been asked if 1 would be willing to make some comment or statement about thel • trial.and conviction of Archbishop trial lect a great deal to be de• Stepinac and I shall. It necessar- sired. I :::0 : 1~\~:\0b:.;p!c~:t ::h:!v! "Yo.u will recall lha.l under the 1 tor a Jong time been concerned1Conatltulion and law ot the Unil- i about cMl llbertlea tn Yugoslavia.·ed Stat.ea, f&imeaa: of trtaJ is guar- You will recall at the time we rec- anteed under the Uth Amendment ognlzed t.he Government of Yugo- and the Supreme Court of th~ 1lavla, we drew their attention t<> United States has uide aa not what we thought wa.s the undealr- being procedure at all, trlal1 1 I able sltuaUon In that fie.Id and re- in which the court room hu been j minded them of their undertakings dominated by teellng1 adverse t<> ' under the United Natlon.s Charter the defendant by demonstrations ' In which all of these matters are o! prejudice. That I.a deeply In. , i 1pecltlcally dealt with and urged herent In the American system, c that the matter be rectified a.a' that the very eaa:ence ot due '})rot• I soon as po:ialble. We have, since le" ot law la that in trials we ihall. t recognition, unhappily had to take lean over backwards In being !air I' up a very con1lderable number ot. to the defendant, In the atmoe• t ca.sea wlth the Yugoslav Govern- phere In the court room, In forbid• c me.nt where we have felt that tri- ding demonstrationa: ot spectat<>rs, ala of our own citizens were un- In opportunity ot !acing and cron,. talrly conducted. It 111 this a.apectjexamtnlng "'itnesaea - all these ot the Archblshop'ii trial which 1 matters seem to u, to be abso• ( 'am able to say now concerns us." lutely inherent In the matter of a We do not have, ot course, a rec- fair trial. It i9 that upect ot the ord ot the trial, nor have we had thing on which one can ha,·e no a aped.fie report from our Embaa-[!inal e,'1dence until a record and ay In regard to It. Therefore, our detailed reports are ~vallable, I Information about It 111 the aame which causes wi concern and deep a.a that you have which Is that worry." which ha.a been con\'eyed through ~---- --= I the press. "It Is the civil liberties aspect of lhe t.hing which cau.scs us con- cern, aape~ta which ratl5e quesUons aa to whether the trial ha.a any Implications looking toward the
And Clubhouse, Blesses Organ (Continued from page 1) Jcluaes of children taught by the new organ was used for the ttrsti Mlulonary Cathe<::hlata and the I time, a proceaalon formed to es- Putor. I cort the Blahop to t,he new club\ The Confirmation claH at house which wu dedicated and\:;~~:l~:~w~l~~;g;l::;1dl::i::i~ blel!lled. The procession then went, quesUona. In fact, this cla.u wu to the newly remodeled school, alsoloutatandlng. I dedicated on thUJ solemn occasion. On bis next trtp north, ached- A surprlse awaited the visitors ulcd for October 18, the Btahop In the school hall where a break• wm dedicate new parochial aehoola faat waa prepared for the pre• 1 at Arlington and San Jacinto. and ! late, the c.w.v. and other dia•,Holy Rosary SChool in San Ber-\ tingu!shed guests. nardlno. The Young Ladles Auxiliary ofl " ,.. ,., .. - ..-~ In nrl\l'..eaal.Oll
Impairment of freedom of religion and ot worship, the aspect.a of It which indicate at least to the re- porters who reported It from the spot that the actual conduct ot the
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