IIW History 1948-1958

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£) the appli cation in welded construction of magnetic inspection and pene– trant fluid methods of inspection as means of det ecting superficial defects or those situat ed close t o the surface (r ); j) the methods of t esting b est adapt ed t o t he inspecti on of welds in non– fe rrous met als (z) . All this \Nork is being ca rried out in collaboration by sp ecialist s in the diff– erent countri es a nxious to serve those working in t his fi eld. Commi ssion V of the IIW h as drawn the attention of interest ed circles t o the a dvantages of syst ematically extendi ng the t eaching of non-destructive methods of insp ecti on of mat eri als (3) .

(1) (Essen 1957.) (2) (Document V-3 4-56, Madrid 1956 ; annual report Essen 1957.) (3) (Zurich 1955.)

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