wiredInUSA - May 2012
wiredInUSA - May 2012
Troy Cable received a grant totaling
$26,068,284 in 2010 to assist in the $34
million Southeast Alabama SmartBand
Project to deploy a fiber optic Middle Mile
network across 595 miles in the region.
Troy Cable special projects director,
Jimmy Copeland, said more than 380
miles (over 60 percent) of the project is
complete. The Dothan Eagle reports that
officials expect the entire project to be
complete by the summer of 2013.
“Getting 500 miles of fiber run in rural
Alabama has been a significant
undertaking, but as time goes we
believe we can take what we’re building
and move beyond the initial project,”
Mr Copeland said.
“Power companies and cooperatives
have been extremely helpful to us and
understand the significance and need of
such a project in the rural setting we have
in southeast Alabama.”
Troy Cable’s
project nears