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The African continent has struggled with political instability

and conflict in recent history. Such instability encourages crim-

inal activity including wildlife trafficking, poaching and other

environmental crimes (Bouché

et al.

2012; Chase and Beyers

et al.

2011; Griffin 2011). While there are few big conflicts in

Southern Africa today, civil unrest and sporadic fighting contin-

ues in the Congo Basin, including in the Democratic Republic

of Congo (DRC), the Central African Republic (CAR), as well

as in Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia and across many countries in

Central and West Africa. These conflicts have an impact on el-

ephant populations because of the potential profit to be made

on ivory sales to domestic and foreign buyers.

In the past decade, INTERPOL, the United Nations Office for

Drugs and Crime, and the United Nations Environment Pro-

gramme have all warned against the rise in organized transna-

tional environmental crime. More sophisticated ways of illegally

extracting resources as well as more advanced methods of laun-

dering both illegally extracted resources and the proceeds from the

illegal trade have been observed. Furthermore, the violence, mur-

der and corruption associated with criminal cartels undermine

both human and state security. Environmental crime is particu-

larly attractive to these groups when compared with other forms

of criminal activity because of its high profit margin coupled with

a low probability of being caught and convicted due to the fact that

transnational law-enforcement in this sector is virtually non-exist-

ent (UNODC 2011; UNEP-INTERPOL 2012).

Transnational organized environmental crime involves primar-

ily five key areas:

1. Illegal logging and deforestation;

2. Illegal fisheries;

3. Illegal mining and trade in minerals, including conflict


4. Illegal dumping and trade in hazardous and toxic waste; and

5. Illegal trade and poaching of wildlife and plants.

The illegal trade and poaching of wildlife and plants alone is esti-

mated to be worth USD 5–20 billion annually, and this money is

often used to help finance conflicts (Wyler and Sheik 2008; GFI

2011; OECD 2012). During the Nepalese civil war (1996–2006),

more than half of the rhinoceros population living in Bardia Na-

tional Park was killed by Maoists to finance the conflict (Martin



2009). During the independence conflicts that took place be-

tween 1960 and 1990 in the former Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe),

Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa and Angola both elephants

and rhinos were killed. In the 1970s and especially 1980s, the

military groups UNITA in Angola and RENAMO inMozambique

also faced accusations of killing elephants for their ivory.

Today, elephants are being killed in conflict zones across Central

and West Africa. Reports of killed elephants come from many

of the West African range States, as well as from Cameroon,

South Sudan, the DRC, and the CAR. Many reports suggest

declines of 50 to 90 per cent of some local elephant popula-

tions in CAR and the DRC alone (Beyers

et al.

2011; Bouché



2010; 2011; 2012).

Environmental crimes flourish in conflict zones for several rea-

sons. During a period of conflict, the normal rule of law is not en-

forced and environmental crime such as illegal logging, poach-

ing and mining becomes rampant. Indeed, the conflict in the

easternDRC, whichhas caused the loss of over possibly6million

people in two decades, has been driven primarily by the greed

and extraction of natural resources (UNEP-INTERPOL 2012).

Organized criminals and buyers actively request and pursue



The illegal trade and poaching of

wildlife and plants alone is worth

USD 5–20 billion annually, and

this money is often used to help

finance conflicts.

Figure 15:

Political conflicts, civil unrest and African elephant

range area.