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definitively a liberal one and

based on a quiet but committed


Fisher had foreseen many of

the big social changes starting

to make themselves felt in

post-war Britain but even he

with his acute antennae had

only dimly seen how the new,

fast-changing teenage world

with its new mores and its

accompanying market would

profoundly affect independent

schools in the years ahead.

Bradley was sharply aware of

these developments and set

out to meet these approaching

changes with innovation and

sympathy. He was equipped

intellectually and emotionally to

meet ‘pupil power’ as the 1960s

liked, exaggeratedly, to describe

it. His leadership created a Sixth

Form centre and licensed bar,

a representative Upper School

Committee, a growth of ‘study

periods’ to promote more self-

driven learning and considerable

changes to the patterns of

compulsory Chapel attendance

to name but a few. He was full

of ideas for change within the

independent school structure

whose potential, he believed,

was great. Though not a natural

politician, or administrator,

he led the opposition to

the proposed spur road in

Summertown which would have

sliced the School’s fields in half. It

was a far–reaching achievement,

especially when one now views

the physical growth of the

School west of the Woodstock


He had much support in the

Common Room even if some,

including some of the pupils,

found his thoughtful soul-

searching a trifle overpowering.

He had a puckish sense of

humour but could also appear

over-earnest. He was the first

married Warden since Hudson

but sadly his private life was

upset and he became separated

from his wife. The pressures

of both family life with his two

children and the demands of the

job took their toll and, though

the Governors gave him full

support at the time of his

separation, they accepted his

resignation when he moved

on towards divorce. He left

to become an immensely

successful head in two North

American schools, Ridley

College, Ontario and The

Rivers School, Massachusetts.

His was a Wardenship of

great promise cut short and

some have described him as

‘the lost leader’.

at the Edinburgh Academy,

where his Rector was the Old

Fettesian Rob Watt, he then,

after National Service in the

Royal Artillery, went up to read

English at University College,

Oxford. Besides Shakespeare,

sport, throughout this time,

was a prominent part of his

life – in cricket he captained

the Scottish Schools XI and his

college side as well as playing

for the University Authentics. In

rugby, later joining Societies of

Referees, he captained his college

XV and played for the University

Greyhounds and Oxfordshire.

His first post in 1957 was as an

assistant master at St Edward’s

School, Oxford, a start for which

he was always grateful. After nine

years, he became Warden of

Brathay Hall in the Lake District,

a leadership training centre for

young adults, working closely

with industrial training boards and

involving the outdoor activities

he cherished. It might be said

that he never undervalued in

education what could not be

measured. A council member of

the Outward Bound Trust, he

was later chairman of governors

of Outward Bound Ullswater,

and of Loch Eil. Always one

to be fully involved, he held a

Mountain Leadership Certificate,

besides once being a temporary

instructor. Four years later, he

was appointed Assistant Director

of Education with the City of

Edinburgh Education Authority

where adult education, youth and

community service dominated

his involvement. He was also a

Fellow in the Educational Studies

Department of Edinburgh

University and chairman of the

Lothian Federation of Boys’

Clubs. His first headmastership

came in 1974 at Arnold School,

Blackpool, which became

independent during his time

there. This was followed five

years later by the headmastership

of Fettes College where he

succeeded Tony Chenevix-

Trench. During the nine years

that he was there, he oversaw

the introduction of full co-

education, a move both popular

and effective; he overhauled

academic policy, and secured

the resources to make possible

the regeneration then required,

thus providing a good basis

for the progress achieved by

his successors. At 55, he still

had the energy and courage to

accept another challenge, that

of the first principal of Prince

Willem-Alexander College in

the Netherlands, a sixth form

IB school. His final appointment

was as Principal of the British

International School in Cairo,

with a brief to develop the senior

school, in particular IB in the

Sixth Form. He was, throughout

his career, one to seek the

abandonment of outdated

approaches, which could

masquerade as tradition. He was

a member of the TA, the Royal

Artillery Council for Scotland and

the Admiralty Interview Board.

An officer with the Combined

Cadet Force and the Army

Cadet Force, he also served

at Frimley Park Cadet Training

Centre. A deep, personal faith

underpinned his life, providing,

as it did, the basis for the quiet

courage and determination

he had. He was a kind man,

self-deprecating about his own

achievements, and genuinely

concerned about others.

Ordained an elder of the Church

of Scotland in 1971, he held the

post of Session Clerk. Whilst

in Cairo, he had been Provost’s

Warden at All Saints Cathedral.

He was appointed MBE in 1986

for his work as Commandant of

the athletes’ village during the

XIII Commonwealth Games in

Edinburgh. Retirement brought

little cessation to his activities,

both international and local;

latterly, he made a valuable

contribution to the archive Pro

Patria Mori (The Edinburgh

Academy at War 1914 -1918).

He married Rosemary Ogg in

1958, who with her modesty and

charm, kindness and devotion

complemented Cameron


Cameron Cochrane


– On 18th

December 2015, Cameron

Cochrane (MCR 1957-1966).

The following obituary has

been taken in part from




Cameron Cochrane, who has

died aged 82, was a distinguished

schoolmaster who rose to be

warden of a leadership training

centre, an assistant director

of education, headmaster of

two independent schools and

principal of two international

colleges. His experience and

involvement in education

ranged from the HMC and its

committees, helping set up and

direct the preliminary training

course for new Heads, to

governing bodies of schools, the

Outward Bound Trust, the Duke

of Edinburgh’s award scheme

and adult education. He was

born in Edinburgh on 19 July,

1933, the son of Dr Alexander

and Jenny Cochrane. Educated