Sydney Reunion
by Ian Stuart (C, 1971-1976)
Sydney’s OSE gathering took place at the
Palisade Hotel in Sydney’s Rocks on Saturday
7th November. The Palisade has recently been
restored and serves a variety of interesting
beers - to the liking of the British palate and
a small but tasty food menu. We had a very
enjoyable evening reminiscing about our days
at Teddies. Clearly the memories of Teddies
are very positive. The school has changed
out of sight for those who attended as most
left the school over 30 years ago. We toasted
the school and once again Joe McPartlin who
appears to have had influence on most of
the attendees. We will be back again in 2016
on the first Saturday of November, venue to
be decided. We are considering a reunion in
Brisbane on a date to be decided. We look
forward to an increased attendance particularly
from the younger guys! Attendees included:
Elgan Potter
(F, 1976-1981) and his wife
Ian Stuart
(C, 1971-1976) and his wife
Mark Hopkinson
(G, 1969-1973)
and his wife Michelle,
Stephen Moir
(A, 1980-
Martin Lynch
(H, 1979-1983) and
(A, 1972-1976).
Rugby Reunion Dinner
On Friday 9th October, four of the 1975 1st XV
Rugby team converged on the School for dinner,
40 years since their winning performance. Those
in attendance were,
Ian Stuart
(C, 1971-1976),
(E, 1970-1975),
Robin Clifford
(C, 1971-1976), and
Chris Mackaness
1971-1976). The team returned their rugby ball
to be displayed in the Martyrs Pavilion.
2010 Leavers
We were delighted to invite
our 2010 Leavers back on
Friday 19th June to speak with
the Lower Sixth about their
activities since leaving School.
Much discussion was held about
the merits of taking a gap year,
the difficulties of choosing a
university and a subject, and
prioritising league table results
over available nightlife activities.
Apprenticeships and career
choices were also a hot topic
of the Q & A session in The
North Wall. After a gentle
grilling from the Lower Sixth,
everyone enjoyed dinner
together in the dining room,
before the Leavers headed to
the Common Room to catch
up with their former teachers.
Special Gaudy
Glorious sunshine greeted our 1975-1985 OSE for their Special Gaudy on Saturday
6th June, which began with drinks in the Warden’s Garden. Lunch in the Old Library
was followed by tea in the Martyrs Pavilion, whilst guests watched the School play
Winchester. We were delighted to welcome back Former Common Room of the era,
Linda Lyne, David Wippell, Chris Danziger, Christopher Lane and wife Glenda, David
Cundy and wife Wendy, Pam Williams, Former Secretary to the St Edward’s School
Society, Tricia Cook, and current Common Room John Gidney.
Mac’s Reunion
On Saturday 12th September, we
welcomed back old boys and old girls
to seeing their old boarding House, and
take pupil-led tours around the school
grounds. Mac’s became a girls house in
1997, and it was wonderful to see so
many generations of those who once
lived within its walls.
Rugby Reunion Dinner