Thermatool’s new generation of High Power HF tube and pipe welding systems
incorporates HAZControl™ Technology - designed to deliver precise heat input
control with independent control of weld power and frequency on each and every
mill run. High Power HF Welders from 800kW to 1,800kW now feature
HAZControl™ Technology, the key to precise weld heat input control.
The combination of selecting the precise power and frequency offers tube and pipe
manufacturers the flexibility to successfully produce the best weld on and tube or
pipe mill with virtually any material type.
For the most reliable return on your investment, turn to Thermatool.
Thermatool Corp. - U.S.A.
Tel: +1 (203) 468-4100
info@thermatool.com www.thermatool.comInductotherm Heating
& Welding Ltd - U.K.
Tel: +44 (0) 1256 335533
info@inductothermhw.co.uk www.inductotherm-hw.com