IIW History 1948-1958

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Sub-Commission C - Ultrasonics -

Chairmen : G. A. HOMES, Belgium ( 1 952 ) ~

A. DE STERKE, Nethe rlands (1953); P. BA TIEN, France (1954). \~ orking Group - General Investigation. Group Leader : G. A. HOMES, Belgium (1949). Working Group - Reference Blocks. Group Leader: A. DE STERKE, Netherl;;inrls (r 953). \Vorking Group - Nomenclature. Group Leader : M. EvRARD, France (1956). Working Group - Study of the Behaviour of Ultrasonic Beams in the presence of certain t ypical defects in welds. Group Leader: P. BASTIE~, France (1955).

Sub-Commission D - Destructive Tests - Chairmen : T. roREN, Sweden (1953 ); N. LUDWIG, Germany (1954).

vVorking Group - List a nd Classification. Group Leader : T. NOREN, Sweden (1949) . Working Group - Atlas of Destructive Tests. Group Leader: N. LUDWIG, Germany (1954) . Working Group - Tests of vVelds on non-ferrous Metals. Group Leader: H . BARTH, Germany (1955).

Sub-Commission E - Methods of non-destructive Inspection other than Radio– graphy and Ultrasonics (inspection by magnetic methods and by penetrant fluids) - Chairman : A. DE STERKE, Netherlands (1955). In addition, individual rapporteurs are appointed for the study of special questions. For instance, Mr. J. E. HOLMSTROM has prepared, over the last seven years, an a nnual report on all new developments in the techniques of measurement and scanning processes. The Commission hol.ds a plenary meeting yearly, but several meetings of Sub-Commissions or \Vorking Groups take place during the year. In the mean– time, work is continued by correspondence. Apart from the help of the Belgian technical Secretary, the Chairman is assisted by a very useful administrative secretariat, which bas been set up at the Roentgen Technische Dienst at Rotter– dam throuah the kindness of the Vice-Chairman, Mr. VAX 0 ·wERKERK .



lo Radiography . a) In 1949. it was already obvious that it was necessa ry t o d istingui sh between the « reading » of a radiograph and the « diagnosis » of the quality of the weld in so far as its mecha ni cal behaviour is co nce rned. The reading is ge nerally th e respon ibility of the radiographer, but for the diagnosis the opinions of the welder a nd f the engineer responsible are al o nece ary . The diagnosi.– is only I o ·si bl~ 11·hen the informati on sho11·n in the radiograph has been uppl e– mente I by pa rti culars about the cond iti ons in 11·hi ch the wel I 1rns made and the part 1rhich it plays in the assembly.

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