Alcalá View 1981 3.2

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Sounds of Summer by Barbara Walsh

The sounds of summer gently float– ed through the campus as spring semester came to a close. The hal– lowed halls no longer echoed the voices and footsteps of harried stu– dents. Office pressures eased; park– ing spaces became ample-it would be another peaceful summer. Suddenly desks shook and nerves jangled as jackhammers rat-a-tat-tat– ed and ditch diggers grinded endless– ly. Steel girders lifted by cranes domi– nated the skyline, mountains of pipes waiting installation consumed va lu– able parking spaces, and Marian Way turned into a disaster area over night. What had happened to USD's sum– mer serenity? My assignment was to get to the bottom of this disturbing dilemma and report the facts to the suffering victims. Here's the scoop... The tearing up of Marian Way was necessitated in order to upgrade the campus electrical power distribution system. When completed, the sys– tem will relieve electrical overload– ing in existing buildings and allow expansion of computer terminals, telephone circuits and closed circuit television. The system will also pro– vide needed power for major build– ing additions-Copley Library ex– pansion, School of Business Confer– ence Center, and Student Center. Within six months, construction crews will congregate just west of Copley Library to break ground for the library addition. This free-stand– ing building, with its connecting hall– way to the existing library, will pro– vide much needed seating and stack space.

N ROTC personnel and students in– volved in the program initiating this fall will be housed on the first floor. Filling the remaining spaces will be faculty offices and Law School insti– tutes. To ease the predicted parking squeeze, 128 additional spaces are being prepared behind Serra Hall and the Law School. The parkrng lot, with a designated area for compact cars, is being landscaped to blend with the surrounding beauty of the campus. Well, that's the scoop...the sounds of summer at USO have become the noises of progress. It's inconvenient, it's nerve-racking-but take heart, campus community, the results are all for YOU!

Pending the finalization of fund– ing, a new School of Business struc– ture and a Conference Center will rise on the grounds west of the School of Nursing. The long-desired Student Center is designated for an area east of DeSales Hall. The steel girders seen peeking a– bove the facade between Serra Hall and the Law School make up the framing of Guadalupe Hall, the name voted upon by the University Board ofTrustees for the two-story building currently under construction. An art form representing Our Lady of Gua– dalupe, patroness of the Diocese of San Diego and the national patron– ess for Mexico, will grace the wall in front of the new builging. Occupan– cy by September is the hope of Uni– versity Relations staff members.

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Florence Johnson: Ambitious, Intelligent, and Talented

Aft er inquirin g at USO about ob– tainin g her administrat ive crede ntial in the Schoo l of Edu ca tion , Florence dec id ed to return t o sc hoo l. How– ever, she decided to wo rk toward both th e ad mini strative cre denti al and her doctorat e. To suppo rt her– se lf and help with tui t ion ex pens es Florence compl eted an employment app lica ti on. With her background in for eign language Fl o rence was im– mediat ely hired as a fac ulty secre tary in Arts and Sciences. Floren ce began her emp loyment and her studi es at USO in January of 1980. Sin ce that tim e she has bee n promoted to senior secre tary and has compl eted he r ad mini strativ e credenti al in edu ca ti on . Thi s fall Florence will compl ete her classes towa rd s her docto rate and hopes to begin her di sse rtati o ,1 in th e fa ll. · Thi s summer Flor ence is takin g a w ell dese rv ed and long awa it ed crui se to Alaska. Alth ough Florence does n't like to look too far int o th e Safety Committ ee that..." th e sa fety program at USO is bett er than most programs at maj o r co rporat ion s." Teams o f two from th e Safety Committ ee* go out once a month to in spect the buildin gs and ground s and writ e up reports o n their find– ings. All o f th e probl ems th ey find are o r wi ll be corrected by th e Physica l Plant or th e o ffi ces invo lved. That committee is doing a grea t job for th e University, and w e need to fo llow their instru ctions and support th em. Did you know that our reco rd is exce ll ent and that th ere has never been a se riou s accident here? Th e Committee is current ly compilin g in– formation on eve ry as pect of our

1979 was a good yea r fo r USO be– ca use that was th e year Flo rence Johnso n decided that she need ed a change in her life. That change even– tuall y led her to USO. As secre tary to Dea n Pu sa teri in th e depa rtment of Arts and Sciences, Florence fe els that she is part of th e USO family. As a hi gh school stud ent Florence discovered that sh e had a love for lan guage. It was th ere that she bega n her study of French and German. In college she added Russi an and Span– ish to her list of languages. In addi – tion to th e five lan guages which she speaks fluently, Florence has studi ed both Latin and Chinese. Aft er comp leting her degree Fl o r– ence began a career in se condary education, t eaching and administer– ing fo reign language programs in New York and Massachus ett s. After twenty-two years (twenty good years and two not so good) Floren ce moved to San Di ego to begin wo rk– ing toward a caree r chan ge. by Norma Soll "Precautions? take precau– tions?... are you kidding? They get in th e way, and slow me down, I can ' t be bothered with sa fety pre caution s! They wanted me to wear thi s mask when I sprayed pesticide on the trees; th ey also told my fri end in Food Service to lea rn th e Helmi ch Maneuver... You know, that' s what you do when someone is chokin g; and th e peopl e there are also sup– posed to lea rn how to properly han– dl e a large ca rvin g knife... are you kiddin g? It's a pain and a waste of time." What you don 't know, fella, is that, fortunately, the Insuran ce Broker for Workmen 's Compensa tion to ld our


futur e, she does hope to complete her studi es with i n th e next two years. Th en what are her plans? W ell, there are many poss ibiliti es but befo re em– barkin g on her new and exciting fu– ture Fl o rence wou ld like to take an– o th er vacatio n.

''It's Called Cooperation!''

safe ty program and thi s docu mented report w ill be submitted to the NATIONAL SAFETY COUN C I L to be eli gibl e fo r a 198 3 award that wi ll be given by th e Council. Let's help by making sure that elec– tri cal out lets are not overloaded; cord s are not st run g across walk– ways; boxes are not stacked in pre– ca ri ous positions, and we rea lly need to take th e TIME...CHANGE OUR HAB ITS... and get us ed to the res tri c– tions o f SAFETY EQU IPMENT. BE PERCEPTIVE, RECOGN IZE SAFETY HAZARDS and let' s kee p th e reco rd EXCELLENT!!!

The Safety Committ ee is made ll/J of USO staff. facult y, and administrator,.

''Around Ca01pus'' by Joan Murry

"Jaudiced Eye" Column

"Question: What will you be doing this summer?"

by Sandra Ed elman " O n Go lden Pond." W hy, yo u are no clouh l ask ing, would anyone rev iew a film released mo re than a yea r ago, one w hich- th anks lo its almost archetypa l appea l- has al rea dy been entered, a– long w ith " Orphans of the Storm," "Crapes of Wra th," et. al., in t he anna ls of th e C rea l Ame ri ca n Class ics. If you 've manage d to fo llow me to the end of th at ~cn tencc and are still as king, here's my answe r: beca use "On Co lden Po nd" has some thin g wro ng wi t h it, and as far as I know, no o ne has had the cheek to say so. Tru e, Hepburn and Fo nda are, in tan– dem and ind ividually, a loveab le m ix o f cru st and sentiment. Tru e, Jane fin ally found a ro le the demand s of w hi ch co incide w ith her trainin g in th e W eye r– haeuse r M ethod (two-ply mahogany) . Tru e, the photograp hy is superb . Th e d irec t ion and edit in g are fair to midd li ng. And, yes, even th e loon s are simu ltane– ously po ignant and lu sty. So w hat' s wro ng, yo u as k? W ell, in its own convo luted way, "On Go /den Pond," wh eth er as fi Im o r stage p lay, isas mu ch an insult to o ld age as retirement home abuse- it's j ust th at th e in su lt is hard e r to see. Th ompso n (th e play– wr ight) too k two charac ters o f int elli– gence and di gnity and mad e th em by turn s fey, cut e, p rec io us, se nil e, o r smu g– ly unreason ab le, and t hen p laye d th em fo r laughs. " He re are th e o ld Thaye rs, aren' t th ey cute? See how funn y it is fo r an o ld lady to dance in t he woods?for an o ld man to cu t out in hi s Chri sC raft? " In o th e r wo rd s, isn't it at bottom amusing to see th e elderl y dec lin e, and eve n mo re amu sing to see th em, from tim e to tim e, behave like rea l, no rmal (i .e., und er 65) human be ings? Hidd en in all th is adm itt ed ly good th ea tre is th e p remise that to be aged o r aging is to be inferi o r. At a tim e w hen w e are slow ly rec t ifying o ur m ispe rcep ti ons abo ut se ni o r citi ze nshi p, t he kin d of treac ly disguise thi s ve hi cle wears- like an execut ione r in a clown su it-goes shoc kingly again st th e gra in . If you stop to thin k about it.

Rosemary Goodyear, Ass istant Professo r, School of Nursing

" /'II be going to Bui/vill e, New York, in late Jun e for my pa ren ts' 5Ut h weddin g anniversary. Th ere will be a special m ass celebra ted by 111)' un cle who is a pries t; m y son w ill p lay a piece that he wro t e for th e occas io n. When I retu rn l o San Diego, /'II be teaching a co urse in ph ys ica l assessm ent and l akin g a co urse to – wa rd m y docto rate in edu ca tio nal administra– tio n."

Kay Shipley, Print Shop Assistant

''I'm leavin g fo r a fo ur-wee k trip l o Chall a– nooga and Kn oxville, Tennessee. I'm looking fo rward l o visiting th e Wo rld's Fair and p oss ib ly going l o Disn eywo rld in Flo rida and also visiting fri ends and relatives in So uth Carolina."

Dr. David Burt, Associate Professor of Marketing, School of Business

" This summ er w ill be a busy on e for m e. /'II be t eaching two mark etin g co urses, one gradu– ate anc/ one unde rgraduate, and working on l \V0 books, one a tex tbook in purchas ing and the ot h er a profess io nal book for th e purchas– ing p ractitio ner. I've just compl eted an in-plant sem inar fo r SD C&E and am leaving fo r a re– search trip .to th e M idwes t in conjunctio n w ith m y two books. My wife Sharo n, a graduate stu de nt in th e Sch oo l o f Nursing, and I are also going on a be lated hon eymoon. "

Sharron Coleman, Executive Secretary

and Administrative Assistant to Dean Krantz, School of Law

" / p lan to spend m y summer m eeting th e challenges of m y n ew j o b wo rking fo r D ean Krant z, contin uing m y e ffo rt s to furl her animal we lfare and helping ed u ca t e p eople to be resp o nsibl e pc t owners. A lso, I w ill be enjoying Sa n Diego with visiting fri ends and relatives."

Sr. Sally Furay, Vice President and Provost

Sister Sa lly Furay is th e elect ed d elega te fro m th e San Francisco Province o f th e Socie ty o f th e Sacred H earl to th e Socie ty's 1982 Chapt er in Fras ca ti, It aly, ou tsid e of Rom e. Th e Chapt er opens on July 1 and ends August 31, w ith abo ut 95 de lega tes fro m all ove r th e wo rld. Sister Furay wi ll visit th e ap os to lat es o f th e Religious of th e Sacred H ea rt in Spain and Po land en ro ut e to th e Chapt er. In April, sh e visit ed m iss ions o f h er co ngrega tio n in Co lom– bia and Peru.

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Staff Employees Association 1982 - 83 BOARD (Effective September 1, 1982)

REM IN DER . ... . .

REPRESENTATIVES : Bookstore/Mai l Center .. ...... . .. . .. . .... . .. .. ... .... Jack Abel, x4259 Camino Ha ll ............... . .... . . . ......... . ..... Susan Mayes, x4312 DeSales, Lower Leve l .................. . ... . . .. Dorot h y Thomas, x4268 DeSa les, Upper Level . .. . ... . . . . .... . . .. .. .. . .... Barbara Wa lsh, x4490 Food Servi ce .......... ... . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... Frank Clance, x4262 Founders Hal l ...... ... . . ... . . ... . ...... ... . . .. . . . . Peg Conard, x4545 Law Library ........................... . . .. ........ . . Pat Berme l, x454 1 Law School .... .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . ... . . ..... .. . . . .. . Kati e A lbright, x4359 Physica l Plant Custod ial ... ..... . .. . . . . ..... . ... . ...... . ..... . . Lo u Magana, x4256 Ground s . ..... .... ....... ..... . . . .. .. . . .. . ... . .. .. Raul Soto, x45 16 M aintenance . . . .. ....... .. . . . ...... ... ... . ... Richard Bye rl ey, x45 16 Security ... .... . . .. . . . . ... . . .. .. ..... . ............. Bill Munz, x45 17 Schoo l o f Busin ess .... .... . . . . . ....... . ... . .... Margare t Pet ers, x4511 Schoo l o f N ursin g ......... . .... . . ....... . ... . ...... Norma So ll, x4590 Serra Hall . . .......... . .... .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .... Peggy Agerton, x4210 ADVISORS: ... ... . .............. . ..... . . ........ John D . Boyce, x4490

First Annual USD Employee Picnic Date : August 13, 1982 Time: 77 :30 a. m. - 2:30 p. m. Pl ace: USO Sports Cen ter If yo u have not already indi– ca t ed whet h er you can attend, p lease ca ll th e Personn e l Office as soon as possib le. D ON'T MISS IT!!!

Pau l Dion, x4594 Pat Watson, x4210

Th e Pre sident, Vice President and Secre tary wi ll be elect ed b y t h e above represent atives prio r to September, 1982 .


Th e Trad ing Post is YOUR co lumn for interesting p laces to go, t hi ngs to do, etc. If you have any co ntributions for t h is colum n, p lease send to Fran Swa nk, DeSal es 226.

Answe rs on page J.

CINN- FUL Drive Shopping Center (O ld M idway Dri ve-in) , ENORMOUS, and enormous ly deli ciou s cinnamon rol ls, ice cream, candy, et c. BAKERY...Midway

THE ORANGE TREE ...La Jo lla Vi llage Square. Pl easant atmosp here, good food moderate to high in p rice. Ni ce for lun ch, early dinner, post- or pre-s hoppin g.

Th e Alcala View is pub lished four times per year by th e Personnel Department of U.S. D. Editoria l Board : Jan Chlarson, Joan Murry, Sr. Dale Brown, Fran Swa nk, Barbara W alsh, Norma Soll, Sharron Coleman.

Again , w e rem ind you of SEAPORT VILLAGE, wh ere you ca n sit by th e bay, stro ll throu gh a vari ety of shops, rid e a merry-go- round and enjoy a p leasant snack or mea l at one of seve ral res tau– rants. Amp le parking across the stree t if th e lot is ful l.

LINDA VISTA MEXI CAN RESTAURANT... Aut hentic M ex ica n food, good pri ces, atmosphere not too grea t bu t quali ty and quantity make up for th is deficit.

Produ ct io n: Angie Walters Photography: W illiam Snead

Overall conten t of th e newsletter is deter– mined by th e Edito ri al Board, whi ch ho lds open meetings as sched uled. Arti cles writ– ten ex press the opinionsof the author. W e welcome contributions. Th e Editor re– serves the ri ght to edit copy fo r space and content.

OLD TOWN has opened another sec– tion: OLD TOWN SQUARE recently opened w it h unde rground parkin g and many new shops and res taurants. Give it a try. Don't m iss the ca ndy store– wand er through t he barrels!

The Alcala View in no way endorses any of th e services, bus in esses or ideas present– ed.

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