October 2016
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smartsoft.com.auI have since left my position at CSU and have worked most
recently as a contractor providing facilitation and research
services to both health institutions and universities. My most
recent work has involved a large survey of the allied health
workforce in Victoria for the Department of Health and
Human Services and an examination of the factors facilitating
best practice around workforce change when implementing
new models of care in Queensland. In my “spare time” I help
my husband in our private physiotherapy practice, delivering
clinical pilates classes and washing towels.
Over the last 10 years, my research predominantly examined
the allied health workforce in both the UK and Australia.
I have published extensively in this field and I am excited
to be able to use the skills I acquired as an academic and
clinician to develop a professional credentialing framework
for Speech Pathology Australia.
Anna can be contacted at credentialing@
speechpathologyaustralia.org.auAnna Moran
Credentialing Framework Project Officer
Credentialing Framework Project Officer Anna Moran.
Speech Pathology
Australia has initiated the
project in response to
member and consumer