EN 474-1 :2006+A3:2013 (E)
NS-EN 474-1:2006+A3:2013
The safety signs should be affixed to the machines when the machinery or its accessories present residual
risks for the operator and/or persons nearby.
7.2 Operation manual
7.2.1 IE) Information concerning airborne noise emission
deleted text
The operation manual shall contain information on sound power level from earth-moving machinery and
the emission sound pressure level at the operator's position(s) as follows:
A-weighted sound power level emitted by the machine (see, where the equivalent continuous A–
weighted emission sound pressure level at the operator's station(s) exceeds 80 dB;
NOTE 1 For earth-moving machinery covered by directive 2000/14/EC, this value is the guaranteed value indicated
on the marking of the machine.
NOTE 2 Guidance on the declaration of sound power level can be found in Position paper on guidelines for the
application of the European Parliament and Council Directive 2000/14/EC on the approximation of the laws of the
Member States relating to the noise emission in the environment by equipment for use outdoors.
the A-weighted emission sound pressure level at the operator's station(s) (see where this
exceeds 70 dB; where this level does not exceed 70 dB, this fact shall be indicated; the declaration of this
value shall have the format of a single number declaration as defined in EN ISO 4871:1996.
NOTE 3 EN ISO 4871:1996 provides a method to determine sound emission values to be declared and to verify the
declared values. The methodology is based on the use of the measured values and measurement uncertainties. The
latter are the uncertainty associated to the measurement procedure (which is determined by the grade of accuracy of
the measurement method used) and the production uncertainty (variation of sound emission from one machine to
another of the same type made by the same manufacturer).
NOTE 4 If the sound emission values are declared in the operation manual under consideration of the
recommendations above, the uncertainties of these values should be calculated in accordance with ISO 6395:2008
(Annex N) for the sound power level and in accordance with ISO 6396:2008 (Annex A) for the emission sound
pressure level.
7.2.2 Information concerning hand-arm and whole-body vibration emission
The operation manual shall contain information on hand-arm and whole-body vibration emission as
The vibration total value to which the hand-arm system is subjected, if it exceeds 2,5 m/s
Where this
value does not exceed 2,5 m/s
this shall be mentioned.
Experience has shown that the magnitude of hand-arm vibration on the steering wheel or control levers of
earth-moving machines with a (seated) ride-on operator is in general significantly below 2,5 m/s
In this
case it is sufficient to mention that the acceleration is below this limit. See also the machine specific parts
of EN 474.
The highest root mean square value of weighted acceleration to which the whole body is subjected, if it
exceeds 0,5 m/s
Where this value does not exceed 0, 5 m/s
this shall be mentioned. The particular
operating conditions of the machine relevant for the determination of this single value shall be indicated.
The values shall be either those actually measured for the machinery in question or those established on
the basis of measurements taken for technically comparable machinery which is representative of the
machinery to be produced.
The uncertainty of measurement.