MS Spanish Guide







6-8 weeks

Novice Mid

Auténtico or Realidades A




● What do you and your friends like to do? ● What are you and your friends like?

● Dance, art, and music from Spanish speaking countries ● Outdoor cafés and La Playa Mayor

LEARNING PROGRESSIONS FOR NOVICE MID PROFICIENCY LISTENING SPEAKING When students exhibit Novice Mid listening pro fi ciency in Spanish, they can understand … 1. Simple words and phrases about daily activities 2. Simple questions on familiar topics 3. Multi-step directions or instructions, especially when accompanied by gestures and repetition 4. What people say in a short conversation on familiar topics

When students exhibit Novice Mid speaking ability in Spanish, they can… 1. Greet someone in a culturally appropriate manner 2. Introduce self 3. Ask “how are you?” 4. Respond appropriately to the question “how are you?” 5. Answer simple questions to provide basic information 6. Ask simple, formulaic questions 7. Provide simple information on subject matter content When students exhibit Novice Mid writing ability in Spanish, they can … 1. Write basic personal information (name, address, phone number, birth date) 2. Brie fl y describe people or places mostly in list form 3. Respond to simple questions 4. Write simple information related to subject matter content WRITING


When students exhibit Novice Mid reading ability in Spanish, they can understand … 1. Words on a list from very familiar topics 2. Very simple information on familiar topics 3. Short, simple descriptions, especially if there are pictures or other supportive visuals

END OF UNIT COMPETENCY WITH LANGUAGE EXPECTATIONS ● Talk about activities using the language functions and features: ● in fi nitive verbs (leer, bailar, cantar, andar en bicicleta, etc.) ● the verb gustar to identify what you like and don’t like to do (me gusta, no me gusta. le gusta, no le gusta) ● question words (¿qué, ¿cuál?, ¿cómo?) to ask others what they like to do (te gusta, le gusta) ● Describe yourself and others using the language functions and features: ● adjectives and adjective agreement (masculine & feminine) to describe personality and traits (artistico(a), atrevido(a), deportista, estudioso(a), gracioso(a), inteligente, etc.) ● de fi nite (el, la, los, las) and inde fi nite (un, una, unos, unas) articles ● questions to ask people about yourself or others (cómo eres, cómo es, cómo se llama, eres…) ● the verb “ser” - to be (es, soy, no soy, etc.) fi les/resource/WIDA-ELD-Standards-Framework-2020.pdf SCAFFOLDING IN ACTION ● Use a graphic organizer to differentiate vocabulary, phrases, & images for students to make associations between objects & vocabulary. ● Check for understanding in different ways (eg. TPR, whiteboards, hand signals or gestures). ● For listening activities provide Cloze activity sheets with word banks for students to reference. Provide the responses on the back or in a separate document for the student to receive immediate feedback. ● For written responses provide exemplars of possible student responses highlighting key language and structure (eg. if a student is writing sentences, include an example highlighting the differences in the English and Spanish alphabet and/or grammatical structures). Skill Building

* Updated 6.10.24

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