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August 2017


City of Morgan Hill

Sewer System Master Plan


This section discusses the suggested expenditure budget for the capital improvement plan

horizon, and the recommended sequence of construction for capital improvement planning.


5-year Capital Improvement Costs and Phasing

The capital improvement program costs and phasing for the next five fiscal years are summarized


Table 8.3

, this plan includes the total costs for pipelines improvements, I&I improvement and

rehabilitation improvements to be constructed in the next five fiscal years (FY). The improvements

listed are also categorized by improvement classification, indicating whether the improvement is

intended to upgrade, expand, or replace the existing water distribution system infrastructure.


Suggested Expenditure Budget

The suggested expenditure budget is shown on

Table 8.4

, and includes the total costs for

pipelines and pump stations phased by 5-year fiscal period through the year 2035. Costs are

categorized through the General Plan horizon of 2035 for near-term, immediate term, and long-

term planning.


Sequence of Construction

Suggested expenditure budget phasing is intended to provide general guidance for implementing

the capital improvement projects listed in this master plan. The sequence of construction on



for the near-term and intermediate term improvements accounts for projects that City Staff has

identified as having immediate benefit. Additional improvements may be constructed as

developments occurs and the phasing and implementation of a sequence of construction is

subject to the approval of the City Engineer.