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Twelve samples were analyzed by thirteen independent laboratories over the course of a

year during two independent MLT collaborations. These laboratories were from

industry, contract research organizations and government institutions. Laboratories were

located in North America, Europe, and Asia.

The initial MLT collaborative results were presented to the AOAC ERP in July of 2014.

This collaboration was conducted using six of the twelve original SPIFAN test materials

in which ten laboratories participated. Upon review of the results by the ERP, the Panel

asked for additional information. As the NIST 1849a was not completely blind and the

reproducibility of three of the six test materials, the Indian vitamin D


infant formula

powder, and the partially hydrolyzed milk based infant formula powder and the milk

protein based adult nutritional powder, did not meet the Standard Method Performance

Requirements (SMPR) guidelines, AOAC 2011.004. It was recommended that the MLT

be conducted again using the new SPIFAN test materials, where applicable, and to re-

analyze the test materials that did not meet the SMPR guidelines.

The second MLT collaboration was conducted using five of the new SPIFAN test

materials and five of the original SPIFAN test materials. The new SPIFAN test materials

used in this collaborative were the partially hydrolyzed milk based infant formula

powder, the milk based infant formula powder, the soy based infant formula powder, the

high protein adult nutritional RTF and the high fat adult nutritional RTF. The results of

the second MLT collaboration were presented to the ERP in March of 2015. Upon

review of the results by the ERP, the Panel recommended some additional actions. It was

recommended by the reviewers of the final report that the data for Laboratory A be added

to the data tables and that the method platform be clarified to only state the use of

UHPLC-MS/MS. Initially, Laboratory A’s results were removed as their results for the

SRM NIST 1849a were well below the established range and therefore their data was

suspected to be biased low. However, this was not sufficient justification to reject the

data and therefore the data was not removed and is presented in this report. It was also

recommended that the data from the initial MLT collaboration for the partially

hydrolyzed soy based infant formula and the milk based RTF infant formula not be

included in the final report as it was confusing to determine what data was generated and


For this third submission of the data, several changes have been made to the final report.

As all laboratories utilized UHPLC instrumentation, the use of the HPLC platform for

low level vitamin D


samples was removed from the method. Laboratory A’s results

were added to the data tables and used in all statistical calculations. Data from two test

materials from the initial MLT collaboration were included in this report at the request of

the ERP (Tables 1.3 and 1.4). These data are report on a sample basis – not reconstituted

in SPIFAN units. All data from the March 2015 MLT are reported in SPIFAN units.

All of the laboratories’ results are presented in Table 1.1 and Table 1.2. Table 1.5 and

Table 1.6 show the statistical evaluations for all the samples analyzed in the MLT study

from July 2014 and March 2015. The HorRat values for all results were excellent,

ranging from 0.27 – 0.52. The RSD


ranged from 2.55 – 13.5% and the RSD



from 8.89 – 16.2%. Of the twelve samples, results from eight of the samples met all of

the SMPR guidelines, while four samples fell slightly out of range. The adult nutritional

2011.11 VITAMIN D MLT-Sept 2015