IIW History 1948-1958

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kind is also prep ared b y the Scientific and Technical Secretariat after each annual meeting of the Chairmen of Commissions. b) Reports of the Chairmen of Commissions and working documents recommended for publication. As mentioned above , each Chairman of Commission prepares, after the annual assemblies, a report on the ·work carried out by his Commission during– the preceding year ; this report describes briefly how the work has developed, the results achieved and the trend of future activities. Furthermore, each year, the Commissions propose to the Governing Council or t o the Executive Council, which t ake their decisions after consultation with the Scientific and Technical Secretary , that various working documents should b e recommended fo r publication by the member societi es. These documents include, firstly, reports on studies made jointly by the members of a Commission. a nd, secondly , p ersonal contrib utions from delegat es or expe rts which are consid– ered particularly interesting and whose authors agree to their release for public– ation in the various member countries . Before they are circulat ed to the diffe rent member societies, the reports of the Chairmen o,f Commissions and the working documents recommended fo r publicati on are edited t echnically by the Scientific and Technical Secret ar y who also ensures that the documents a re in correct F rench , while the Secretary– General edits t he E nglish t ext . All documents recommended for publicati on are ci rculated in English and_ F rench by t h e Secret a riat s, both of which circulat e the reports of the Chairmen of Commissions while the Scientific and Technical Secret a ry circulates the· others. The work of the IIvV and the results obtained can thus be made known , after t ranslation wh ere necessary, by the member societies eit h er through the· medium of their own reviews or, if necessary and if they authorise it, through_ other technical periodicals in their countries. Apart from the reports of the Ch airmen of Commissions, the number of documents recommended for publication annually h as syst ematically increased. ' Vhile fo ur were recommended fo r publication in 1953, t wenty three were recom-· mended in 1957· The list of all these documents is given as an appendix and. consists of a t ot al of 63 documents. I n certain cases, t he same means of circulation is followed fo r large scale· enquiries on p articular matters, the collection of info rmati on a nd view3 on which_ is especially desirable. c) vVh ere necessary, miscellaneous mat eri al is sent t o the member societies– fo r p ublication , such as, for example, information regarding t he organisation of annual assembli es, p ropaganda for documents publish ed and sold under the– a uspices of the IIW, et c. d) Papers presented at public sessions . Offpri nt s of the original papers p resented by t he authors at the public sessions organised in conjunction with certain annual assemblies are circulat ed t o all t hose at tending these sessions. A la rge number of these papers are also · rei)rocluced, after t ranslation wh ere necessary, in t echni cal reviews of all kinds (1).

C. CONCLUSION. From what has been said above, it will be seen that t h e work of the IIvV is. d isseminated by two methods which are complementa ry t o one another. By one method, publi cation is entrust ed t o a given publisher, which may be one of the:

( r) Sec !'art III, Append ices III and I V.

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